A Journey Through The Worlds 9 Randy.

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"Sigh I think that one of the biggest problems that we all face here is the problem of food and water" Dan sighed as he thought about the problems that they will face in this weird place.

"Something big is coming its speed is slower than the earlier dragon and its size is smaller and it has a metallic smell no wait a dragon is following it s.h.i.+t they are coming this way" just as Dan started getting lost in his thoughts Nero's shout made his blood run cold.

All the others looked at Nero waiting from him to tell them about what else happened but then an explosion happened the north of the place where they were.


Randy an ace pilot of the Big Four Alliance military force, one of the world's best and youngest pilots felt as if that day was the worst in his life.

It started with him being told that he will be sent to do a scouting mission, which was way under him as it usually was given to some normal soldiers that are specialized in it, what's worst he had to do it in a 1MWS which is a small wars.h.i.+p with no real advantage expect it's speed, as every other thing about it was just average.

But he still accepted it as it was an order and he was a soldier, the only thing that made him somehow happy was the thought that he will be one of the first that were going to see a new world with their own eyes.

Before they were told about the mission, he and another ten other people were taken to a secret base where they were told about what happened to the world and what their mission were.

He still remember the unbelievable things that his caption told them he, the earth becoming 25 times bigger means that there are another 24 other worlds out there that no one from his world saw.

That thought made him excited, so he and the other got on their 1MWS and left to one the further worlds from their own, that actually was the reason why the 1MWS was chosen as its speed was the best choice to do this kind of mission.

Their mission was to explore the area 10 a new area and make contact with its inhabitants, the new planet was separated by the Big Four Alliance to areas making them 25 on total.

At first their team flow together but as they made it to the border of the new area they separated and every two of them left together.

But who would have thought that in less than half an hour they lost contact with one pair, they last thing they heard of them was a few mixed messages, from those messages what the they understood was that they met something which finished them in a short while.

After that the other four pairs moved more carefully, but still another two pairs disappeared and from the last messages that they sent they were able to know that they were against a flying animal.

This left the last two pairs terrified and they flow hurriedly to meet each other, but who would have known that the other pair would meet the fate as the others as they were trying to reunite, leaving one word that made Randy curse.

"It's a dragon" when Randy heard that he almost shouted 'what the f***k' out loud.

After that he asked from his partner to get closer to him and to use his fastest speed to move as they were in a dangerous situation.

They flow like that for a few minutes before their sensors detected something big in front of them, seeing that he asked from his partner to turn his 1MWS off and stop on the ground as that thing seemed far away and didn't show any signs that it had noticed them but who would have thought that instead of doing that his partner would loss controlled of his hand from shock and shoot a missile at that thing.

What else would Randy do, he turned his 1MWS around and fled, his partner was right behind him.

Just as Randy expected the missile didn't do any real damage to the unknown body, but it turned its attention toward them.

The things speed was unbelievable and its flexibility was astonis.h.i.+ng no matter how many misses they released at it except the first one known of them hit it.

It soon caught up to his partner and finished him with one fire breathe, it was then that Randy accepted the thing that was chasing him to be a dragon.

Anyway that's how he found himself in this situation, being chased by a mythical creature in the middle of a ruined world.

With no time to cry about his bad luck Randy looked at the screen in front of him and saw that the dragon wad getting closer to him, calming his mind he showed a serious expression as he waited for the dragon to get in a range of 25 meters of him, as he saw that it was in a range of 20 meters from his partner before shooting its breath.

When it finally made it there he got his 1MWS closer to the ground and turned it side way, so the c.o.c.kpit was sideway while he was flying straight ahead.

After that he saw from the camera on the back that the dragon was going to open its mouth so he released a missile toward it, and just as he expected the flame and the missile met each other and resulted in a big explosion, in that valuable second he ejected the c.o.c.kpit throwing in inside a building while the 1MWS kept on flying on its own for a while before the dragon released another breath of flame and destroyed it.

After that the dragon roamed around that place for a while before releasing a proud roar and flying away.

