Handsome CEO'S Bewitching Wife Chapter 252 - For Our Old Happy Days.

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"Zhou Mingyu, remember how when we were in cla.s.s seventh and you had lost your ring? You have thrown a big tantrum in the cla.s.s and have even beaten Xia Ning, accusing her of stealing your ring."

Xin Mei reminded her. Her cla.s.smates also nodded their heads when they remembered the same incident. It was one of the most popular incident regarding Zhou Mingyu.

"Mingyu, yesterday, by coincident I found this ring in the market. So, I brought one for you."

Xin Mei smiled and opened the box to display the imitate ring. She innocently offered the ring to Zhou Mingyu.

Their friends started to chuckle when they saw the imitated ring. That ring reminded them of how arrogant and stubborn Zhou Mingyu was. She used to pick fights with everyone and always used to climb on other's backs for her benefits.

If not for her getting famous, no one would have liked to be a friend with Zhou Mingyu. She was a rouge of the cla.s.sroom.

"Thank you for this MeiMei." Zhou Mingyu forced a smile and took the ring box. 

She was feeling very insulted but she did not let her real expressions appear on her face.

"Thanks for still remembering what I liked during the school days." Zhou Mingyu squeezed the ring box in her hand before giving it to a waiter to place it in the pile of her other gifts. She then turned and looked at Xin Mei, with a determination to embarra.s.s her.

"MeiMei, our friend here, Huo Xin was asking, from where did you purchase this costume earrings?"

The meaning behind her words was clear, Xin Mei was wearing fake earrings and fake jewelleries.

'Earlier she had insulted me, now I will insult her.' Zhou Mingyu thought with bitterness in her heart.

"I am sorry Huo Xin but you cannot find this piece anywhere around the world. This pair of earrings is unique and is worth millions." Xin Mei sadly smiled, but the meaning behind her words was clear, her jewellery was not fake but was real and worth millions.

"Oh my G.o.d, it's real, can I have a closer look at it?" Huo Xin squealed.


And with that, every friend of Zhou Mingyu started to look at the jewelleries and dress of Xin Mei. They also started to openly praise Xin Mei. Xin Mei smiled at every one of them.

She also picked up an old school day topic to pick up their interest. Friends of Zhou Mingyu were talking to Xin Mei as if it was her birthday party, Zhou Mingyu was left unattended in a corner.

 Zhou Mingyu clutched hard her fists when she looked at her friends. She was planning to get the attention of her friends but that attention was stolen by Xin Mei.

Xin Mei smirked when she saw the blackface of Zhou Mingyu. It was always Zhou Mingyu who had stolen all the attention at her birthday party and now it was her turn to steel the same attention!

"Xin Mei," one of the old cla.s.smates who had entered the party hall squealed and rushed toward Xin Mei. "happy birthday."

Everyone looked at the girl with wide eyes. She also looked around at the shocked faces of everyone.

"Why are you all looking at me like this?"

"w.a.n.g Yi, are you stupid? Don't you know this birthday party is of Zhou Mingyu, not Xin Mei?" one of her friends chuckled.

w.a.n.g Yi pocked out her tongue in embarra.s.sment. "It is not my mistake. You all are circling Xin Mei and she is looking the most beautiful girl tonight, so I thought it's her birthday." 

w.a.n.g Yi then walked towards Zhou Mingyu and gave her the gift.

The face of Zhou Mingyu turned blacker when she heard w.a.n.g Yi. It was not only w.a.n.g Yi but many of her cla.s.smates who arrived late wished Xin Mei a happy birthday. 

Everyone was eager to talk with Xin Mei, to know about her career in the film industry.

"Miss Xin, can we talk for a minute?"

Xin Mei excused herself from her friends when she heard a director. She walked behind the director who talked with her about his upcoming movie. He wanted Xin Mei to do the lead role in his movie.

Zhou Mingyu became more down when she saw how everyone was eager to talk with Xin Mei. She had called directors to get some contracts but she didn't think that Xin Mei would get the benefit of it.

For once, she was regretting that she had invited Xin Mei at her birthday party.

Xin Mei was looking beautiful tonight so every director wanted this beautiful actress in their movie. They did not care about how well she acted. They knew they could earn money on the basis of her beauty itself.

Not only directors but many business partners who were invited by Zhou Zichen also came to talk with Xin Mei. They wanted to use Xin Mei to get a chance to work with Xin corporation.

Everyone knew that Su corporation had taken Xin corporation under its umbrella. So, they all thought to get some benefit if they got to hold on the arm of Xin corporation.

Zhou Mingyu and Zhou Zichen both were burning with jealousy and anger when looking at Xin Mei who was taking away all their attention. Now Zhou Mingyu was regretting for inviting Xin Mei.

"Soon, I will take away this smile from your lips. You will not go unharmed from here tonight." Zhou Mingyu gritted her teeth.

The line of young men present at the party behind Xin Mei was no less. Everyone wanted to talk to her and get to know her. Many also wanted to dance with her.

"Xin Mei, can I have a dance with you?" Tang Min offered.

"Sorry, Tang Min but I am wearing heels tonight. I don't think I can dance." She politely denied him with an excuse.

Many other sons of businessperson or other actors also asked her for a dance but she denied all of them. Su Zixin also teasingly asked her for a dance, he was also denied.

"Xin Mei, why are you not dancing? You are good at dance. You should go and dance." Director Zhang nudged her toward the dance floor.

"I am in no mood to dance."

"What do you mean by no mood? If you want, this old man can become your partner."

"Director," Xin Mei chuckled and shook her head. Director Zhang also chuckled.

Soon Qian Fan also offered her for a dance.

"MeiMei, remember how we used to burn the dance floor with our dance. Let us repeat the history."

Xin Mei tilted her head and looked at him. "C'mon MeiMei. Please have a dance with me. I know you are angry with me but can you please give this dance to me? Please?" he pleaded. "For the sake of our old happy days?" 

"Ok, I will dance with you."

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Handsome CEO'S Bewitching Wife Chapter 252 - For Our Old Happy Days. summary

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