Mana: Before The Rise 70 Alter Ange Verge 10

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{First Name} {Last Name} {Random}


{Job: Vampire Queen}

{Weapon}{Random} {Warning: When Choosing Random, A Random weapon from inventory will be chosen and given to servant to Serve as a primary Weapon}

{Equipment}{Random} {Warning: When Choosing Random, Equipment from inventory will be taken and given to servant to Serve as a primary Equipment}

Rachel yawned as she glanced at the world crystal of the dark world and pushed her hair back. She had sent the other girls off since she use this place to recover. Unlike the other crystals the magical s.h.i.+eld surrounding the area where the dark world's crystal is extremely powerful.

Since that Is the case, she'll use it to get some rest her watched Chiron set out another Crystal Coc.o.o.n before going to sleep.

Atlas walked down the sleepless city in nostalgia. This was where Saya was born and raised, she stood at the old apartment door where Saya used to live. And reached down under the mat as she grabbed a Key from under it.

And she opened the door, it was dark inside meaning no one was home. Saya's only had a father and her mother had long pa.s.sed away. She found the mother's memorial and paid her respects; she toured the house as memories flashed in her eyes.

After awhile she heard the door click again and she turned her head. The older man walked into his living room and widen his eyes.


Hel looked at the gorgeous buildings of the red world from above with a stoic expression, The people chatting, walking, smiling, it was a picture of pure bliss.


She hear someone call but she didn't respond, looking down remembering the voice.

"Elel, what happened to you, your wings?" the person behind her pressed.

Glancing at the women only once, she flew away and headed straight for the red crystal. Her heart is thumbing, her young face was slightly red, and her eyes looked like they where going to cry. Siting beside the red crystal she leaned against it this time she cried.

Kayle walked around old deprecated lands where buildings destroyed by war is abundant. However, with the recent changes in the world crystal the areas where covered in lush vines. She sighed, the times in battle remained in her head in such a clear view.

She had walked around the towns that are blooming due to the world crystal becoming healthy again. She could help but smile her eyes showed a peaceful emotion.

Aurora paced back and forth with a complicated expression, She was just outside the sick bay where Elel is still trying to recover.

"Miss Aurora?" Ramiel said approaching looking somewhat confused. Aurora looked at the gentle Ramiel with a pause.

"You see, Elel's older Sister Mlel had contacted me just now." Aurora started to say. "she saw the Elel with black wings flying around.

"…." Ramiel looked shocked and then became serious.

Suddenly an alarm rang throughout the academy and then Doctor Michael voice was heard as she called out the names of Rachel's former teammates and some extras.

"Doctor Michael, what's wrong?" said Aurora running in, seeing that the Doctor Michael and Euphiria had weird expression.

"This time it's the dark world." Euphiria said, but frowned "But, the energy is different. It doesn't feel like Rachel's signature at all. Instead its feels darker and denser, but, its pure.

"Then we shall go take a look" Sofina said in a confident tone.

"Yes, it is our Home world." Almaria agreed.

"I wish to go to" Saya said in resolution. If there was a chance to meet Rachel again, she wanted to take it and get some answers.

The dark world was usually always in constant night, the young women sat on her broom a little bag of tomato juice in her hand as she smiled at the moon. Bodies lay below her, they were looking for trouble anyway so why shouldn't she lay waste to them.


{Lalya La Moon}


{Job: Vampire Queen}

{Rank S}

{Weapon: The Seductress (Rank A)}

{Equipment: Dark Witch of Foreboding}

Suddenly she felt the presences of others, they felt familiar. She smiled "I get to meet the other me so soon. How pleasant" She giggled.

Almaria, Sofina, Saya, Nya, Stella, Carene, and Xenia stopped the moment Lalya was in their view. The women was an exact copy of Almaria in all but the eyes. Their color was a deeper shade of hazel even more so then Almaria.

Nya had already brought her weapon out as soon as she saw the bodies piled on the ground. She remembered the encounter with Kayle. The clones had the same power as them, but it was all ten times stronger. The same nuclear explosion attack that she had in her a.r.s.enal was the same but devastating. Her limit was over by then her s.h.i.+eld completely shattered.

She really felt regretful.

"You…." Almaria started to say.

"First of all, Introductions would be necessary now wouldn't it." Lalya smiled her face somewhat flushed "Well, since I technically know all of you then I'll start first. I'm Lalya La Moon, it is such a pleasure."




Everyone's guard went somewhat lower with Lalya lighthearted tone.

"Almaria, can I ask?" Lalya started with a flushed face


"How was tasting blood?" She said nervously.


"I mean, you went and did such an embarra.s.sing thing it must have been worth it." Lalya said eager.

"Yes, the moment I tasted dear Saya blood was, the embarra.s.sment didn't matter anymore. Its was sweet at first and then addicting and It made me want more..." Almaria went on and one about the taste her manner became loose and, it made Saya go red eventually.

Lalya face started to grow colder the more she heard. Nya was the only one paying Lalya any attention and soon got nervous and concerned with

The original of vampirism in this world came from a truly powerful witch of this world, who despised her world and the world hated her equally so. But they wanted her power and was willing to do anything to get so they tortured her. She tricked the people with a curse in the form of a blessing. On appearance it looked to have given them immortality and power, but, in reality it didn't. Telling them that they would get stronger if they drank blood.

All it did was give them the need to drink blood. The desire of greed and gluttony overtook the cursed and gave them the feeling of euphoria that was mistaken for an increase of strength. She wanted the people of this world to suffer for their greed at all cost.

Given them immortality was so that they could suffer longer. Once they were done with her the witch was killed in a gruesome manner.

However, this curse wasn't one entirely it only targeted a specific group of people. Should one not fall into this group this curse becomes a blessing and a cure.

Drinking Blood was the trigger that trapped a person completely into this curse.

So in the beginning Almaria embarra.s.sment towards drinking blood was the cause, of her almost completely breaking her curse.

"Is that so" Lalya said her tone frosty drawing the other girl's attention. As they clearly didn't understand what was happening. Lalya remembered Rachel telling Almaria all this directly, but, the girl brushed it off as foolishness and didn't take her seriously. For someone who clearly declared she wanted to be Rachel's older sister to not even listen to her younger sister and give her words some thought.

Lalya felt digested the more the other 'her' talked. The Alter version of these girls are pretty much in a similar position as her. They talked and talked a lot about friends.h.i.+p but in truth they didn't apply anything and easily doubted her.

Suddenly Lalya gaze got softer as she sighed "I really don't like you" she said seriously to Almaria. Who was confused along with everyone else. She looked behind her at the large castle with the forcefield on it. "It no wonder she was frustrated." She shocks her head and stood up on her broom.

Suddenly the pressure of power came flowing not from her but towards.

Lalya said a few words of conviction in her mind.

[Servant Upgraded]

{Lalya La Moon}


{Job: Vampire Queen > Ruler of Magic}

{Rank S > SR}

{Weapon: The Seductress (Rank A)}

{Equipment: Dark Witch of Foreboding}

Rachel was awakened to the screen, she glances and then went back to sleep with a smile.

Once the pressure was released, Lalya felt her vampirism was gone. She felt lighter and freer than ever before. Once more her power increased by a frightening amount. She was now on able to form a draw with Kayle.
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"No way…." Sofina went pale, noticed first "Her vampirism is gone…." That shouldn't be possible, what's more is that she increased in power dramatically.

Everyone here was shocked, Lalya felt elated. "Well, then Let's have a little fun." Her broom suddenly changed form as it turned into a scythe that radiated power.

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Mana: Before The Rise 70 Alter Ange Verge 10 summary

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