New Moonrise Over Naruto World 3 Summoning Beast!

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~Naruto Uzumaki POV~

"AHHH!!! D*MN IT JIJI WHY'D YOU HIT ME!?" I screamed. I don't get it! I only wanted to play a little prank on the old man! How'd he even find me? I hid myself so well, dattebayo!

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the old man's door. Jiji looked at me and pointed at the corner.

I just stood there complaining silently, but when I saw the jiji's serious face, I grumbled and went over to the corner to draw my circles.

Jiji finally told whoever was knocking to come in. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw a funny looking ninja with a mask and some crazy hair walk in. Standing next to him was a super pretty nee-san that seemed to have noticed me. The way she grinned at me was kinda creepy, for such a pretty person.

Suddenly, everything went dark. All I could hear was water dripping into a huge puddle on the floor from the pipes around me. It looked gloomy.

I walked forward and saw a cage with a piece of paper on it, with markings on the paper. Suddenly, a huge crimson eye opened behind the bars of the cage.

Scary!!! What is that?!?! Why is it here? And where am I?! I fell on my b.u.t.t in fear of the aura that eye was giving off. Then the huge creature grinned, showing off its row of razor sharp teeth. I s.h.i.+vered and slowly stood up.

"Hey! What are you?"

The giant fox-like creature started laughing and moved its face closer to me.

'So, this is how we meet, little brat,' the fox boomed with a loud voice. I shook a little, but I didn't fall over again.

I yelled, "What are you talking about? Where am I?! Who are you?!"

'I am the Kyuubi! We are currently inside your conciousness.'

I was confused. So he's the nine-tailed fox, and he's in my conciousness? Hmmm...

Kyuubi spoke again, 'You're really a knucklehead aren't ya? I'm sealed inside you.'

My eyes widened. Now everything made sense. Why the people in the village hated me... why they always called me demon child...

I clenched my fists. Suddenly, the Kyuubi reached out with a red ma.s.s of its chakra. Before I could react, it had already reached me. All the memories of the Kyuubi came flooding into my head.

Everything from the Sage of Six Paths being the father of the tailed beasts, to how Kyuubi was controlled by a masked guy with a Sharingan to attack the village. And finally, my parents. When I was back from his memories, I looked at the Kyuubi with determination.

"I'm gonna you out of that cage, and become the best Hokage so that n.o.body has to suffer like that anymore! You and your siblings will be free again! Dattebayo!!"

Kyuubi looked surprised. At first he watched me with a wary look in his eyes, but then he seemed to realize my sincerity. I grinned at him and gave a thumbs up.

'My name is Kurama, you brat. Remember it well. I just have one more thing to say. That girl in the old man Sarutobi's office? She is very powerful. Don't get on her bad side, and be careful of her. Even with me, you might not stand a chance. Understand, kid? She's the reason I pulled you in here so soon.'

I s.h.i.+vered. Is she that scary? Even Kurama thinks so...

I quickly nodded.

"I got it, Kurama! Thanks!"

'Yeah, now go on before they get suspicious. Next time I'll let you meet your old man, the Minato brat. He left some chakra behind for the purpose of meeting you. For now, just play it safe and act normal.'

Then the surroundings changed and I noticed that the circles I had been drawing ended up cutting a hole in the floor. It seems like they're not talking right now... good, now's my chance.

"Hey jiji! Your nose is bleeding, dattebayo!"

Hm? Come to think of it, why is it bleeding?

Then I turned to the nee-san with wide eyes.

"Pretty nee-san! Nee-san, what's your name?"

She smiled at me after a moment and said, "My name is Xin Yue, but I used to be called Luna Uzumaki."

Mmmm... that's a weird name. How did she p.r.o.nounce it again? Finally, I replied.

"Hmm... nice to meet you, s.h.i.+n Yui!"

She froze up. I frowned. Is she okay? Wait, nevermind that, why do I feel like I'm forgetting something... hmm....

AHH!!! That's it!!!

"! Wait a minute did you say UZUMAKI?!?!"

~POV end~


Ouch, my ears. Ah, but don't worry, I forgive you Naruto-kun, cause you're so freakin cute. Still, what a late reaction.

