Lazy Immortal 3 Ch 3 My Bod

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The worm hole lead Lan Long's soul to a distant realm. The s.p.a.ce surrounding Lan Long was full of energy and this made for a perfect source of energy for the implant. The explosion earlier had caused an anomaly in the implant which caused it to fuse with Lan Long's soul. The fusion was near perfect, it could not be differentiated from Lan Long's soul. The implant now had a near limitless amount of energy and had no nerves or a brain or a body to improve on. The AI decided that in order to fulfill its derivative Lan Long's consciousness needed to be improved. The energy in the surrounding was abundant enough for the AI on the implant to run enough experiments improver on itself and conduct even advance experiments. This lead the implant to gain a rudimentary form of conscience and awakened Lan Long's soul.

"What is happening? Where am I?" Lan Long asked himself. The question was valid as he had never been in such darkness before. He realized that he had no body. When he tried to imagine his body all he could think of was a perfect sphere. The sphere glowed with a warm glow. He looked inside this ball of consciousness only to find the implant firmly imbedded into it. He couldn't remove it no matter what he tried, although things that he tried couldn't be considered an effort but this was all he could imagine at the moment.

While drifting Lan Long tried to sleep but found himself incapable of it. The closest he got to sleep was when he cleared his mind of all thought and drifted along the darkness. This state was close to meditation but more ethereal and calming. Once he entered this state he felt a comfortable sensation wash over himself. He enjoyed in immensely and was always in this state whenever he felt like sleeping. He was left to his thoughts and slowly he learned how to arrange his memories and create a s.p.a.ce in his mind. This s.p.a.ce was solely designed for easier access to his ethereal state. Whenever possible Lan Long would go through his memories and ponder over how he spent his life. Other times he would try to revise his education, even correct some of his previous worlds misconceptions.

These actions always seemed to proceed normally from Lan Long's perspective but he was doing these things at inhuman speeds. The supercomputers in his previous world would seem like brick and stone in front of Lan Long's computational skills. All of this was still acceptable but Lan Long was still getting faster with each pa.s.sing moment. Lan Long, who had done literally everything he could to pa.s.s the time, was now all out of things that could be done. He had pondered over the meaning of life. He had speculated over all the possible elements. He had thought about s.p.a.ce, pondered over time. He had tried putting himself in shoes of other in order experience their life. He was bored enough to device experiments and equations, which lead him to derive the wave functions of the universe. Finally, at this moment he was absolutely out of things to do. He was experiencing boredom, an all-encompa.s.sing amount of it. With another he had reached the s.p.a.ce in his mind and relaxed his mind, he forgot himself and the pa.s.sage of time. He had chosen to remain permanently in this state of peace, either until something happened or till his end.

The realm in which the earth was located finally underwent its heat death, until the energies of s.p.a.ce and time collided again creating another big bang. A few years pa.s.sed as the semblance of order emerged and forged the asteroids. In another distance corner, gases had gathered and were compressed to a point of ignition, as such the first star had born. In another few years, Civilization emerged and started its advancement towards technology, wars were waged, until peace was ushered. These people were slightly different from humans as they were paler and had 6 appendages. This civilization set of to the s.p.a.ce, exploring new galaxies and encounter other species as the time of wars approached. But this war last far longer than the one on the first planet.

The cycle continued until all the advanced civilizations had run out of energy sources and eventually all sentient life was wiped out from existence. This era had bought forth bizarre living creatures which feed on all forms of matter. They slowly drifted in the s.p.a.ce eating everything in their paths until they meet their fellow brother and sisters. This reunion only caused further chaos and they devoured each other until only a single creature remained. This final life form grew as it ate everything in existence and finally reached the later stages of this life. It decayed into nothingness as the realm was again devoid of life.

The energies of s.p.a.ce and time rushed again bringing chaos and life into existence. The forces of peace and death reclaimed everything at the end. The cycle was perfect and never ending. It continued this remorseless cycle of life and death.

