Most Powerful Sect System 26 Tactics And Cowardice

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In all honesty, I don't expect them to show me that impressive of a fight, while this world has an impressive way of becoming strong. The future disciples in front of me are still quite weak.

Most of them currently must only have stats that are no higher than 2. And this is only if they are exceptional. They have never had the chance to cultivate using a manual so they are currently unable to control their mana at all.

What I am expecting from them, is that they are able to fight without holding back. If they hold back or are too scared to fight. While they may be able to change, I need instant results right now. A strong base for the sect must be constructed in a way that leaves no gaps.

If a 'gap' were to occur and in a fatal moment their cowardice is unable to be moved, and they make a mistake. The mistake could end up costing someone their life.

If they want to prove their worth as a strong fighter, they have to prove it inside the Rising Sun Arena. Although, it is small and unimpressive. I will automate the process of the examination later by a.s.signing elders.

I'll think about who can become an elder later if they reach above the 4th Tier. For now, let's see how they do.

I had asked everyone to grab a lot from the box, and now most of them were anxious and looking around; trying to take peeks at who they may be fighting.

Some of them actually knew each other and they didn't want to fight their friend.

"Number 1 Pair, make your way to the arena," I said while standing in a place where I could watch from.

The first pair were both Tier 1 talents.

One must also realize talent doesn't mean anything in this early stage where they have yet to unlock their potential.

Someone with a tier 6 Projected Level may lose to someone who has no Projected Level at all!

As I called their names they walked up to the arena and stood in opposite corners of each other.

It seems that they didn't know each other and were getting into a street fighting state of mind.

This kind of fight, however, would be much more intense. Their minds must be filled with tension, as this would determine if they would enter the sect, or not.

While some may be cowards, the second they step into the arena and are about to decide their future. Their mind immediately becomes clear. This kind of person is valuable.

After I waited to make sure both of them were ready, I shouted: "Begin!"

The one in the left corner of the arena had his brown hair fluttering as he rushed towards the opposite end.

The other one with a cool look on his face seemed to be trying to stay calm, as he watched him come towards him he put his hands up ready to respond.

Surprisingly it seemed that the brown-haired one jumped just before he reached him! He was trying to drop-kick him!!

This type of move; while destructive, would also leave one open to attack if he were to miss. If you were to miss and fall you would be finished in an instant.

The other man had a surprised look on his face and put his hands out in front of him to try and block, but his reaction was too slow.

He had been expecting a punch to come at him, but from a long distance; the drop-kick would only need a second to reach him.

He only got his hands up to block a small portion of the force, but he was still pushed back on the impact.

Since he was still in the corner of the arena, he was pushed back up against the fence of it.

The fence was made out of a durable metal that wouldn't give way to Tier 0 force.

When his body made contact with it and the force of the kick was still going, it crushed his body in-between the two.

It seems that the courageous brown-haired man took the risk, and it really paid off!

Even though they were common-folk they were still used to do doing manual labor every day. Their strength wasn't something to scoff at as a Low-Cla.s.s Tier 0.

The one who was crushed had a bald, and sweating head. His eyes closed as he fell to the ground on one knee.

It crushed his lungs and took the air out of him, but it didn't seriously injure him. But, it still hurt a h.e.l.l of a lot.

While he was trying to catch his breath the brown-haired man got up from where he fell after kicking him and punched him on his bald head and a large sound occurred…


The sound of the punch connecting with the bald head sounded almost like a slap to the face, he put quite a lot of force behind the punch and the bald-headed man was knocked out.

Just as he lost consciousness his body was transported out of the arena onto the gra.s.s outside.

He was still unconscious, but he only had a few bruises.

The rest of the candidates watching the fight were stunned at how quickly it ended.

It may have seemed to take a while, but in reality, it ended in only about 15 seconds!

Your life could be over in an instant if you were not cautious, but it could also end if you were not brave enough.

The realization dawned upon everyone and they began to rethink their strategies.

