Lazy Immortal 9 Ch 9 Journey Begins

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The first day was uneventful as Lan Long ran for an entire day as he covered a distance of 10,000 kilometers. He stopped in a forest and lied on Little Kong's enlarged body. Xiao Kong was truly the epitome of all things fluffy. The hamster tried to resist but was bribed by a fruit. Lan Long rested for a night and continued for another week. This had frustrated Lan Long to the point where he had finally given in to the idea of riding Little Kong. Although, Little Kong had a lower cultivation, his beast physique granted him near unlimited stamina and speed. Little Kong was just as fast when running. This continued for another 3 days. As the fourth day began, Lan Long encountered a party of girls that were being robbed. Although, this was happening about 10 kilometers away, form his route Lan Long was able to sense them. He had felt violent Ki vibrations and immediately spread his soul sense, encountering the scene.

A sword light s.h.i.+ned as it cut through the wall of fire. The goons trying to rob the ladies were about 40 in number and each of them was at either mid Ki condensing or late Ki condensing realm. The leader was at Peak of Ki condensing realm. He was quite famous around this area as he had robbed countless cultivators and raped quite a few beauties. He had evaded many encounters with higher realm martial artists due to his speed and ability to hide his aura completely. The sword light earlier was sent by the strongest female of the group. Although she was only at late Ki condensing realm, she was combat abilities of peak Ki condensing. The ladies were eight in number and belonged to Fire School.

"Leave us be and we will not alert elders of our school." Another lady tried to calm the situation. The leader laughed fiercely as he twirled his sword at the group of ladies.

"Ladies please. None of you will leave this area. Why bother with empty threats. The only thing that can save you would be, if every one of you accompanied us brothers for a month. We promise to treat you all gently." The leader licked his lips as the said the last part. He was gazing l.u.s.tfully at the group of ladies.

"Sister let us fight to the death, we will not be tainted by these foul vermin." A girl said with determination as her eyes turned red.

"No, we will survive. Don't give up hope. We can beat these men and complete the mission." Another girl tried to raise the morale of the group. The robber snickered as they attacked at the same time. Their attacks were not strong at all, they were aimed to exhaust the Ki reserves of the girl. Although, the ladies were all strong they were only eight of them. They couldn't compete in a war of attrition. Their leader was already exhausted, as she had single handedly killed off 5 men. The other girls tried to get into a formation and break out of this encirclement.

The leader of bandits was looking at the group of exhausted girls with red eyes. He was determined that he would devour them one by one and pas them off to his brother to be played with till their death. The 2 men who died were his friends and they had started the gang together. Now, only he survived and he was going to slowly torture these girls to avenge his fallen brothers.

"Control your attacks, don't hurt them." The leader yelled. The girls now had a look of hopelessness in their eyes.

"Sister lest explode our cultivation and kill ourselves. I would rather die without od corpse than to be sullied by these dirty b.a.s.t.a.r.ds." A girl yelled as her eyes flickered with madness.

"Men, attack with restraint and cripple their dantians. Hurry a.s.sholes, they are about to kill themselves." All the goons began to gather their Ki as they prepared a decisive attack.

Girl screamed as they didn't even have time to gather their Ki, they could only defend against the oncoming barrage of attacks.

BOOM. . . BOOM. . . BOOM. . .

Three explosions were heard, the girls looked at the source to find three goons that were crushed under a 50-meter-tall beast. The beast then swiped his hand and ended another 10 lives. Within a second the 40-man bandit group was reduced to a 3-man group. All other were killed, some were crushed under the beast foot and others were turned to a b.l.o.o.d.y pool of entrails and bones by the beast's attack.

"f.u.c.k, where did this monster come from?" The leader yelled as he turned and sprang away. Before the leader could even land the beast had caught him in his hand. The other 2 goons were immediately killed with a sweep of other hand. The girls were extremely terrified, they had gotten out of one horrible situation to another. They felt rea.s.sured that at least, they would be killed with extreme prejudice under the beast's attack.

The beast opened his hand slightly exposing the leader dantian and crippled his cultivation. The leader tried to keep the Ki he had painfully cultivated inside his dantian but it was seeped away in mere moments. All his hard work, his 50 years of cultivation was gone in an instant. The leader yelled and screamed, he couldn't even kill himself. If a body cultivator had his dantian destroyed, he would still retain his strong body, this could not be said for Ki cultivators.

