Heaven Revolting Garuda Chapter 12

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Published at 29th of January 2019 08:24:01 PM Chapter 12

He had a shock when he arrived at that place because the setup made him remembered of the movie where wolverine got his adamantium bones ,he thought that will they do that to me and got scared ,he knows he doesn't have that kind of regeneration power so he'll die immediately no one will ever gake care of his sister so he ran to Black Cat and asked "what the h.e.l.l is going on ? explain me "

She laughed at him and said " you thought that we will put adamantium in your bones didn't you by looking at this set up ,hahaha hahaha " she laughed while holding her stomach .

Yes Jake expression is written all over his face

She said " Don't worry we will not inject the adamantium to you but we will inject that " she explained while showing aqua blue substance in the gla.s.s containers .

"What are they?" Jake asked

"They are the frozen fluid of Atlantis ,that's what we named it" said Black Cat

"What is the frozen fluid of Atlantis ?,explain me ,please don't lie to me ,I'm the one whose gonna experience it "said Jake .

Looking at his serious face she got serious and said " It's the most mysterious substance ,it helps evolve the cells when we add them to blood by diluting it thousand times but when we apply that to a human body they can't resist it due to its cold and their const.i.tution so we selected you ,a youth with no physical problems ,orphan in problems you are perfect to do it ,you have a motivation too don't you ,your sister if you want to watch her after she recover you have to pa.s.s this test . "

"And for further details we have mixed around 5ml of Frozen liquid of Altantis in every vial of that and gonna poke your body at 720 acupoints at the same time survive it then you can see your sister "said the Black Cat . @@
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Heaven Revolting Garuda Chapter 12 summary

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