A Journey Through The Worlds 8 World's Children.

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"Here give him to me it's my turn" Leonard said to Dan that was holding Robin on his back.

Nodding his head Dan gave Robin to Leonard, as looked around him, and just as he did his eyes happened to meet Any's, Any's face was pale and her hands were shaking, Dan thought she was just tired but then he saw that the tips of her fingers were somehow black.

He hesitated a little but then moved close to her and asked:

"Do you have ability?"

His question seemed to surprise her but she still said:

"No I never showed any sign of having one"

"That's weird you show some of the signs of having awaken an ability recently" Dan said while frowning.

For some reason the only memories that were as clear as his normal ones ever since the beginning were the memories from the ability world, as they were clear since the first time all those memories appeared on his mind.

"That's impossible my brother said that if I had one it would have appeared long ago so the there's no chance that I have one" Any said with a powerful voice.

"Did anything weird happen to you recently or do you feel somehow weird in your body, all those can be signs that you have awaken an ability" Dan insisted.

Any hesitated and then said with uncertainty:

"Yeah my body feels somehow weird, and when my brother was holding me after the twelfth royal guard squad caught us I somehow drifted to a weird state where I wasn't able to control my body and my eyes kept on moving around before I lost consciousness"

"Did you have a weak body since childhood, and since you can remember there had always been a wave of heat moving on your body, it gets really strong and unbearable in the month of your birth" after muttering to himself for a while, Dan finally asked her.

"Yes how did you know" Any said in surprise.

She wasn't surprised about him saying that she had a weak body as that was apparent, but she was surprised because of what he said about the heat that moves in her body as she never told anyone except her brother about it, even her brother thinks that it had been cured on its own as she told him that in order to stop him from worrying about her.

As she was thinking about it she noticed that the heat had disappeared from her body, just as a surprised expression appeared on her face she heard Dan's voice saying:

"If I'm not mistaken then the heat had already disappeared from your body right"

Any showed an astonished expression as she looked at Dan.

"From you expression I think that that it is true" Dan said with a smile.

"Yes it is true, does this mean that I had awaken ability" Any soon calmed down and asked Dan.

"Yes, you see usually abilities are a part of you so they are going to be in your body since the day you are born, and as you grow they grow with you till one day they reach a point where they became powerful enough to become apparent, but there are another type of abilities, and if I'm not mistaken yours belong to this type" here Dan stopped and looked at Any, seeing her nod at him he added:

"The other type of abilities don't awake when they grow to some point but they will only activate under certain conditions, and before that they are going to just keep on growing inside of your body, and that will have a bad effect on it, from how you appear I think that if your ability hadn't awake in the next two years there's a high chance that you would have died, as its power would have tried leaving your body, but because your ability wouldn't have awaken yet, it wouldn't have been able you leave your body in the regular way and you would have... Exploded"

Any's face turned pale after hearing what Dan said, she never would have thought that she had no more than two years to live if not for her ability meeting its conditions to awake.

Calming herself she asked Dan with a calm expression, but she know that deep in her heart she was excited as for most of her life she wished for an ability for no other reason other than helping her brother, but she know that it was just a wish with no hope of it becoming true, so when she heard Dan say that she have an ability she felt excited and happy that she was finally going to became of help to her brother especially now that they are in an unknown dangerous place.

"So how do I use it, I can't really feel any different except the disappearance of the heat in my body"

"Well if it was a normal ability you would have been able to understand everything about it as soon as it awakened, but for abilities like yours the ability will only activate on its own and there's no way for you to activate it" Dan said that with an apologetic voice as even though she tried to hide it, he was able to see the excitement and expectations on her eyes.

And just as he expected Any became disappointed after hearing what he said but then she hurriedly hid it and said:

"So how do I know the conditions of my abilities activation"

"Well they are the same conditions that led to its awakening on the first place, so can you tell me what happened before you lost consciousness we might be able to know what it is by collecting the clues from what happened" thinking for a while Dan finally told her as that was what he was able to find from the memories in his head.