"Your fate will be decided by those girls." An extremely charming voice spread out. Th girl who were prepared to death fell to their knees as they cried and hugged each other. They were saved by a strong cultivator.

The beast then threw the leader in front of the girls and began to shrink to a 10-meter-tall hamster. The girls were surprised, they had never expected the beast to be a cute and fluffy hamster. It big eyes and soft fur looked extremely cute. The fear they had towards the beast had almost disappeared. On the beast, there was a man who was leisurely lying down on the beast's back with his face covered with a bamboo hat.

The girls look at the man in front of them. Their killing intent rose to the sky, this man had tried to sully them and drove them to the point of suicide. The despair they felt would accompany them for the rest of their lives.

The leader of the group looked at all the girls and decisively beheaded the man.

"Senior, we will remember this grace for the rest of our lives. If senior desires something, please do not hesitate to ask. As long as it is within our capability, we do it without frowning." The leader said with a deep bow.

"Okay then please gather all the valuable from the corpses and hand them to me." Lan Long instantly ordered. The girls were startled as they scurried to gather all the storage sacks and weapons off the dead bodies. The leader even had a storage ring. These rings had a separate s.p.a.ce inside them. The size of the s.p.a.ce depended on the quality of the ring.

The girls soon gathered and handed the items to Lan Long.

"Senior these are all the items we found." The girl respectfully presented everything to Lan Long.

Lan Long immediately grabbed the ring and sent his Ki into it. He discovered a huge pile of gold and silver along with some cultivation manuals and weapons. The s.p.a.ce was about 6 cubic meters and was only filled about a quarter of its capacity. Lan Long immediately waved his hand sucked the remaining pouches and weapons into the ring.

"What is your age?" Lan Long asked the girl. He was getting tired over all of them calling his a senior.

"Su Ming will turn 16 this year." Su Ming replied with a light blush.

"Don't call me a senior. I am younger than you." Lan Long hmphed and sat down on the hamster's back. He then pulled his bamboo hat into the ring revealing his face to the girls. The girls all gasped as they didn't expect the owner of such a powerful beast to be a boy younger than themselves. They all had admiring looks in their eyes.

"Where were you all headed?" Lan Long asked.

"We are headed to Green village for a mission?" Su Ming replied.

"Oh. I am headed there as well. Shall we journey together?" Lan Long Immediately proposed.

"We will be grateful to accompany brother . . ." She stopped with an inquisitive look on her face.

"Just call me La... Lazy" Lan Long said with a pause. His father had instructed him not to throw around his name.

"Brother Lazy, we would be grateful." Su Ming said with a weird look. She immediately realized that this was not the man's name. But did he have to had chosen such a weird alias.

"Ok, hop on we will stop at Salamander City on the way. The detour is not much and I heard that the city is extremely well off and beautiful." Lan Long suggested. The girl pondered a while and curtly nodded. "Hop on then." Lan Long said as he tapped Little Kong on the headed. With a squeak, he grew to 20 meters in length. The girls were baffled at the beast ability to grow with causing a disturbance in Ki. Soon the climbed up and gathered behind Lan Long's back. Some of the girls that were at the back were touching Little Kong's fur and sighing. The fur was really too soft. Little Kong looked like a small hill from afar. The hamster began to move at the same speed as before, the girls expected fast winds to hit them so they had all erected a Ki barrier around their bodies. Instead of a blast of air, they were greeted with the same gentle breeze when they hadn't moved. Soon, the girls dissolved their Ki barrier and relaxed. They realized that Lan Long was a good guy because if wished to harm them, they were no even qualified to resist. After a few minutes, Lan Long lied down again and put the bamboo hat on his face.

"Lady Ming, are you from the Ming clan?" Lan Long asked to break the silence. It had become too uncomfortable in a matter of minutes.

"I am indeed from Ming clan. The Fire School accepts everyone with a decent talent. There are even some members of Long Clan and many cultivators from ordinary origins." Su Ming explained as she had to do repeat the same explanation every time she introduced herself.