"Yes, I said I'm an Uzumaki, is there a problem?"

Naruto looked at me tearfully. He muttered to himself, "I'm not alone!"

Ahh~ I just wanna rush over and hug him! But I pretended not to know what the heck he was on about, since I don't technically 'know' his name yet.

Finally, Kakas.h.i.+ explained, "This kid is Naruto Uzumaki. He doesn't have any living relatives. It'd be good for him to get to know you. Just try not to get pulled into his pranks."

I nodded my head in 'understanding'.

"Hi, Naruto-kun! You already know my name. I'm XIN YUE. But just in case you can't p.r.o.nounce that, you can call me Luna!"

Naruto nodded happily and smiled. We said goodbye for now and Naruto left. Now it was just me, Kakas.h.i.+, and Sarutobi.

"Are you sure you want to adopt Luna as your sister, Kakas.h.i.+? You know it'll be a serious commitment, don't you?"

Kakas.h.i.+ eye-smiled and nodded. He seemed very determined to adopt me. Ahh, to heck with it. I don't care anymore. It would give me a place to stay, anyway.

Sarutobi looked to me and asked for my opinion, and I agreed. It's convenient, after all. Kakas.h.i.+ and I signed the adoption papers and I followed him back to his house.

"So nii-san, will I get to join the academy?"

If he's gonna be my adopted brother, I'm gonna milk it for all it's worth. Hence why I called him nii-san. He flinched and replied to me.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll train you in the basics so that you pa.s.s the entrance test. But we only have a week, got it? You need to learn fast. No pressure though."

He did that on purpose. Definitely on purpose. You tryin to give me pressure, nii-san? Fufufufu~ you're a hundred years too early, my brother. 20 years for my past life, 20 for my overpowered system, and 60 for my absolute knowledge of anime and otaku culture! Fufufu~

"Don't worry; I'm definitely a genius. I'll surpa.s.s you in no time, nii-san!"

Now then... how do I get chaos points?

'DING! Replying to my queen. You can earn CP by selling items to Sa.s.snugget, completing missions, learning new things, and/or killing enemies!'

Hmm, I can work with that.

'Any missions available?'

'DING! None, as my queen is unbelievably weak. Sa.s.snugget suggests selling, studying, or training.'

I facepalmed. Fine fine. I guess that's all I can do for now. We arrived at Kakas.h.i.+'s house, which is pretty big for one person. I guess it's because he's a Hatake. It wasn't as big as the Hyuuga or Uchiha clan's compounds though.

Come to think of it, the Uchiha ma.s.sacre hasn't happened yet, right? Sasuke's not in academy yet, so Itachi can probably still be saved, along with the rest of their clan. I might try to help, but it'll change the story too much if I actually manage to stop the ma.s.sacre from happening.

Or maybe, if I...

I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Kakas.h.i.+ stop in front of a room.

"This will be your room, Luna. The training will start tomorrow. It's getting kind of late today, so rest up. I'll take you out to get dinner later."

Then he turned and left. Aww~ what a tsundere. He was obviously blus.h.i.+ng again. Bad nii-san.

F*ck it, I need a mirror. Just how gorgeous am I???

I found the nearest mirror and ended up standing in front of it for at least an hour, staring at myself. Eh? No, I'm not a narcissist. D*mn though! Is that really me? Oh kami, am I blus.h.i.+ng?! At MYSELF?!

Mirrors are dangerous. I held out my hand and sold the entire mirror and the wall holding it up to Sa.s.snugget. Fortunately, Kakas.h.i.+ hadn't started changing clothes yet. Hmmm, but how to explain the disappearance of his wall...?

Oh did I not mention? Kakas.h.i.+'s room is right next to mine. Hehe, I must've conveniently forgotten. Oops~

Oh and Sa.s.snugget only gave me 1 CP for that mirror. Tch, stingy. Even if it was only an hour, I graced that mirror with my divine reflection didn't I? Again, not a narcissist.