"It was when the Twelfth Royal Guard squad surrounded me and my brother, the situation was bad and I remember my brother hugging me after he was told that the fire G.o.d Ethan ordered the execution of both me and my brother, it was then that I lost control of my body, and my consciousness started wavering but I was still able to understand and see what was happening in front of me for a while before I lost consciousness, the last thing I remember is that my roaming eyes that were looking everywhere without my control stopped on a young man on the Twelfth Royal guard team, from what I heard he was the one stopping my brother from using his ability and after that everything turned black as I fainted"

At first Dan was listening normally searching for any clues, but as she finished her words his face froze in astonishment as he said with a tumbling voice:

"You... You... You are a world's child"

His loud voice and weird behavior made the other three look at him in surprise, Any on the other hand showed a confused expression as she didn't understand what he meant.

"A world's child what does that mean" Nero asked.

He had been listening to what the two were talking about since the beginning, but even he didn't know what Dan meant by a world's child as he had never heard about anything like that before.

"The world's children are rare ability holders ever since humanity started keeping records till the day I died in the ability world they appeared only three times" Dan returned to his senses and calmed himself down as he started explaining.

"Their ability belong to the second part of abilities they only get activated under certain condition, other abilities conditions are somehow easier to achieve than theirs as the other abilities require staying underwater for a while or being put under specific high or low temperature the only way for a world's child to awake his ability is for him or her to be under threat of absolute death and that's not the only condition they also need to be at least 18 years or higher, but because they usually die at the age of 20 or so because of their ability not awakening they only have a window of two years for their ability to awake making their abilities one of the rarest and most heaven defying"

"Wha... What's their ability" hearing how rare it is for the world's children to appear Nero couldn't help but ask, as he wanted to know what ability does this little weak girl have.

"Their ability is somehow weird and they can't control it as it only activate when they are under danger of death and its only effect is to find a way out for their survival, that's why they are called world's children, it is as if the world don't want them dead if they are under danger of death weird thing will happen, there is even a story about how one of the three of the world's children that appeared in history was once caught by a thief that wanted to kill him and take all what he had, in the end the thief got hit by a lightning, the weirdness in all of this is that the weather was sunny with no sign of clouds at all of course it's just a story and no one know if it's true or not but it at least shows what kind of an ability a world's child have"

When he finished talking every one of them looked at Any with weird expressions, they couldn't believe that a small weak girl like her would have such weird ability.

"Ho... How did you know that I have this ability" Any calmed herself and asked with a clearly unsteady expression.

"There are some clues, like how you lost control of your body as that happen when their ability activate under extreme conditions, it is the only ability that have such an effect, and I think that the young man she talked about wasn't able to keep using his ability and it stopped working for some unknown reason, that's another thing about it as the world children sometimes interfere with other people abilities making them stop waking or work in a weird way in order to live, and this can be an explanation about how you brothers ability took him to our world as that may be because of your ability's interference with his own activated it in a weird way taking him to our world"

"So my ability will let me survive and I can't control it"

"Yes that's how it, so you better not push yourself so much as awakening an ability can be quite hard on the body especially for someone with a weak body like yours" Dan said.

They stayed silent after that till they made it to the place where Nero felt those human appear from.

"Are you sure they appeared from here" Leonard asked as he looked at the destroyed buildings around him.

"Don't worry I'm quite sure that they appeared here, and for them to appear in a one kilometer reduce of me without noticing them means that they came from underground so should we search for the entrance and enter or should we wait for them to return here" Nero said.

Using his sensitive nose Nero can feel anything in a reduce of five kilometers, so them appearing so suddenly a one kilometer away from him can only mean a few other thing and in that case the most possible is that they came from underground.

"We won't search for the entrance as we don't know if they have other people underground and if they are going to shoot us as soon as we enter thinking of us as some suspicious party, I think that we better find a good place to hide here for a while and wait for them to return" Dan answered after he thought about it for a while, and then after they found a good place to hide he added:

"Nero where are they right now, are they staying still or are they moving"

"They are staying still next to a body of water I don't know if it is a river or a lack or something, there's a high chance that they are fis.h.i.+ng"

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A Journey Through The Worlds 8 World's Children. summary

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