The Annoying Author 10 Status Of This Author.

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Well, because my poor mind is not prepare for a dark story, i have decide to change from the genre of horror, to the romance, in from english to spanish.

For Light of Hope i am just in the creation of the characters, but the story is more or less, finish in my mind.

Marcus Hale is the most difficult novel for me to write, cause the idea and concept of Marcus Hale start like five, six or seven years ago. And I try to make the story interesting and mysterious, but is getting difficult to think in the progress in the novel.
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Survivors of the End is by much my most popular novel, it has a lot of errors, and unlike this novel where i don't use the translator, but really my knowledge of english, it has change in some of the words I use.

The most common error that i find, is that when the translator translate "Él" which mean He in spanish, in translate as She, in that has been my most well error.

Another thing is that Is difficult for me describe the characters, or to make the dialogue more natural, or describe the background, or simply, to write a good novel.

But I have suffer with Survivors of the End, is my third time redoing the novel in Inkstone, so...I wish that i don´t have to redoing again that novel.

Finally, Survivors of the End, Hate Myself, Marcus Hale & Light of Hope, this four novels of mine, I wish to finish writing, but actually i don't know if that can happen.

To end this chapter, this Author says: Jajaja, the most easy novel to write for me, is this masterpiece, that more than a novel, is more like a blog, but hey, I already have 4 novels, so i think this can be my Novel Blog, right?

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The Annoying Author 10 Status Of This Author. summary

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