My Way To You 78 Hold Me Close

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*Warning fluff scene. Not traumatizing but not suitable for all readers.

*Warning, fluff.



The dark figure's hand stretched out and reached for Ariana. She closed her eyes and waited for it to be over. She had no fight left in here, she was done... at least that's what she wanted to person to think. The moment the person's guard was down she would punch them in the throat and run.

She held her breath waiting for the person to get closer when suddenly she felt a familiar sensation. Comfort, security, and longing. The hand had slipped behind her neck and gently coaxed her it a sitting position. He then lifted her up into a princess carry with ease. Her head laid against the crook of his neck and a familiar scent surrounded her. "Cayden.... sniff... Cayden..." She cried softly. "Shhh, everything will be alright. Don't let them hear you." He whispered gently. Ariana brought up her hand and covered her mouth, trying her best to m.u.f.fle her crying but she couldn't stop her tears from flowing over her hand and landing on his collar.

Cayden tightened his hold on Ariana and stealthily left the woods. After some time Ariana calmed down, she laid silently against Cayden until she could see the bathhouse. "Are they waiting for me?" She asked with a slightly hoa.r.s.e voice. "No... Xander escorted the girls back while my friends are helping me search for you." He said gently bringing relief to Ariana. "Do you want them to tend to you?" He asked but Ariana shook her head no. "I don't want anyone else to see me." She answered honestly and clutched her robe closed.

"I will send them a quick message and then you can get cleaned up, okay." He said but Ariana stayed silent. The bathhouse had already been emptied and the sign for self service was still up. "Don't worry no one is here at this time of night." Cayden said as he carried her towards the men's changing room while she stayed in complete silence.

Cayden sat her down on the wooden bench, he quickly pulled out the blue parchment and wrote a message. After it burst into a blue flame he quickly changed into a robe and slippers. He walked over to Ariana who was horribly pale and stretched out his hand. "Can you get up?" He asked softly. Ariana shook her head no. "I'm in so much pain." Cayden paled as his gaze dropped down to her waist.

He clenched the hand he held out and dropped it to his side. He gritted his teeth as he swallowed back the words he refused to utter, a vein popped out from his neck and his eyes were filled with bloodl.u.s.t. Ariana looked at him in confusion, she couldn't understand his anger and started to fiddle with her fingers. "My feet... hurt and legs are numb from running...." She said shyly and Cayden instantly relaxed. He quickly picked her up and walked out of the change room in silence.

They headed towards the men's bath and Ariana started to look around nervously. "Don't worry, no one will walk in." He said as he reached over to pull the women's curtain shut then the walked into the men's entry way and pulled the curtain closed. He then carried Ariana through the winding corridor and into the second change room. He walked straight into the showering area and sat her down on the plastic stool. "I'll be back... don't move." He instructed then left. Ariana sat perfectly still, waiting for him to come back. When he did, he was wearing a white towel around his waist.

Ariana blushed. Cayden's body had changed so much in the last couple of years, he was taller, broader and more tones but at the same time there were more scars. Her mind drifted off as she imagined Cayden training everyday to get so muscular. While Cayden started the shower, pumped some shampoo into his hand and brought the adjustable shower head rod to her hair. He started to wash her hair with his hand. Dirty, foliage and sweat was washed away, he looked down and saw dark patches of blood on her feet. He repositioned himself beside Ariana, he looked at her face and saw she was deep in thought. He stretched out a trembling hand and touched her feet.

Ariana moved her gaze to Cayden and sighed. "How bad is it?" She asked shocking him. He wasn't expecting her to talk. "Hold on, let me see first." He said as he coaxed her to raise her foot. He gnashed his teeth when he saw the amount of slices on and around her feet. "I... I ran as fast as I could." She admitted. Cayden had no words and just started to wash her wounded feet.

After he was done he gently placed the foot down and picked her back up. He walked over to a bamboo wall divider and headed towards the entrance of the bathing pool. Ariana looked around, their enchanted room was different. They were immersed in a bamboo forest. There was no romantic atmosphere like the twinkling of the stars in the women's but she felt a sense of safety. She was hidden, no one could touch her. It was just her and Cayden, isolated from everyone else. She let out a sigh as Cayden walked into the water. The floor was done with the same glowing stones as the women's so the room was well lit. Cayden gently placed Ariana on the ledge of the bathing pool and looked up into her face.

"Will you let me see?" He asked. Ariana started to tremble as she held her robe tightly closed. Cayden noticed her wrist, they were already starting to bruise. Cayden reached out and grabbed her arm. He brought her wrist to his lips and started to kissing it gently. Ariana was shocked. The warmth from each kiss he placed on her wrist made her body body burn with pleasure. He grabbed her other wrist and started to kiss it. She started to blush as she watched him place kisses along her bruised wrist. "Let me see." He softly said, coaxing her to voluntarily open her robe.