Lan Long was immersed in eternal meditation as the grand cycles were began and ended. As he drifted in the endless dark, a single ray of light shone through it. This immediately caught the attention of Lan Long. Upon inspecting the ray of light, Lan Long immediately deduced that he had been Drifting in the direction of this light source. Calming his mind, Lan Long immediately immersed himself in meditation. After all the destination was quite far away.

This time when Lan Long woke up, he was closer to the light source. He could only see a huge luminescent bubble. He was drifting further closer to it every moment. He had once tried to stop this moment but immediately realized the sheer impossibility of the task and gave up on it.

"Well, if its fortune I cannot deny it and if it's a calamity I cannot run away." This realization had always brought great peace of mind to Lan Long.

The bubble reacted immediately by send a thread of energy towards Lan Long. The energy didn't try to force him or direct him, it only served as a path. Lan Long peacefully drifted along the path. He had realized that the guiding energy was more of gesture than an actual path. His soul drifted along peacefully, and as he reached the bubble, a small part.i.tion was made as an entry for him. It all seemed grand and luxurious.

As soon as he stepped into the bubble, energies of all elements gathered, Fire, metal, wood, water, lightning, light, darkness, even s.p.a.ce and time were gathered on the side on his path. The energies were peaceful and their presence had bought great joy to Lan Long. He was seeing such a grand spectacle for the first time. At the end of his path were two beings, they didn't have any facial feature or order to their bodies. One was bright and warm while the other was dark and cold. They extended their appendages to part a curtail as Lan Long pa.s.sed through. His soul drifted for a long period of time before entering a blinding light.

Lan Long's was feeling pressure and pain throughout his body. Neither the pressure or the pain bothered him a tiny bit. He was excited after a long time, finally if he could end that monotonous boredom filed days, he would be happy.

"Sister Su, push a final time." An elderly voice sounded. 'Push? What who said that?' Lan Long was immediately confused. In his joy, he had not realized that he now possessed a body.

'What is going on? That lady yelled to 'push for a final time'. Am I supposed to push something?' Lan Long pondered before his mood turned sour and dull. 'f.u.c.k. I am experiencing birth. I have to live over again. Dammit.' Lan Long was p.i.s.sed.

'Fine. But this time I must amount to something.' Lan Long made his mind up and steeled himself. The thought had just pa.s.sed, he felt that the feeling of pressure had vanished. Instead he felt a hand under his head while another hand Cleaned his body.

Lan Long was unlike other babies, he didn't cry or bawl, instead he opened his to look at an elderly face. This woman was clearly the lady who was yelling earlier.

"Sister Chen, why isn't he crying?" Lan Long's mother cried in a low voice. She extended her arms and grabbed hold of Lan Long. The baby had large eyes and was looking at everything. His eyes landed on his mother of this life. The lady fad a round face, almond shaped eyes and fair skin. In his previous world, this was basically super model material.

'Did my previous mother hold me so gently after I was born?' Lan Long asked himself. He felt regret, he wasn't close with his previous mother at all. Lan Long felt tired as he drifted into sleep.

"So round and sweet." The elderly lady exclaimed as she touched Lan Long's cheek.

"Soo sweet and lazy. He didn't even cry. He looked around once and immediate slept." His mother held him closer to her face and kissed his forehead. "Lan Long." She said with a loving smile. Handed Lan Long to Sister Chen. She then wore her clothes and walked out only to find her husband break into a frown. He walked closer to her and hugged her gently. Tian Long's first child was about to make an entrance to the world. He had called his friends, the governor, the clan chief and all the members of his branch clan.
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"Where is the baby?" Tian Long asked. He didn't even dare ask, how the baby was. The entire ordeal was absolutely silent. No one had heard a baby's cry. The guest felt the atmosphere becoming tense and didn't utter a word.