"What is your name?" I asked.

I didn't take names during the screening process, I was going to ask them if they won.

"Ha! My name is Haifen Yadry, Sect Leader!" He responded immediately while putting his hand to his chest.

"Good, you have won the first fight of the exam. I hope to see more of your brave tactics in the next one." I praised.

"Ha!" He shouted, and then stepped out of the arena.

The rest of these fights are going to be fun to watch! It seems that there are some brave and strong people here. They are ready to put everything on the line for their future.

Watching him go back down I said "Once you are finished, put your card back in the box. I will keep track of whether you win or lose. Also, tell this to the other man when he wakes up."

After having a moment to gather their thoughts after the match everyone shouted again with renewed fervor for their battle to come.

"Number 2 Pair, make your way to the arena." I once again said.

This time as if to spite the statistics, two girls walked up! They were both quite young and were two of the three girls in the entire group.

In the future, I was going to make the rule that only women can fight women if they were Tier 0. Because it is well known that men have more muscle ma.s.s. So it would be unfair.

However, once they pa.s.s Tier 0 the differences should be negligible.

As they got into the corners I could see both of them looked a bit relieved, they would be facing someone of the same gender so it wouldn't be embarra.s.sing. They could have a fair fight and not worry about anything.

The one in the left corner looked to be younger, with long blonde hair. The other looked to have her black her up in a bun. And seemed to be about 2 years older.

I waited for them to get ready and once I saw the fire in their eyes I shouted once again!


They both didn't move at all.

They simply stared at each other from opposite corners. It seemed as if they were eyeing any weaknesses like a lioness ready to pounce.

"Aren't you going to come? Have you gotten too old to run old lady? Ahaha!"

I was surprised the younger one actually said this. She was trying to intimidate the older lady?

Maybe if your opponent was mad they would be unable to think straight and make mistakes, however, this woman did nothing.

She kept her darkened eyes trained on her like a hawk.

The younger girl was actually scared by this and stepped back with her left foot.

Just as she did the older woman's eyes burned as she saw a chance, which seemed to ignite her feet into action!

She ran at an extremely fast speed and darted straight towards her as the young girl took a step back.

The young girl actually turned incredibly fearful! If a predator were stalking you, and you started to run; of course they would chase you!

The older girl running straight towards her seemed as if she was going to kill her!

The battle of mind has already been decided it seems…

I mumbled this as the older girl reached her prey.

The younger girl flailed her arms toward her to try and shoo her away as if she were a cat!

The older woman saw it and turned to the side and used her left arm and grabbed her long hair, she then twisted her arm more as she moved behind her.

It seemed like she was going to use her hair to force her to submit through pain, or force her onto the ground to beat her.

Having your hair down in a battle, or having long hair, in general, would allow the opponent to have something extra to grab onto! It was a huge disadvantage!

She continued to twist as she forced the girl down on her stomach and said as she pulled extremely hard on her hair:

"Do you concede?" In a calm voice

The young girl already started screaming as her hair was being pulled and tears were coming out of her eyes as she tried to get up. After a few seconds she yelled:

"I- I Concleeb!"

She couldn't talk with mucus in her throat and tears on her face.

After all this, it seemed a bit like an older sister bullying her younger sister!

"Move out of the arena." I pointed to the younger girl as she got up.
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 "What is your name?" I then asked the other.

"Violet Kadrick," She calmly said while saluting.

"Your keen eye is impressive. You have won this round. Return and put your lots back."

Watching them both return, I looked at the younger girl and confirmed that my worries from earlier came true;

Some of them were not brave, and would not be good fighters. They simply wanted the benefits that came with being in a sect. Until they become courageous and daring they will not be suitable to become a disciple.

This is the entire reason I created the combat segment. To root out the true fighters from the weak-hearted!

I hope the next ones that come will be able to show their true strengths in the fight for the future.

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Most Powerful Sect System 26 Tactics And Cowardice summary

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