Ariana brought up her trembling hands up and slowly opened her robe. Cayden'e eyes grew wide with shock. He saw a glimpse of her fair skin in the woods but didn't dare to stare too long. He swallowed back saliva as he eyed her under the bright lights. Her skin was so white and beautiful, her body was perfectly formed so it could be appreciated by her lover, full breast, not too small of a waist, curvy hils but the image was ruined by the dark bruises on her right breast. He could see the finger prints left behind and it infuriated him.

Fueled by rage he grabbed Ariana's waist and brought her into the water. He looked down at her face and saw the fear in her eyes. He instantly calmed down and hugged her. "Did he do anything else to you?" He asked with a shaky voice. Ariana could feel her eyes starting to sting as she remembered. "He... he.. he touched me. H-h-he touched my chest, his h-h-hand was on my throat... sniff... he touched m-m-my face.... sniff... his thing was on my s-s-s-s-stomach.... sob... He s-s-squeezed so hard... he wanted me to scream! I only screamed once! Only once! I couldn't give in! Cayden he kissed me... he kissed me and forced my mouth open! His tongue was inside me! I can still feel his touch, his lips and his tongue! What do I do?! I don't know what to do!" She cried.

Cayden felt a horrible pain in his chest. Someone touched her, someone kissed her, someone made her feel scared and his blood boiled. He couldn't take it, he didn't want to hear more, he pulled her back and looked at her with desperation and sorrow. "Cayden... I still feel him." She whispered as tears rolled down her slightly flushed cheeks. Something inside Cayden snapped.

He couldn't think anymore, he didn't want to think anymore, he just wanted her. He urgently placed his lips over top of hers. Ariana's eyes grew wide with horror. "Cayden!" She called out when they parted but he had succ.u.mbed to a greater power. He repeatedly kissed her lips, poking his tongue in between her sealed lips. After some attempts, Ariana opened her mouth.

Cayden slowly moved his tongue inside her mouth as he moved his hand to the back of her head. "Cayden." She moaned. "Why are you..." She tried to ask but Cayden silenced her again. "Disinfecting." He murmured under his breath when he finished kissing her. Ariana collapsed onto his chest, they were both breathing erratically. Ariana eyes widened when she felt something poke her belly b.u.t.ton. She looked up at Cayden and he dropped his head to her breast. "Ahhh!" She moaned as he started to kiss and suck on her right breast. "C-CAY-CAYDEN!" She yelled as she hugged his head.

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Cayden let go of her right breast and stared at the left. "I will make you forget!" He shouted as he attacked her left breast. "Ahhhh!" She cried. When he was satisfied with her chest he started to leave a trail of kisses that lead up to her neck. "Cayden." Ariana said breathlessly as he started to suck on her neck. He slid his hand down her back and on to her b.u.t.tocks. He moaned as his hands barely covered one cheek. He started to ma.s.sage her making her moan even more. "Cayden, Cayden, Cayden!" She chanted until he sealed her lips again. His tongue invaded her mouth, this time he just wanted to taste her.

Ariana couldn't take it anymore and slid her hand down Cayden's chest and found his manhood. She gently wrapped her fingers around the shaft and started to stroke it. Cayden pulled away instantly. His face was beat read as he looked down. He saw her hand and cursed. "Ariana... I-I-I." He stuttered. Ariana let him go and closed the distance between them. She laid her head on the crook of his neck and opened her mouth. She placed her lips on his flesh and tried to remember what he did. She started to gently suck. Cayden, to her surprise started to tremble.

She released his neck and he let out a soft moan. She started to feel funny, she wanted to hear him moan again and repeated the process but a little further down. After five more times, he finally pulled her away. She looked at her face then body and instantly blushed. "We should get out." He said breathlessly and Ariana reluy nodded her head in agreement.

Cayden picked up Ariana and carried her back to the shower room. He placed her on the plastic stool and went to fetch a brush. He came back and started to brush her hair. When he was done, he looked at her hair, he couldn't help himself and grabbed a lock of it. He placed his lips over top of it and kissed it, ever so sweetly. His eyes grew wide, mid kiss, he knew he wasn't supposed to touch her, he was supposed to keep his distance and find her a good husband.

He cursed himself under his breath and quickly braided her hair. When he was done he noticed that she had fallen asleep while sitting. Cayden smiled and picked her up again. He looked at his hanging robe and decided to abandon it. He carried Ariana back to the men's change room and laid her down on the wooden bench. "Adonis." He called out softly and the orange jellyfish appeared. 'Yes master.' He said as he eyed Ariana. "Lead the other Lumas back to her. It's not safe for her to be so unprotected." Adonis wiggled his body in understanding and quickly left.

Cayden quickly changed, then threw his wet towel in the collection bin and walked over to Ariana. He gently picked her up, not caring that his clothes would get wet. He took her to the women's change room and placed her hand on the only locker with the red handle. It opened and he quickly change her out of her wet robe. When he was done he threw the wet robe in the collection bin and then picked her up again. Ariana giggled as she was lifted. Cayden looked down at her sleeping face and felt relief when he saw she was having a good dream. "I love you so much." She said with a smile on her face. Cayden froze, he started to panic and felt his mouth go dry.

