Most Powerful Sect System 52 Enduring

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I'm not sure how long it has been, all I know is that I was inside a sort of trance.

I felt like an otherworldly being that controlled innumerable arms, performing different tasks with each one.

As I drew closer to the end, I felt my mind begin to expand at a rapid rate…
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 This… This was training my mind to become stronger!

What a good test! Not only was it meant to test the mind's power, but it was also meant to cultivate the individual!

At this rate I might have to come to respect that old man, but if it actually makes me stronger… I would do anything to protect my precious disciples.

Taking on a more serious face, I put my entire CPU‌ of a brain to work. The tendrils moved as if they were part of an orchestra. Moving in tandem to create one large piece of art.

The orbs grew even faster, but it seemed like child's play at this point. Over time the tendrils of mansense have become so strong that unless it was. .h.i.t by an extremely strong force they won't break!

After a certain amount of time, I realized I had already put the last piece into place. I was dumbstruck by the notion I had completed it, as my mouth hung agape.

The feeling that was running through my body told me it wasn't fantasy as I hurriedly opened the bronze b.u.t.ton to check my status.

[Level 5.6]

[Strength 33]

[Dexterity 56]

[Vitality 35]

[Intelligence 66]

[Willpower 66]

[30 MPS‌ Points]

[0 SP]

[Features Locked]

. . .

I was extremely confused, why was my level only at 5.6 if I had stats in the 6.0's? I should be at least Tier 6.

Not even to mention the huge increase with just that amount of time I spent… wait, I don't even know how much time I spent doing it.

I didn't have the convenience of a watch on my wrist, so all I could do was a guess. I can safely say it was most likely more than 6 or so hours.

[Host, the system has determined that the host has been affected by a special training method.]

[Due to training in such a method, your stats have risen beyond the level cap. This is very much a good thing host, as your stats grow, the stats you gained from this training is permanent!]

Well… even if it is only a +10 boost in my mage stats, it must be very hard to cultivate further down the line so I am grateful for this.

However, would I be able to cultivate a Tier 6 Martial Skill while being considered Middle-Cla.s.s Tier 5?

[That is correct host, however, it will take a longer time to complete as your other stats are lacking in comparison.]

It might be worth it later on, but, for now, I'll just stick to my own Tier's Martial Skills.

I looked up from the ground and realized I was actually transported back into the cave! I then heard the old man's voice in my ear again:

'You have pa.s.sed the Second Trial, Grade: 12'

d.a.m.n my scores keep getting less and less…

Hmph! That old man better not let me catch him!

{Radiant City}

"Haha, you are all so weak without your little Sect Leader to protect you! Come lick this daddy's boots if you don't want to get beaten up!"

A group of fatties was outside of the Rising Sun Sect surrounding a group of disciples in white clothing.

"You… You better not make trouble! If you dare to hurt this disciple Discipline head will come out and teach you a lesson!"

Said one of the disciples.

"You think we are scared of a measly Discipline Head? Bullsh*t! He is nothing in front of us. He can only scram when he sees daddy."

The fatty that was the largest in the group of 5 said this in a loud proclamation.

"F*ck, who do you guys think you are, bullying around my Sect Brothers and Sisters like this? Do you have so much face that it's rolling down to your neck?"

Another, even louder proclamation, sounded out from behind the group. One of the fatties looked down at his thick neck and turned beet red.

"Discipline Head! Please save us!" Screamed a disciple who was laying on the ground in bruises.

Phorbes took a look at them and realized most of the disciples there were actually Tier 2. These guys must put up a decent fight then…

"Come and face this daddy then!"

The largest fatty was now barreling towards Phorbes, while Phorbes himself had a smirk on his face.


'The Trial of the Soul'

Alright old man, bring it on!

I felt myself being thrown into an illusion again, and was ready to face anything!

However… it only lasted a few seconds before completely shutting down as I felt myself back on the floor of the cave.

'You have pa.s.sed the Third Trial, Grade: 12'

d.a.m.n, you aren't trying to cheat this handsome wizard, are you? How am I supposed to get a good grade when your own illusion starts to fall apart!

I got up from the floor a bit dramatically while walking forward, I decided to put this 'Third Trial' to the back of my mind.

While I was walking I actually felt the room around me transform once more!

'Minimum requirement for Honor Legacy Disciple pa.s.sed.'

While the voice rang in my ears, I felt my feet touch something.

I looked around and realized this looked nearly the same as the void I was in when I was being transported!

Except… I have my body!

Looking down was extreme darkness, looking up was extreme darkness. All around me was nothing but black!

While I was frantically trying to figure out what was going on, I heard the voice again.

'Beginning Honor Legacy Disciple Test.'

As I heard the words, I noticed a slight change in tone. The old man's voice had a tint of care in it!

Looks like this old man has finally realized my good talent! It would be a waste to make me go through normal trials anymore!

In the corner of my vision, I saw a purple haze begin to form from the 'ground'

I quickly looked over and found that the purple haze looked like a ball of smoke.

The smoke quickly coalesced into something with a human shape, it even had a saber on it's back!

Oho, I haven't done a lot of combat up until now. I hope that this smoke boy is ready to fight me!

I felt a burst of wind in my step as I activated my Martial Skill and moved closer to it in an instant.

I jumped high in the air above it, and rained down projectiles from above in a cone so that it wouldn't be able to escape!

Before I even landed I saw that the purple boy immediately disintegrated on contact with the projectile.

I was a bit lost for words at how weak it was, is this really the best he's going to throw at me?

I watched as another purple boy got up, he seemed to be a bit taller now with a more toned muscle structure.

Hehe, that's more like it!

Just to test, I threw a single projectile at the boy. As it whirred towards him it actually pa.s.sed straight through and he once again disintegrated!

F*ck! Are you underestimating this handsome wizard!?

After a few more Purple Boys came into reality and I kept annihilating them, I realized one thing; they were slowly getting bigger.

After what I a.s.sume was a few hours of fighting I ran across the first one that I was unable to penetrate with a single piece of ice.

Although he didn't dodge it, he, in fact, he took serious damage from it!

If these things really keep growing stronger, it will reach a point where this Grand Wizard won't be able to handle it!

Hah!‌ I bet that is what you want me to say, right old man? Dream on! I will beat up every little purple boy you send at me.

And if I can't beat them, I will keep training until I can beat them!

One of the things I am most proud of in my past life was my ability to endure. It doesn't matter if I got set back by a day, or a year. I would reach my goal eventually!

"I would like to see how you're going to break my will old man, keep em' coming!"

I said this out loud as I pierced through a purple boy.

What ensued after this, was dozens of purple boys rising from the ground like zombies at random locations.

Each one, a bit more durable than the last.

Two projectiles, three, four until it became five and six.

Another hour later I finally met the destined purple boy that was able to barely dodge my attack, and even started to run towards me with a decent speed.

"Haha, we're finally here! Come and have a fight with me!"

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Most Powerful Sect System 52 Enduring summary

You're reading Most Powerful Sect System. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): StingLikeAMountain. Already has 736 views.

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