The Annoying Author 18 The Start.

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Until when I start to be delightful about writing something, since when I was reading Chinese, Korean, and j.a.panese novels.

My little friend call The Annoying Author has never told me that, I don't remember for real, but one think is sure, this is how it happen.

Once upon a time, a little and annoying kid, have a great imagination, when he watched something new, he imagine for weeks that he was the protagonist of the story, or he was a part of that. When he start writing, he write about himself, being abducted by s.p.a.cial pirates.

They put him to fight against other slaves, and he got a power of the wolf, when he could grow claws, and his howl destroyed his enemies.

In just like that, he implement parts of other series, like superheroes, aliens, G.o.ds, s.p.a.ce travel, time travel and many more.

That was the beginning, and he like the sensation of creating his own stories and fan fictions.

But how he got interested in Asian novels?

Well, all start with anime. When he was a kid, he grown up watching a lot of famous animes, but for a time, he didn't watch more, because the tv didn't show more, and his family prohibited some "violent" animes.

Four years later since he discover the wonderful thing call internet, he watched an anime again, then he got addicted to that.

One year later, he discover the manga, because one series he was watching, leave him with more hunger of knowing what happen. So he investigated, and found about manga.

Then, another year later, a new manga leave him the same way, and he look and look, until he find...the novel!!!

It was wonderful, he enjoy a lot reading novels, and since then, he read and read, and know, he is trying to write some, so this is how it all start...but how it will be finish?


Finally the other novel are getting new chapter, so go and enjoy, but don't say that I promoting, I'm just letting know that I'm back in the game baby.

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The Annoying Author 18 The Start. summary

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