Most Powerful Sect System 28 True Friendship

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Before the final battle, the candidates will have half an hour to rest, in order to regain their strength.

However, while I was thinking of this I recognized two flaws in the way this exam will turn out.

The first is that if you are seriously injured and for some reason can not move one or more of your body parts, you will be disadvantaged compared to an opponent who won.

One could say that this is simply the privilege of the strong to come out on top unscathed, but I would hope for a match between two healthy fighters.

The second is that the first pair will have a longer amount of time to rest. At this point the first part of the combat exam took around an hour; therefore they would have an extra hour of rest.

While this exam isn't perfect I will polish it down in the future and have a better means. I can even have a true talent testing machine possibly!

Learning some professions in-between my cultivation will help out the sect greatly if I achieve great success in some areas.

If I were to become a weapon master I could forge weapons for our most talented disciples that they would be able to buy with their merit points.

In a way, this will circulate the cash flow of points and turn them into my own MPS‌ Points.

I think after we are finished the one thing that the sect will need most in the profession hall is a Manacator. The Manacator profession is one that creates special items such as the Walk-Through door. By redirecting the flow of mana using drawn lines of man-made mana circuits it can be redirected to form a type of program that will turn the object transparent if the conditions were met; such as a key.

While thinking of professions the candidates were pulling lots back out of the box, after they were finished in the first round they returned them.

All I had to do was make sure the box was shaken up, and there was no tampering.

After a while everyone was firmly in their places, they seemed to have made small groups of friends during chatting. However, I saw some friends have to fight each other and surprisingly they still were friends!

To be able to fight your friend with your full power requires a deal of respect that is mutual between the two. It seems that I will have quite a good social community in the Rising Sun hehe.

"You have a half-hour break starting now, you are allowed to use any healing items if you have them. However, you are not allowed to use any type of forbidden power-up type item."

I said this as I started to keep track of the time, the hidden benefits of having an expanded mind and mind power; I thought with a grin.

{Alternate View: Phorbes}

The air was stale and only moved with the slight breathings of the crowd.

I hope that loss didn't hurt him too bad… I know he is a bit weak when it comes to a brawl but he should be able to win this time.

Alrun: "Hey Phorb… if I don't pa.s.s you have to become number 1 by the time I come alright? I don't want my rival to be some weakling, Hmph!"

While his voice sounded strong, his face looked weak and powerless as he looked in the opposite direction of the arena.

d.a.m.n it! Are you really going to give up Alrun, how could you say that! At least be a man and give it all you have before acting like your going to lose!

Phorbes: "If you don't come I won't be able to psyche myself up enough, I'll really give you a pummeling if you lose to some other weakling."

As we started talking, the group also started to sit around to heal. The wounds varied from bruises to broken teeth.

We both sat down near the gigantic wall and simply stared towards the arena. As well as the Sect Leader.

Phorbes: "I hope I can become as strong as him, he doesn't look that old and yet he already has such a grand place he can call home. Although, I'm sure he must have either trained his whole life or is someone from one of the big family-clans. Although, I've never really heard of his Richtof family."

Alrun: "Maybe he is just from somewhere else on the continent? Maybe he is even from a different one. There are too many people and the world is too large to make a guess."

While I tried changing the subject he still looked pitiful. The dark creases on his face only grew with time and although he was teleported out before he took any damage. He still looked as if a train had hit him.

As we pa.s.sed the time by chatting here and there, we were mostly taking in the scenery and thinking about the future.

{Keleman View}

"Number 1 Pair, Make your way to the arena!" I said it with more fervor than the first round.

As I watched the pairings go up and down to the arena, many of them have at least gotten one win.

I'd have to say now after this, about 7 people might fail.

Depending on how good their luck is they might win, but at least more than 5 should be going back home.

I called out the pairs and watched the Big-Demon Ray face one of the girls. There were 2 girls left and the one other than Violet was named Fatiha Rumola.

Fatiha was quite fast, but small. She packed quite a bit of power into that small frame of hers. I doubt she will be much of a match for the ogre though.

It finally reached near the end and I called out:

"Number 20 Pair, Make your way to the arena!"

{Alternate View: Alrun}

I was seriously freaking out now if I had to end up fighting Phorb. I don't know what I would do! It was a guaranteed loss!

If I were to lose I could only go back home…

It was already the 19th pair that went up and it seems that most people have pa.s.sed. I looked over at Phorb and he seemed calm.

Maybe he is confident or, maybe he knows that he won't get picked with me?

While sitting and leaning on the wall Phorb looked over and saw Alrun biting his nails and looking towards him with worry.

From how strong he looked earlier the difference in strength seemed quite large now.

As the fight of the 19th pair grew near to a finish, Alrun looked directly at Phorbes and stated:

Alrun: "If we really have to fight each other, you better not give me the win! If I see that you are holding back even a bit I will come back and beat you up! So don't you dare try and make me win. I don't want to win like this."

Phorbes looked seriously at his face for a while and after a few moments looked relieved. It seemed he still had his pride that he looked so dearly after, even after becoming so scared he still has his unbreakable heart.

Phorbes: "Hah!" He scoffed at him and continued "I wouldn't have it any other way. I doubt we will really face each other, there are still two more matches after this. Don't say such things before we actually fight."

It would be simple to find out if we were both fighting each other, but both of us dared not to look at each other's lots.

After saying this a sound reverberated throughout the area that sounded like flesh hitting metal. One of the fighters was knocked hard onto the ground and was teleported out.

As soon as they walked out I heard the familiar voice:

"Number 20 Pair, Make your way to the arena!"

{Keleman‌ View}

"Number 20 Pair, Make your way to the arena!"

I said this and watched as the two highest Projected Levels walked up.

Sh*t! How could I be so unlucky!
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 When they got up I could see the smaller one instantly grew horrified, although it was for a second, he regained his calm quickly and walked towards the arena.

d.a.m.n, if that small guy loses I might miss out on a good mage talent!

That big guy is his friend right? He better let him win or I will be eating his bones!

I watched them both walk resolutely and after what seemed like millennia they reached their corners and they locked eyes with each other.

Just when I was about to shout out the start of the battle the smaller boy yelled:

"You better not break your promise!"

He seemed extremely resolute as he said this.

Haha! I am saved, the big guy must have promised to let him win. I get to have both talents just as my handsome brain planned hehe.

The bigger one responded with:

"I won't, I'll make sure to pummel you to the ground!" He shouted.


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Most Powerful Sect System 28 True Friendship summary

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