Mana: Before The Rise 161 The Ceo's Ex-Wife 8

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She walked into her cla.s.s the next morning, the students and other teachers were giving her glances and whispering.
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'I was planning to stay here for a year to.' She thought.

Beginning her lecture, she a.n.a.lyzed the facial expression of her: Anxious, Curiosity, Annoyance, Jealously. There are only three possibilities, one her ex-husband and family talked to the school, her neighbors Livestream videos went viral, or she is a pregnant divorcee.

Although it's possible for it to be all three.

After her lectures were over for the day another teacher walked in.

"Ms. w.a.n.g," said a woman in a purple business suit, she gave Rachel a vicious smirk like she couldn't wait for what's to come. Rachel shuffled through her papers together. "The Director wants to see you."

"Ms. Yuan, just a moment" Rachel made one last final check on the papers.

"He wants to see you now, Ms. w.a.n.g" Said Ms.Yuan as she walked up to Rachel who wasn't even looking at her. Picking up a stapler and the began to staple doc.u.ments together.

"Ms.w.a.n.g" She slammed the table savagely making the remaining students who stayed behind to study jump.

Rachel abruptly stopped and laid her papers down and sighed as she slowly stood up. "Ms. Yuan please mind your manners, there are other students studying" Ms. Yuan pulled back somewhat embarra.s.sed as she had finally noticed the other students in here.

"Now then let's go" Rachel smiled as she followed Ms. Yuan to the Director office. While following her Rachel took a glance at the women's face that was filled with ridicule and felt disappointed.

The moment the door opened Rachel saw her mother-in-law and Sister-in-law sitting proudly at the table.

'Ah, so its number one'

"Ms.w.a.n.g" she saw the director gaze sharply at her with a look of wanting to punish her. "It has come to my attention that your values and morals deserve some question"

"…." Rachel looked at the man seriously as she heard Ms.Yuan snicker in the background.

"And to be quite honest I think you're not suited to be a teacher at this school. So, therefore, I would like you to Resigning"

The moment he said that Rachel placed a small white envelop on the desk, it was her resignation.

"This is?" The director said surprised.

"I was already planning to quit way ahead of time." Rachel said as she clapped her hands "I plan to move aboard soon."

She left everyone in the room speechless as her.

"If you don't need anything else from me, I'll go and pack my desk up sir," Rachel said walking out without a word as she made a phone call. "You can go ahead and begin," Rachel said viciously and then hung up before s.h.i.+vering inside.

Woo-Ri was never this vicious was she. Her mind can't help but wonder just what Is happening to her. This strange excitement that comes from harming others in a calculating way.

Her gaze becomes lost soon after allowing shadow-weaving begins to fluctuate once and spread around causing mayhem in the streets a distance away.


Elfin Scream shocked Rachel wide awake, just in time to feel the hands of death coming for her. She turned her head to see a car about to smash into her.

With adrenaline in her blood at work, she ducked quickly as it pa.s.sed over her like hopscotch.

"Just…." Her voice trailed off at the large collision of vehicles up ahead.

[You need to be more careful. You nearly lost control of yourself.]

"Did I do all that?" Rachel couldn't help, but, question as she looked at the blaze, and the screaming, the sound of panic going through. As she felt herself grow cold and pale.

When she got to her apartment complex, she checked her box and sure enough like she suspected. A certain letter was in there.

Walking upstairs and into her apartment, she saw Sung-Jin had complete fallen asleep on the couch. She smiled and walked over to kiss her gorgeous man awake.

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Mana: Before The Rise 161 The Ceo's Ex-Wife 8 summary

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