Mana: Before The Rise 25 Fate Is A Cruel Destiny

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Rachel opened her eyes and was back in the room with the fountain. She s.h.i.+vered and herself by the concrete, after a moment tears poured out. She broke down drying.

Amanda Weston was the name of the babysitter that looked after Maddison and Isandro's son. She eventually earned his heart, with her free-spirited nature and loving att.i.tude.

In her early days Amanda was often confined to a hospital bed due to her heart problems, she needed a heart transplant. One day in despair, Amanda received the heart of the person who died in the next room. In the novel it was never mention who the person was and Amanda was to afraid to found out about her donor.

But the fact that the two where in the same hospital left Rachel with some suspicions, which proved to be true. Maddison was never going to live long, something in which she and Rachel both know.

And even if by some miracle she survived she would have lived day to day in a hospital bed, in isolation. She would only be allowed to see her son and husband through a gla.s.s window. That was more painful then anything and it was something Maddison never wanted.

So, leaving the two people Maddison loved most in the world to someone else was the best thing Rachel could do for her.

[Soul fragmentation is at 11%, you did well Rachel]

Elfin said when Rachel stopped crying and just trembled on the floor.

[You have a new ability]

Rachel turned around to the already popped up water screen.



{Perfect Observation}


Endurance- Able to tolerate and handle nearly all types of pain.

"Elfin, does everyone one of my self's carry an ability"

[Not all of them no]

Rachel sighed and didn't even bother with the screen no more.

[The next world is set; it will be a bit more peaceful this time]

Rachel nodded.

[Do you need some time, Rachel]

"No, Lets go" Rachel said.


"Wait, there is something I have to ask" Rachel said.

[What is it?]
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"How do things work when I leave a world without dying? Is it that I just disappear and that's it or is it something else."

[The world themselves automatically correct your disappearance. IT may either come to that you have been killed or just disappeared never to be seen again. It also works the same way if you appear back in the world. It would be like if you never been disappeared or died]

"Oh" Rachel mouthed "That's weird"

[Believe it or not. Travelers from other worlds happen all the time.]

"Okay" Rachel stands up "I'm ready"


The s.p.a.ce around breaks apart and everything goes white.

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Mana: Before The Rise 25 Fate Is A Cruel Destiny summary

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