The Annoying Author 9 33° Author In Get 50K Words.

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Jajaja, i just write in published the last chapter, next minute, i received a notification saying that I got a new badge, the badge red of author, which means that i have finally write more than 50,000 words...yuppi, is time to party....

Oh, but tomorrow i have school, don't have lots of friends or the money to make a good party, because i am broken, i am an adult, third uni in almost three years, doesn't work, just one month since getting to learn to drive, doesn't know how to swim, blah blah blah, and live in my parents house, you now, what a loser. TT

But hey, is an honor be the 33° original author to get this badge...i can sell it, right, right, i mean, right now there are only 33° of this ones...not...really...0 money for this thing...and was is the value of this effort and dedication being repay by this...really... i have to write two chapter of this dumb novel in the same day because of this....

But, hey, this author says: Thank you!!! For the badge!!! Is an honor being the 33° and waiting for my other fellow writers to get this honor, i should follow my senpais to go in the race for the #10 badge, because i am sure as h.e.l.l that the first badge of 100K is taking...

#2-#9 are going to get by the most dedicated writers...and well...i am happy as long I stay writing...
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Tell me in the comments if i should make a *******, for you now, to get some juicy money...or stay like this...poor and broken...people, i want the XBOX ONE and PLAYSTATION 4...because don't have money in bad record in school...3 years without playing in a console...

So...You decide for me...well, you should let me your advice and I decided for me.

See ya...this time i wish tomorrow...hope there is not other ya...TT, i am poor, but i thank my parents for let me leave in an house, get food, let me the third chance of school, and be supportive and tolerant with this dumb s.h.i.+t author who is a bad son...

See ya. Imagine a Smile Face Yellow.

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The Annoying Author 9 33° Author In Get 50K Words. summary

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