Mana: Before The Rise 204 Kano Yukihira, The Flower Chief 4

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Miyu woke up after she heard a little scream, she rubbed her eyes before going back to sleep. Before long she heard the noise of a party as well, but she still ignored it and continued to sleep.

"Ah, Kano you're here to" Soma said as he was sitting on a looking ready to battle, last night plot happened so, he is most likely here to do something dumb. "How come I didn't see you last night."

"I was asleep" Miyu said with a bored expression, before she walked to the side and sat down at one of the nearby tables. "and Stop, whatever you're doing, I don't know what it is. But, it looks stupid"

"He-" Before he said anything, his opponent walked in. Satos.h.i.+ Iss.h.i.+ki, he's that guy, if anyone remembers the one who usually walks around with just an ap.r.o.n. He was accompanied by others.

"Iss.h.i.+ki Satos.h.i.+, I challenge you for you tenth seat."

"I figured it was something stupid" Miyu said, drawing everyone's attention to her.

"Hey!" Soma yelled at her.

"Ah, Do you also room here?" Iss.h.i.+ki said in a surprised tone.

"Hey, There I'm Yūki Yos.h.i.+no and I-" Miyu looked at the pet.i.te young girl with teal colored eyes and amber-colored hair tied neatly into two buns on the sides of her head.

"Cool" Miyu said after she was finished talking her ear off. The other started to introduce themselves to her while her brother started talking to Iss.h.i.+ki.

Shōji Satō, Daigo Aoki, and Megumi Tadokoro.

"By the way, I am older them him" Miyu said to inform them.

"You never left that up, do you" Soma interrupted suddenly.

"Nope, because, I am and always will be the older twin."


"Can you stop, you sound like a beached whale." Miyu said playing with her phone, "Ah! There is a food war later." She whispered as Soma continued his talk with Iss.h.i.+ki, they continued to talk and got into a conversation about the Food Wars.

A Food Wars can be initiated by anyone within the school and can be done even by the intermediate school students. In most cases, these have been started either to further a person's personal project in Tōtsuki or to overturn a judgment by the school such as an expulsion or a disbanding of a club. Food Wars are battled between two parties.

The number of people partic.i.p.ating in each party does not have to be equal, so one side can be challenging solo while the other has a partner. Each side must lay out their "compensation", or something they must give up if they were to lose the challenge. Both sides must agree that the compensation of the duel equates with each other.

Miyu went to cla.s.s and patriciate as usual in the daily nonsense that is cooking. Soma can't go a few days without doing something stupid, so something is bound to come up. She'll do something then, although today is quiet.
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"Kano!" Soma waved his hand at her while she was walking by, he brought the tag-along known as Megumi. "We are going to check out the Rich Bowl Research society. You should come it's going to be good for the restaurant."

Miyu shrugged her shoulder and followed him and Megumi. "Are you okay?" Miyu asked the Megumi.


"You are humoring my brother, that is difficult with his personality"

"…" Megumi suddenly thought of the horrendous food she was feed with by him. "No..No, its alright."

"By the way, I heard you guys went in picked some things from the garden." Miyu mentioned.

"Oh, that Yes. We did, you weren't their this morning."

"No, I had a meeting per say with someone."

"A meeting?"

"It might be better to say that I was teaching someone a lesson."

"A lesson?" Megumi got even more confused.

"Don't worry about"

Reaching the door to the research society, her brother opened it rudely to revel. A depressed man with a hair-cut more atrocious then his appearance.

"Sorry, guys the club is doomed to be shut-down." Said the depressed man.

"Kanichi Konis.h.i.+, the head of the Rice bowel Research society." Miyu began to introduce, as Megumi went and picked up a recipe book from the ground. "They are being shut-down"

"Here it's a recipe book." Megumi handed it to Soma, as he looked through, he found it interesting.

"These recipes are interesting, Why are you guys being shut down."

Suddenly, the depressed man sprang to life. "You really get, Don't you…" The man started to cry as well, "The Rice bowl's beauty is that they are fast, tasty and cheap. They're pure manliness encapsulated in a single bowl-"

Miyu was already about done with this episode when she saw this dude's hair and now he's talking 'dramatic' with pa.s.sion. Then suddenly went back to being depressed.

"He's like a little girl with his mood swings" Miyu whispered. Suddenly, the door was opened and a few people walked in.

"A rice bowl is a second hand dish no matter how you dress it up, You are not needed here at the academy." The big chested girl walked straight to the depressed man and said that.

"Ah! He's triggered" Miyu said and Megumi looked at her. "Watch he'll do something stupid soon."

The Big chested women then started talking more smack, which triggered her brother more. When suddenly she cut off his 'do', Miyu's eyes suddenly sparkled.

"I like her" she couldn't help buy say.

"Huh?" Megumi mouthed.

"That hairstyle was annoying anyway." Miyu walked up to her brother "Ik.u.mi Mito she is from a family that famed in the meat industry. She has access to the best meats in the country due to her family, you could say she is an expert in all meats in general." Miyu glanced down for a moment and then back up with a sigh.

"When it comes to the power of meat, other ingredients pale in comparison" Ik.u.mi said, "No matter what dish you think you can prattle together. It will never match the l.u.s.ter of top-quality meat."

"Bein' happy about how much your ingredients coats, is a disgrace in my opinion." Soma said, Miyu rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"What's that?"

"Kanichi, about that food war. Would you please let me battle for you?"

"Told you he was going to do something stupid." Miyu said to Megumi.

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Mana: Before The Rise 204 Kano Yukihira, The Flower Chief 4 summary

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