We ended up eating dinner early due to that. I requested to eat at Ichiraku Ramen because it was the most-visited restaurant in the anime. Kakas.h.i.+ reluctantly agreed, but told me to keep junk food to once a week so that I eat healthy most of the time. Well, it's not like it'll harm me either, cause of my const.i.tution. Primordial Chaos is some crazy sh*t.

I ordered two bowls and both disappeared instantly. It was only after seconds, thirds, and fourths that I realized.

'DING! Primordial Chaos Body is self-sufficient. Who ever heard of energy needing energy?'

Ok fine. Honestly, it was Sa.s.snugget that told me. My body doesn't require food. Well, it still tastes good though.

For some reason, I thought Naruto-kun would be here to eat dinner, too. I guess he had something to do.

The rest of the evening was uneventful. After Kakas.h.i.+ fell asleep, I remembered that lottery ticket in my inventory. I guess I'll use it, since my body doesn't need sleep. It would be good if I slept anyway, to keep at least a little sanity for myself, but I don't actually need it. Meditation does the trick just as well, and in less time.

'Sa.s.snugget, use the lottery ticket.'

I don't believe in luck, so I didn't care too much about what the ticket would draw for me. Besides, no matter what it wouldn't be too weak, would it?

'DING! Using lottery ticket... drawing...'

'DING! Congratulations, my queen! You have drawn a summoning beast x1! Would my queen like to summon it now?'

'Not yet! Gotta sneak out first. Can you mask my presence from other ninjas?'

'DING! That is a pa.s.sive feature of the Primordial Chaos Body. Would my queen like to turn pa.s.sive skill on?'

'Yeah go ahead, I'm gonna need it. Open my status as well.'



•Name: Xin Yue / Female / Age 7

•Level: 2

•Const.i.tution: Primordial Chaos Body


•HP: 300/300

•CP: 1


•EXP: 0/2000


•STR: 25

•VIT: 2500

•DEX: 20

•AGI: 26

•INT: 3799


•Bloodlines: Pure Uzumaki

•Summons: Summoning beast (x1)

•Inventory: none

•Active Skills: Basic Fūinjutsu (Mastery: 1%)

•Pa.s.sive Skills: Presence Concealment (MAX)

•Special Abilities: Adamantine Chains


After double checking my presence concealment skill, I snuck out the window and jumped over to the next roof. Never done that before, but it's not too difficult. Even though I don't have chakra, instead I have chaos essence and decent enough stats. I guess I'd be on par with a low level Genin?

I quickly made it to the forest just outside of Konoha. I don't think it'll be a huge summon, but I hope it'll be powerful!

'Alright, Sa.s.snugget. Do your thing. Summon beast!'

A moment later, a puff of smoke appeared. Wait, isn't that puff of smoke getting a bit too big? What if someone notices?!

The smoke cleared, and slowly revealed the creature inside...

Hmm, that sounded poetic. Yep, I'll keep it in mind.

...What is this, a joke?! Why is my summoned beast a snowy white-furred, crimson-eyed, graceful AF version of Kurama??? Wait, that's not right. One, two, three, four...

D*mn it, this fox has twelve tails!

Let's hope n.o.body saw it. Yep, I'm gonna remain optimistic.

I took a deep breath and was about to speak. But the fox decided to start a telepathic conversation with me before I could open my mouth. How convenient~

'I, Akayuki, greet Queen Luna. I vow to stay by my queen's side for eternity and protect her.'

Heeeee~ seems like Sa.s.snugget already gave her the rundown on how to address me. But I was half joking about that, ya know? Not that I don't like it, though. Yosh, Queen Luna it is!

'Alright! Akayuki, is it? If you're gonna be by my side, can you at least shrink down to my side's size? I can't just walk around with a giant twelve-tailed fox trailing behind me...'

'Understood, my queen.'

Akayuki shrunk down to the size of a full-grown cat. Ah, but she still had all twelve tails. Actually, I rather like it. Kinda exotic. One tail would be boring... no offense Shukaku.

She agilely sprang up to my shoulder and curled around my neck. If anyone else saw her they might think she's a fox-shaped scarf. Good, now it'll be easier to blend in.

Meanwhile, ROOT Headquarters...

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New Moonrise Over Naruto World 3 Summoning Beast! summary

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