"Are you dreaming about Owen?" He asked, dreading her response. Ariana snuggled against his body. "Eve loves Owen, I love you Cayden." She replied before she slipped into a deeper sleep. Cayden let out an uneven sigh as he raised her higher. He then walked towards the veranda. Adonis had returned with the other Lumas in tow. 'Is our Master alright?' Lorelei asked as the others eyed the two. "Yes, she's safe now." He said as he averted his gaze. 'Master are you alright?' Adonis' asked as he moved closer towards his face. "Why do you ask?" Cayden said as he refused to meet Adonis' eyes. 'You are so red.' Adonis replied.

The Lumas started to chuckle as the returned to Ariana's ears. Lorelei stayed behind and made a protective barrier. 'Sleep with her, protect her. She may have nightmares.' Lorelei said. Cayden tightened his grip on her when he thought about Ariana's dreams. "Ow." She moaned as she started to stir. Cayden quickly loosened his hold and gently placed a single kiss on her head. Ariana sighed and fell back to sleep. 'Do not worry, I will protect the both of you.' Lorelei said. Cayden sighed and carried Ariana to the seat swing. He placed her down and grabbed a blanket. He spread the blanket over the both of them and then put a protective arm around her.

He didn't realize how exhausted he was. He looked down at his chest and saw how peaceful Ariana slept. He started to close his eyes and unconsciously stroked her hair around her face. "I love you too.... more than you will ever know." He said before drifting off to sleep.

Rays of suns.h.i.+ne started to break up the dark sky. Cayden slightly opened his eyes. He felt something warm and soft within his arms and he looked. His eyes instantly shot open as he blushed. Ariana was sleeping soundly within his embrace. His heart started to thump loudly against his chest as he stared at her face. He started to panic when suddenly all of last night's memories flooded in. He let his instincts take over most of last night and what was worse was what was greeting him first thing that morning. He couldn't relieve himself last night and having her lay so defenseless within his arms was not helping.

He averted his gaze and tried to calm down but it was useless. He had to look at her some more, he brought back his gaze and stared at her face, committing it to memory. He subconsciously brought up his hand and gently touched her face. She was too soft! Too defenseless! He moved her just a little, if she woke up it would all be over but he wanted a better look, he needed a better look. He was now in full view of her pink, slightly plump lips, he couldn't help but think how inviting they looked. 'One last taste.' He thought as he lowered his own over hers. A warm sensation exploded through out his whole body. He moaned softly as they parted. He knew he couldn't covet her, he wasn't allowed too but her words echoed within his head. "I love you Cayden....."

He slowly brought her back against his chest and looked up. Regretting and cheris.h.i.+ng the memories he made. Ariana groaned slightly as she started to stir. He quickly dropped his head and started to pretend to be asleep. Ariana's eyes slowly opened, then closed, then opened again. The movement of her eyelashes brushed against Cayden's s.h.i.+rt. She slowly raised, wincing in pain. She felt warm, safe and something more. She looked up. She instantly blushed, last night's nightmare was overwhelmed by her memories with Cayden.

It was beyond her wildest dreams, she looked at his sleeping face and felt her heart thumping uncontrollably against her chest. She reached out and gently brushed his soft hair aside. She stared at his face and swallowed back saliva. She wasn't dreaming his desire for her. She felt something against her body and looked down. She blushed when she realized what it was. She brought her gaze back up and stared at his lips, they were beautifully shaped, not too thin but not too full either, just enough volume to make them irresistible. She moved slightly upwards and gently placed her lips over his.

Cayden barely contained himself. The sensation was ten times better then when he kissed her, so soft, so affectionate but their time was over. Ariana pulled her lips away and opened her eyes. She blushed when she saw that Cayden was watching her. "Good morning." She said shyly and his heart exploded. Her morning face was so beautiful, even though her hair was in a braid the hair around her face was slightly tossed and soft looking. Her fair skin glowed as her cheeks blushed with a touch of pink. Her sparkling eyes looked at him with so much affection with the accompany of the first morning. It was unbearable. He pulled her back and closed his eyes.

Ariana was confused, one second she was greeting Cayden the next he was pus.h.i.+ng her away. She tilted her head and very softly called out his name. He brought up his face, he looked like he was in absolute pain. "Cayden?" She called out with concern as she slowly stretched out her hand to touch his face. Cayden caught her hand mid air and held it at bay. "Sorry... we... I need to take you back to your dorm." He said with a hallow voice that it shocked her. "Okay..." She mumbled.

Lorelei brought down the barrier and floated into Ariana's arms. She peaked up at Cayden then looked at Ariana. She wanted to say something but decided not too. "Thank you Lorelei, please have a good rest." Ariana said as she stroked her head. Lorelei looked at Cayden one last time then turned back into a purple stud earring. "Let's go." He muttered as he started to walk away. Ariana quickly stepped beside him and they silently walked back.

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My Way To You 78 Hold Me Close summary

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