"Oh." Lan Long said as he began to cultivate. The girls at the back had lied down as well. The time pa.s.sed as they quietly traveled and soon the sun had set. Lan Long jumped off Little Kong and the girls soon followed. Little Kong immediately turned into the same palm sized hamster as always and landed in Lan Long's hand. The girls watched wide eyes as the huge Hamster was sitting comfortably in Lan Long's palm. Little Kong was sniffed the air and ran away. Lan Long on the on the hand had a few sheets in his hand as he made himself a neat looking bed. Girls also settled down nearby.

Soon, Little Kong returned with a handful of fruits which he threw beside Lan Long and returned to original sized before he began to chew on a berry. The girls were intently watching him eat as some of them giggled and awed at the spectacle. Lan also grabbed a fruit and took a bite, although the taste was good, it was nowhere near delicious as fruits from his mother's garden.

"You guys can have some as well." Lan Long said as he turned the other way. The youngest girl of the group, immediately came closer and tool a single small berry and brought it near Little Kong's mouth. He immediately opened his mount and swallowed the berry whole. The yelped lightly as she picked another berry and fed it to Little Kong. She finally gathered enough courage and petted him on his head. The hamster immediately let out a little squeak and jumped into the girls lap and continued to eat the berries. Soon other girls gathered around Little Kong and began to play with the hamster. This continued for about an hour before Lan Long coughed and ended their fun.

The sun rose and so did everyone. They group had mounted Little Kong again and continued their journey. The hamster would sometime stop at a tree and devour all it fruits before continuing again. The continued their journey peacefully as all the monster and bandits stayed clear of the hill sized beast moving at such a speed. Stopping them would spell nothing but trouble. Soon, a month had pa.s.sed along their journey.

As they got closer to the Salamander city, they encountered more cultivator's. Some cultivators completely ignored the group while some cultivators tried to stop them. All those that tried to stop Lan Long were either killed or robbed completely of their belongings.

Lan Long had grown warmer to the girls and they were very friendly with the group. They had all shared a few laughs and fruit wines with each other. They only about ten days away from Salamander city, suddenly skies turned a shade of purple and sounds of thunder were heard. The heavens were send a tribulation for someone or something. This only happened when a cultivator was undergoing the tribulation or when a treasure descended from the heavens.

"Looks like a treasure descended." Lan Long mused.
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"Brother Lazy, are you sure? If a treasure really descended this area would soon be littered with cultivators. We should leave immediately." Su Ming said with a frown.

"Little Kong head that way full speed." Lan Long said and the hamster changed his direction towards the location of the treasure. Su Ming only sighed as she sat back down. After an hour, they arrived at a crater which was almost ten kilometers in diameter and about 200 meters deep. Lan Long immediately jumped into the crater and came back within 5 minutes. Within his hand was a Dark blue staff. It was 3 meters tall and 8 centimeters in diameter. It was a High heaven treasure.

The treasures were usually cla.s.sified into 4 categories; Mortal, Earth, Heaven and Celestial grade. They were further cla.s.sified into Low, Mid, High and Top. The staff in Lan Long hand could even tempt a few Core Cultivators while everyone below would be thrown into a greedy fit. Lan Long himself didn't use any weapons as he preferred to fight bare handed. His father was a sword user while his mother was an archer. Little Kong looked the staff with wide and was jumped up and down. He wanted the staff, something about the staff felt right to Little Kong. Lan Long laughed and handed the hamster the staff. The staff was almost thirty times bigger than Little Kong. The hamster then sent his Ki into the staff and dropped a drop of blood on it. The staff grew smaller and it soon turned to the size of a tooth pick. Little Kong twirled the staff and played around with it. On the other hand, all the girls were shocked out of the minds. Lan Long had given such an amazing treasure to his beast. No one would be generous or foolish enough to do what Lan Long had just done.

"Little Kong enough playing around, we need to leave immediately." Lan Long said as he threw a Mid mortal staff into the crater. He had done this to avoid suspicion and to derail anyone that came later. The staff soon disappeared into Little Kong's body as he grew to a huge size. They left at full speed as soon as everyone got on. 

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Lazy Immortal 9 Ch 9 Journey Begins summary

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