Mana: Before The Rise 211 Lady Wendall, The Queen 1

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Rachel woke up to a Mirror standing tall before her was a woman with luscious red lips blonde hair and sharp brown eyes, a gorgeous woman whose appearance was extremely close to Maddison in appearance. She is wearing a black cress and carries tried and grief-stricken eyes.

"My Lady" Someone said just as Rachel was about to say anything.

After a moment Rachel suddenly smiled at the pet.i.te maid behind "I am alright, thank you for asking"

The small maid blushed in fascination as she was dazed for a bit.

Lady Saira Wendall, was the daughter of the duke and younger twin sister to Queen Elaina.

Saira was an ugly duckling of the family and because of her less then pleasant looks at the time she was overshadowed by her ever popular sister. Even their parent blatantly favored her older sister. Her intelligence was all Saira could beat her twin at, in fact no one in the kingdom was able to beat her.

Eventually she was accepted into a prestige academy and left her home at the young age of 8, without looking back. She was tired of her twin's pettiness and schemes.

During that time, her older sister had spread rumors amongst the kingdom about her being evil and cruel.

After graduating from the academy overseas Saira stayed as a teacher in the academy she married and widowed with a two-year-old son. Today was her husband's funeral

The next day.

Rachel glanced at the letter on the table nearby and then more memories pulled into her. Saira loved her husband and was so grief stricken that when her family requested her to come back home, she did, surprise everyone with her looks and son.

Who right now lays sleeping in her bed his face with tears as well?

Grief made her somewhat muddled head to her sister tricks and schemes, which ultimately took her son's life. Even though she knew full well of the person responsible for her son's demise, she was unable to do anything no proof nor anything and plus now being the King's believed wife and Gem of the country. They would never take her word for it, because she was someone who was considered evil incarnate to the country.

When her older sister died the King requested her hand in marriage, which Saira rejected along with the people and the n.o.bleman. But in the end, he didn't take 'No' for an answer, and they married.

Saira was never able to love Kings or her sister daughter, the women took to isolation and was quiet and dormant despite being a Queen. She was cold to the little princess but never hurt her, she lived in the side of the palace that was far from the two.

Until the King died, forcing Saira to take over his duties until Snow white came of age.
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As for the rest after that.

"Lynn, you can retire for the night" Rachel said to the pet.i.te maid who was still in a daze.

'Yes, my lady" snapping out of it the maid left the room quickly with one last look.

Rachel felt the exhaustion of this body hit her as she changed and pulled herself into bed with her son and slept.

Rachel leaned against the chair of her husband's office while she watched her son play with blocks.

"Madam" Walked in her husband's aide his face somewhat pale. "Will you continue to teach at the Academy this year Too"

"Yes" she smiled, making the aide blush and cough. After some thought Rachel decided that she will wait until her twin dies of sickness to go back to her home country and when this child is grown up enough and besides it was her sister that instigated her family to ask for her to come back.

"You can tell Principle Fernberry, I will come back to the Lila Academy next month just in time for the academy to open a new semester, just give me some time to adjust, my husband did just pa.s.s away afterall" Rachel finished politely.

"Of Course, Madam" the aide stuttered as she left but not before glancing at her son and then left. Rachel eyes sharpened after the aide left, his name is Cricket Silk-field. His eyes and expression showed her everything. When the man first walked in his eyes where on the painting of her husband behind her, triumphant that was later replaced with greed and envy.

When he saw her, it was l.u.s.t?

And then when he looked her son, it held a somewhat murderous intent.

Rachel was starting to think that her husband's death wasn't an accident. So, she should investigate this shouldn't she.

She looked at her son who was still playing with his blocks and then went right back to filling out some papers before she took him on a walk.

Saria's husband wasn't a man with a t.i.tle he was only a commoner, but he was a commoner turned merchant and very successful to his merchandise was food, his family was in the business of bakery since their ancestors and that became his pa.s.sion.

That had a humble home on the outskirts with a few servants and they didn't find it necessary to live lavishly. Rachel couldn't help but made comparisons to Saria's husband and Sung-Jin, it seemed they both carried the scent of Citrus.

She remembered joking with him about it, and then he commented that she smelled of Roses.

Rachel blushed and then looked down at the little man who fell asleep on her lap as they where sitting on the gra.s.s of their garden.

And then she thought about her twins and wondered how they where doing. Her eyes closed Softly as she dearly wished she could have seen them grown up and grown old with Sung-Jin.

They where a knot in her heart as she truly loved them, it was different from Kevin and Tsiyi who where like the gentle rain and flowing wind that would pa.s.s by.

'The things I messed can't be taken back' Rachel thought sadly


Rachel softly patted the boy's sleepy head before dozing off with him into dreamland.

It was a dream, but it felt real, Rachel looked around at the familiar house. She knew it but couldn't quite put her finger on where she knew it from. She walked around the area that seemed to be a bit hazy.

She saw the couch and fireplace; the pictures drew her attention first and her eyes waterer. The then she looked to the man sleeping on the couch. She touched his sleek hair in amazement something she always liked to do.

All of it felt so real and so right

And then the smell of Citrus came to her making her smile and cry somewhat as she kissed the man's forehead. She watched as he twitched with smiled comfortably.

"Mom" she heard a voice not to far away, but it overlapped with another's that said mommy. She lifted her head up and smiled. She was seeing every mother's dream

"Mommy, wake up" she heard the echo of the little boys voice, making her turn her head. To it and then back to the two people before her, their eyes where also filled with emotion.

Her face went back to a smile as she blew a kiss to the two and then disappearing into the direction of the small boy's voice.

"Mommy" the young boy's voice sobbed; Rachel hugged him as soon as she opened her eyes. For the rest of the night she had coaxed the boy to sleep with a completely motherly expression.

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Mana: Before The Rise 211 Lady Wendall, The Queen 1 summary

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