"He is fine. He didn't even cry once and immediately went to sleep." Su Ren laughed as she flicked her husband's head. "I named him Lan Long"

"Lazy brat, how dare he worry his father?" Tian Long laughed as he saw Sister Chen bring out a neatly wrapped baby. She handed the baby to Tian Long and as he held his baby he immediately checked his vitals and relaxed. The baby had normal const.i.tution and good development potential. Although he didn't expect his son to be a star among the talents but he did expect his const.i.tution to be similar to his own. Tian Long was born a genius of cultivation and ruled the younger generation of his time. His son had a completely ordinary const.i.tution, this had him slightly disappointed.

"Hoh. This one seems quite average. Brother Tian pop another one or two out, at least one of those might have your talent. Hahaha" Bai Long laughed. He had expected his to have a still birth in order to ascend to the position of the clan chief in the future. The absolute mediocrity of his brother child had a.s.sured him that position now. He had a two-year-old son who was born with b.l.o.o.d.y meridians. This would provide the boy with great advantages in combat and increase his healing to an inhuman level.

"Brother Bai, if you could keep your wh.o.r.e mouth shout it would be a blessing all living creatures under heavens." Tian Long's cold voice echoed out. It carried with it and faint killing intent.

Bai Long's face twisted and he immediately left on the fly sword. As soon as Bai Long left the crowd gathered around Tian couple and gave blessings and their gifts. After the feast, the crowd bid their farewell and left.

"Brother Tian, our child really does have a mediocre talent. He may not even reach the Qi sea within his life time." Su Ren sighed as she leaned her head on Tian Long's shoulder.

"Doesn't matter. He was born my son. He will undoubtedly be extraordinary." Tian Long comforted his wife. The statement was also meant to comfort himself. Later that night, Su Ren readied herself to wean Lan Long but the baby kept rejecting her breast. This caused her to be depressed. Chen Xuan came with an idea that they could feed by milk from the jade horn cow.

The jade horn cow was a heavenly beast at the realm of Qi Sea. They were friend and the females would often accept other species to collect milk to feed their young. But this had to be done within their sight or the jade horn cow would go mad and go on a killing spree. The idea to take milk from the jade cow was brilliant and was immediately execute by the clan's men. Soon the cow was bought to their yard and was immediately milked. Under the watchful eye of the cow, the bowl of milk was soon bought to Lan Long's lips. Lan long greedily gulped down the milk and let out a satisfied burp. This caused an uproar of cheers to spread throughout the maids. Even, Lang Long's father was over joyed before he yelled 'lazy brat' a couple of times and left.

Everyone thought that Lan Long was a weird baby. He didn't cry or soil himself at random times. His face was extremely red as maids changed his clothes and bathed him. When Lan Long reached the age of 2, he chased all his maids away and attended all his need himself. Lang Long always had a pile of book around him in his time away from his needs.

Lan Lang realized that, in this world human were able to fly and live for extreme periods of time by engaging in Ki cultivation or Body cultivation. The humans at larger cultivations had earth shattering strength. A strong cultivator could lift and throw mountains around with ease. This had brought a great shock and desire but was soon over ruled. All the books he read had treated these strong cultivators like killing machines. These cultivators would kill a person if that person would even glance at them mistakenly. A few days ago, he had followed his father secretly, he had seen his father cleanly cut of the heads of 5 men like they were nothing. He was found out by his father and was taken to his room without any explanation. Lan Long realized that in this world, there were strong people and nothing else that mattered.

Lan Long had tried to bring up cultivators again and again but every time he was either sent away by his father or distracted by his mother. Having no other choice, Lan Long turned his attention to the geography and history of the land.

The Long Clan was around 3000 years old and was a part of the great Ren Empire. The Ren Empire was situated in place called west continent. The territory under Long clan was around 12 billion square kilometers and it occupied nothing but a hundredth of the total area of the Ren empire. These areas were could not be compared to earth.

Years pa.s.sed as Lan Long was either in his mind's s.p.a.ce or researching the new world around him.   

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Lazy Immortal 3 Ch 3 My Bod summary

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