Mana: Before The Rise 179 Her Cute War God 3

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No one knew what happened as they saw the beautiful w.a.n.g Yin unconscious outside of the ring. Even the judges where stunned all they saw was w.a.n.g Yin ran to attack and the next moment she was in the ground outside the ring.

Feng Zhao may have been the only one to clearly see it, he had good eyesight after. He s.h.i.+vered; she was monstrously fast that's why no one saw it. The Judge soon cleared her for the win and Miyu went back to her seat next to him.

"Miyu, congratulations"

"Why?" Miyu questioned him.

"Well, you won"

"Zhao do you like winning?"
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"But I don't call that fight a win, she was way too weak, for it to be called a win," she said bluntly

"…." Everyone was speechless and daydreaming.

"Miyu, she was a Fifth Rank Martial Cultivator. And I am an Eight Ranked Martial Cultivator, It wouldn't have been an easy fight even for me."

"Zhao does that mean your weak" Miyu said innocently, but the comment still stabbed the boy right in his heart. As for everyone else around them felt pity for Feng Zhao.

Next Few Battles Later

Miyu had a blank expression as she looked into the sky while Feng Zhao glanced at her a couple of times while watching the fights go on. Finally, it was his turn.

"Feng Zhao vs. Liu Chang" said the announcer.

Feng Zhao stood up as she walked towards the stage with fire in his eyes. Miyu was semi-interested until she saw Feng Zhao get up and leave her side she pouted somewhat.

"Begin," the announcer said

Miyu looked at them doing weird moves again while saying their names. She saw that Feng Zhao was getting pushed back and hurt but was still pressing on. Miyu picked up a few tiny rocks that were in front of her.

Since she was bored might as well mess with people she thought.


Trip, Feng Zhao's opponent suddenly fell flat on his face, stunning everyone. Feng Zhao paused he was so confused, from his point of view his opponent had a pretty good balance so why did he fall.

Miyu's eyes sparkled in entertainment as she Slung another rock at someone else and they fell.

Feng Zhao saw that someone in the audience fell, then another and another. Everyone was freaking out at the sudden tripping event that was going on.

Suddenly the announcer called his win.

It only then did he notice that his opponent tripped off the stage. Making Feng Zhao feel regretful. He turned to get off the stage and saw Miyu, her hand had tiny rocks in it. He got even closer only to realize she had been plucking them. Making people who got hit fall and trick.

'Was she so bored that she resorted to this' Feng Zhao thought as he looked at the excitement in her eyes, completely disregarding the carnage and panic she is causing by flinging rocks.

"Miyu" Feng Zhao called to get her attention. Miyu then turned to him, her face completely straight as she continued to fling rocks out her hand. Feng Zhao abruptly took the rocks out her hand, Miyu looked back at her hand and then back at Zhao Feng.

She pulled on a puppy dog eyes, making Feng Zhao's heart squeeze. "Zhao, why did you take them? I was having fun."

Feng Zhao completely paused as he looked at the empty stadium and the broken arena, that had its glorious red pillars smashed into it by a mere pebble. In the Background, a fire had gotten started somehow, but the cause was also most likely because Miyu was throwing tiny rocks at People.

"What part of this looks fun," he said still looking at the damage, Miyu looks at the scene with a blank face. This damage was nothing compared to her own world. Whenever she fought the Neuroi, there was a few buildings and mountains that were destroyed by her.

"Never mind," Feng Zhao said as he got up taking her hand and pulling away from the scene.

Today's incident would eventually become widely known as she Ma.s.s Tripping Incident where no one was safe from 'Tripping' not even buildings.

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Mana: Before The Rise 179 Her Cute War God 3 summary

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