Randy finally left the c.o.c.kpit after he was sure that the dragon was gone, he took a small device from the c.o.c.kpit but then he saw that it wasn't working, throwing it to the ground he took some emergency food that every solder and s.h.i.+p should have and a plasma gun with infinity ammo but small damage, he decided to leave and search for people.

The small device that didn't work was something that releases a single if a search party came to find him they would have followed the single to find his exact location, but unfortunately it was damaged and didn't work so he could only depend on himself and search for a place to hide.

He moved to the south as he saw a building that seemed somehow intact; the building was two hundred meters away which wasn't far for Randy.

He stealthy moved toward it releasing a big breath when he made it there, he set down and started planning his next course of action, as he knew that the food in the emergency supplies bag was only enough for a couple of weeks if he half-starved himself.

Half an hour later as he was lying down for rest he heard faint footsteps coming his way.

He was alarms and held his plasma gun waiting from them to get closer.

But to his surprise he heard the voice of a young man saying:

"To the one inside can you please come out we just want to talk, we saw your 1MWS fall down so we wanted to come and see if you need any help"


As soon as the 1MWS was shoot down by the dragon:

Six hundred meters away from where Leonard and the others were:

A group of four middle aged men were standing by the river they were covered by dragon dropping from head to toe.

Around them and in their hand were some fis.h.i.+ng materials, they were somehow crude and it was apparent that they were self-made.

There were also a few bags full of fish and some plants.

At that time they were talking to each other with worried looks on their faces:

"Hi boss should we return to the base, I think that we have enough with us, one eyed dragon won't say anything if we return now, besides there's a dragon close by it will be better if we return, by living another day we can get him more things I think that he should understand that" one of them, a cowardly looking man said this with a pale face.

The others also nodded their heads while saying similar words.

The one they called boss a close to two meters long big man with many scares on his body thought about what they said for a while before nodding:

"What you said is true, let's try our luck for one last time before leaving this way the dragon would have been long gone and who knows he might even get ourselves a big catch"

Hearing what he said the others smiled and returned to what they were doing vigorously.

Soon after they finished what they were doing and started cautiously making their way toward their base.

Area 06 'our earth': USA:

The president of the USA Calvin Brown was setting while looking at the screens in the huge room, each screen hade a flag under it, those screens showed the world's leaders, the presidents and kings of each country of the world, even those that the USA have a bad relations.h.i.+p with were there, the reason why they were not there in person was because for some reason no flying device worked since the earthquake.

"I think that everyone here have a simple idea about what happened, but let me start from the beginning"

"Two days earlier an earthquake hit every corner of the world, and just as that happened every person in the world lost their consciousness and after waking up they found a bunch of foreign memories in their minds, this happened to every single person in our world from elderly people to little children every one experienced that"

"Those memories are of them living in other worlds with little differences from our own, after collecting some data we found that many memories are shared, precisely there are the memories of 20 worlds repeating, so each person in our world have memories about one of those 20 worlds" here Calvin stopped talking and looked at everyone in the room, and added:

"Anyway that's easy to understand and I think that each one of your countries had already done similar experiments so you probably already know about this, so I won't add more to that and I'll talk about the real reason of me asking for the meeting, this picture was taken by a satellite orbiting our planet"

A big screen in the middle of the room showed the picture of one gigantic planet, the planet was the same as ours with water covering most of it, and there were several pieces of land in it, but that wasn't what surprised most of the people in the room what surprised them was that each piece of land was almost identical to our worlds continents they seemed like the map of our world when it is spread on an even surface.

"Sir Calvin is this a joke, what's this picture do you want us to believe that our planet became... Became... this?" a voice sounded from the people in the room after a while of silence, it was apparent that the owner was trying to act calm and hide his uncomfortable feeling but his words showed it clearly.

"I think that all of you know that I won't ask for a meeting just to tell a joke, this picture is genuine, it shows us that for some unknown reason our earth had become just a little part of this planet, after doing some calculations we found that the world had become 25 times bigger, not just our world but each celestial body in our universe had become 25 times bigger our sun the planets in our solar system everything, but fortunately the distances in the new universe also changed keeping the perfect distance for our survival"

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A Journey Through The Worlds 9 Randy. summary

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