Most Powerful Sect System 51 Smashing Balls

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At the edge of the wilderness, a large crowd had formed around the dirt mound, many gave it revering looks, however, many also looked disappointed.

After Keleman had entered no one else seemed to be able to enter the Inheritance Grounds, which meant it was a limited-time deal!

Many more people came and tried to step on the dirt mound and every one had failed. In the crowd, there were quite a few who wore the disciple uniforms of the Rising Sun sect, with a rising sun insignia where their heart was. With a pure white uniform, it showed they were Outer Disciples.

However, there existed a single red and gold accented uniform that was worn by a girl with emerald hair who looked around with a curious expression.

Inside the Inheritance, a handsome young man could be seen standing before a mancrystal about to take another step.

'The Trial of the Mind'

The second I heard the voice I rejoiced! Hehe, this would be too easy for this handsome wizard! Bring it on old man!

Stepping forward I felt my body being lifted up, and my vision turned hazy for a few moments before being finding myself in a new location!

It was a solid grey-brick room, quite small in area but it had an opening on its northern part which seemed to stretch on forever.

Gazing into the area it seemed that it dropped off downwards into nothingness…

After a bit of staring through the abyss, I saw a speck of light jolt up from below as if the abyss had been awakened by my gaze!


I stumbled back with a light yelp, it was the first time I had actually been a bit scared. If you saw complete black, and suddenly your vision saw a tiny red speck coming straight upwards towards you; you would be scared too!

Watching the red speck it turned into a red orb the closer it got and rested in the center of the large area, seemingly floating with nothing.

Followed by the red orb, countless others of varying colors floating upwards and formed into a giant spiral!

The spiral had the darkest orbs at the top and the lightest at the bottom, from white to black.

After marveling at out they would be able to make such a complex form and sort themselves out so neatly, they all dispersed!

Almost silently they exploded like a supernova and went into every direction except into the grey-bricked room.

d.a.m.n, are you trying to give me a scare? What am I supposed to do with these things?

After waiting a bit longer to see if anything else would happen, I realized it was showing me how to complete the puzzle!

I was supposed to re-order the orbs in the correct formation once again! Haha, how genius!

But, how? I might be able to fly but I wouldn't be able to make it across such a large area…

While I was thinking I felt a slight attraction force towards my consciousness. Something pulling towards the center of my mind trying to take my attention away from me.

I looked up and saw the orbs start to slightly vibrate and start moving around with a bit of force!

The speed was incredibly slow, however, they all were moving around in random directions and it was quite fascinating to watch!

Feeling the tug on my mind, I realized it was connected to the part of my mind where my mansense laid!


The realization struck me, and I quickly pulled out the mansense and started to shape it towards one of the closer orbs.

The second the tendril hit the atmosphere, I felt its powers amplified! d.a.m.n, with this I could reach around the world and back this is really something good!

Even if this may be an illusion, this must be how an immortal feels…

Stretching the mansense tendril out I probed one of the orbs and felt no response.

"Hehe, looks like I will have to be a bit more forceful…"

Stretching out once more, I grabbed it with force and it started to try and move against my control!

As if I had trapped it inside a bubble, it was trying to break the membrane of the bubble and break free!

Using the tendril I hurriedly tried to put it where the giant spiral was and put it in place…

However… It wasn't working!

d.a.m.n old man how am I supposed to complete the puzzle if the pieces are moving around everywhere?

After about 30 minutes of trying to probe many of the orbs, to see if one of them would stay still. Something happened…

They moved a bit faster! It wasn't much but, I could notice it!

I grabbed onto another and felt the force it was pus.h.i.+ng up against the bubble was even stronger! d.a.m.n, this is a time trial puzzle! If I don't finish it soon these things will be moving out of control!

Quickly formulating a plan in my head of what I haven't tried yet, I found one thing that stuck out…

What if I made two tendrils?
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 I looked inwards at my mansense and tried to break it apart into two, and felt a great pain a.s.sault my head!

d.a.m.n, you better break in half for this wizard or you will really be in trouble!

Ignoring the pain I continued, there had to be something I could do!

After a while, the pain subsided, and I looked at the now broken-in-two object.


I tried to move both tendrils at the same time and found it quite easy, imagine splitting an arm in half; except it kept all of the necessary functions to function as its own arm. The way to move it was by slightly manipulating the base into going where you wanted it to go.

It required a bit more control, but nothing this big-brain couldn't handle!

I reached out and grabbed two orbs and smashed them together with the rage of the pain I felt earlier!

Watching them smash together, the instant they collided like two small asteroids moving around in s.p.a.ce it made a small bang!

However, they didn't fracture or break apart… they stuck together!

{Radiant City}

"Did you hear about the Inheritance grounds? It's already been two days but no one has returned!"

A man on the street was sitting on a barrel while speaking to his friends.

"Idiot! Do you think those are so easy to conquer? I might not be an expert but it wouldn't be strange for it to take more than a few days! Besides, did you hear who the people were that managed to enter it?"

The man on the barrel replied:

"I only heard about it from my wife this morning, hehe, I really don't know that much. I only wish I could've got a chance…"

Hearing this the other man heartily laughed and looked at him straight in the eye.

"Your wife would be crying right now if you really entered with no cultivation to speak of, those who entered are extremely strong! One of the ten that got in was the head of the Radiant‌ Sect; Alaya Radiant! Even that new Sect leader that had been making a ruckus has gotten in!"

"I wanted my son to go join that new sect, I haven't gotten any talent left in me… It makes it feel as if it is a compet.i.tion between the Radiant Sect and the Rising Sun Sect haha! Although I know Alaya Radiant will most likely come out on top, it would be interesting if that new Sect Leader got the inheritance…"

{Keleman View}


I think this may be my limit, 80 tendrils are about all I can handle, if I were to split it anymore I might become an idiot.

The 'spiral' in front of me had not taken shape yet, I had only begun.

After counting a bit, it seemed there were more than a few thousand of these orbs that had exploded.

And while I was splitting my mansense, the orbs were now moving with the speed of a walking person! It may not seem like too much, but, these orbs were extremely dense and could punch a hole through my mansense if I wasn't careful!

I got control over my 80 arms and started to quickly smash the orbs together.

While smas.h.i.+ng them together, I could remember the picture in my head of when the spiral was complete. The way that each different color of them was aligned in the formation.

Hehe, this mage stuff is really coming in handy! I can remember such complex things so easily and maneuver 80 different appendages at one time in coordination!

Moving the desired orbs into their places, I started to make some progress into the puzzle. I was breathing very lightly with each light smacking sound of the b.a.l.l.s coming together.

I forgot because of all of the cultivating I have been doing but puzzles are good fun!

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Most Powerful Sect System 51 Smashing Balls summary

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