Most Powerful Sect System 27 Start Of The End

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{Alternate View}

Watching the battles Alrun stood locked to the spot, surrounded by potential roadblocks in the road to becoming an outer disciple.

The fight that just finished seemed as if it would be even at first, but, the older girl named Violet completely took control from the start!

She had a clear mind at the start and kept an eye on the situation throughout as if she were not in any pressure at all.

I remember while watching the others in the screening and learned she was a Tier 2.

I've always been scared of fights since I was a kid, I never got into any violence except for a few arm-wrestling matches with Phorb. I hope my confidence will at least get a small bost when I get into the arena. I don't even have a shred of combat experience!

Compared to the guys around me, I was relatively small, I seemed like easy pickings for most of the larger guys that have worked in the fields since they could hold a tool in their hand.

Alrun: "Phorb do you think you can win both rounds?"

He asked while keeping his eyes locked to the ground.

Phorbes: "I can't say for certain, I am confident that I will be able to pa.s.s with a single win though. I don't know if my opponent will be a pushover."

Alrun: "What do you think about me Phorb? You know I haven't actually gotten in any fights…"

Phorbes looked over directly towards him and smacked him on the back.

Phorbes: "Why did you come then? Do you not think you will pa.s.s?"

He said it directly, and the slap of the giant shook me down to my core.

I can't let myself keep running away, I need to fight eventually.

I've always been told to stay out of the fields and let my parents handle the farmwork. I was told to study and get into a good school every day.

I could tell my parents were digging into the savings just to stay afloat. My dad even ate without us most days saying "I ate over at Mikail's place, I don't need dinner today. Go ahead and eat."

I knew he was bluffing when we didn't have enough money my father would take the hit so I could keep studying!

A son who can't realize that his family truly loves him... This is one of the worst mistakes you can make!

I will win for my family! I will win so that my father can eat as much as he wants every day!

Alrun: ". . ."

Phorbes watched Alrun after he asked him the question and he seemed to get bigger by the second. He was slouching while acting nervous but now…

It seemed as if he was ready to go to war!

Phorbes: "Heh, I guess I won't say anything else. I know you can win Al, just wait for me first after I get in first."

Alrun: "Hmph! I don't need you to tell me. Even if I go up against you, don't expect me to give you any face! I will not go easy on you."

He cracked his knuckles and looked towards the arena, his eyes set ablaze with his determination.

{Keleman View}

So far there are only a few fights left. It turned out there were only a few scaredy-cats. I hope the rest of these fights turn out to be good.

"Number 19 Pair, Make your way to the arena!"

They heard my shout and the Tier 4 from earlier came up with another larger boy.

They took to their own corners as they have seen the others do and began getting into the combat stance, both of them radiated fighting spirit!

"Hehe seems like these two won't be wimps either," I mumbled

"Begin!" I waved my robe while pointing at the arena.

They both took the initiative and sallied out full speed towards the center of the arena, both of them didn't want to waste time it seemed.

The larger boy spread his arms out and charged towards him, it seemed he wanted to wind up a big punch to hit him with…

Although it packed a lot of power, it would be quite easy to dodge.

Just as expected when they collided the red-haired boy ducked under his arm, he was about a head shorter than him already.

He also tried to kick at his legs to sweep him off his feet. But he was simply too large.

"Even if you can dodge that, you won't be able to survive against me. You should concede now!" The larger one said arrogantly.

"You shouldn't talk in the middle of a fight, Ha!" The red-haired boy after ducking and regaining his balance struck at his back!

It connected with a small sound, it didn't do much damage it seems.

It only irritated the larger boy as he spun around, and tried to grab him.

Before he could grab him, the red-haired boy actually struck him once again in the face! He was fast!

Before the larger boy could react he also once again struck him in the body, the big bully recoiled!

However, these strikes didn't do enough.

Enraged, the towering demon feinted with another large arm sweep, and pulled back to throw himself against him!

He fell to the ground with him below him and had him pinned down.

When someone so large and heavy compared to you, is on top of you, there isn't much you can do sadly…

If you had a special technique or hit them in the privates you might be able to shake them off, but the red-haired boy was in shock from the impact of having the air blown out of his lungs.

The big-boy smirked and raised his hands and pummeled him, full force, and with both hands in a hammer-strike.

Just as his meaty claws made contact with the gentle red-haired boys face the boy was teleported out.

It seemed it would have cracked his skull open if it had gone on any further, it's a shame he was up against this opponent.

The big demon was a C Body Talent, Tier 3 Level Projection. One of only two.

"What is your name?" I said with the same voice.

"Ray Domique!"

Strange name…

"Go stand with the others, you have won this round."

He saluted with one of the largest shouts I have heard yet.

It is a shame that the Tier 4 boy didn't make it, he should surely pa.s.s next time.

I once again started to issue the last fights, the 20th and the 21st were quite dull.

One of them was the B Body Talent, Tier 5 projected level. During his fight, he went close range for an all-out brawl.

His opponent is someone you could describe as a larger build but, his body was even bigger than the little demon's that fought the red-haired boy.

After learning his name was Phorbes Altwick, I took a closer look at him.

He had a short trim black hairstyle, with bulging well-defined muscles from his black gi. The slight opening on his chest revealed quite the amount of chest-hair also. His face looked like it had seen a few fights. With a bruise here, and a scar there.

He looked like the average street thug if you put them on steroids and protein powder.

After brawling with his opponent it didn't even last but a minute as his opponent was teleported out with a few lost teeth and blood on their face.
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 "The first round has concluded. Since you all have come this far; I will announce the rewards if you were to pa.s.s the combat exam."

When I finished the sentence, their bloodied clothes and faces grew bright and looked at me with determination.

When you shove rewards in someone's face they will become excited hehe.

"If you pa.s.s with the minimum amount of wins you will become an outer sect disciple. All members of the sect will have access to the Treasure Exchange Pavilion as well."

Taking a breath and changing positions a bit I continued "You will also have access to the Merit Job Billboard, you can request and accept jobs from here for the sect currency of Merit Points. You can exchange these for things from the Treasure Pavilion."

"And for those of you who get two wins, you will be given a day to study the Tier 0 Martial Skill Flaming Pinwheel in addition to becoming an outer disciple."

As I finished the small speech many of them started to get serious looks on their faces; with rewards in front of their mouth, they need only step forward and take a bite!

However, there would also be a face opposite of you who was trying to get the same delicious treat…

They would be able to look at the Martial skill for only a single day because there was only one copy. Still, the Martial Skills and Manuals would cost quite the amount of Merit Points.

I knew from looking at their faces I could wait no longer…

"We will now start the final part of the Rising Sun Entrance Examination!"

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Most Powerful Sect System 27 Start Of The End summary

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