Mana: Before The Rise 74 Dawn Of The Immortals 3

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"Why did you do it?" Mason got straight to the point once the two where alone. He looked extremely hurt and furious.

Azdis just smiled and shrugged his shoulders "Do, what? Exactly?"

Seeing his friend's normal nonchalant att.i.tude put a raging fire in his stomach. He was so normal it was as if he didn't do anything wrong. But, Mason knew better that the last thing he knew was his friend handing him a drink and then afterwards when he woke up.

Everything had changed, including Livia's att.i.tude toward him. He was somewhat aware of what happening in-between, but it wasn't completely clear, and it seemed.
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He hurt Livia in the cruelest of ways, he can only blame his friend despite not fully believe his friend did anything. But, still could only blames his friend for his ruined relations.h.i.+p and stealing his 'women'.

Azdis couldn't help but chuckle in amus.e.m.e.nt, as he glanced at the ground and watched his shadow fluctuate.

"Aww" she was caught eavesdropping again, she leaned back with her bucket of popcorn in his car.

Knock, Knock

Rachel couldn't help but turn her eyes to a group of women, that had some nasty expression on their faces. She knew them as her G.o.d-sister circle that often bullied her and made her life in high-school unpleasant.

In that group she saw one of Livia's useless friend, the emo-looking girl was certainly out of place. Rachel had completely cut off contact with them, they where only friend s with her out of money anyways to feed their own drug habits.

Putting her popcorn away Rachel got up and out of the car with a giddy feeling. The student nearby started taking out their phones to record the coming cat fight.

Rachel only smiled at them as they complained and talked about how trash she was for sending their 'friend' to jail and that she should have been grateful that her G.o.dparent raised her. IN the middle of it she got bored and started messing with her nails, as she wondered if she should go get her nails done at the salon.

"HEY! I'M TALKING TO YOU!" The girl screeched, prime example of a prima donna. These types of people its best to ignore them.

"…." Rachel didn't answer as she was wondering about what kind of design she should do for her nails. Suddenly the girl decided wanted to slap her when her hand was caught by Azdis.

"That was quick" She said, looking at him.

"Yeah, he was never much in the first place. Trust me, I did all his work." He said all the while the young girl who hand was still in the air screamed due to it being squeezed painfully. She fell when he let go and went to the driver seat as Rachel got into the pa.s.senger seat and they drove off.

"By the way are really going to go through the whole immortal war like in story."

"Was planning to, why?"

"Do we have to?"

"No, not really"

"I want to...…"

After she finished, Azdis suddenly pulled over and turned to Rachel's nonchalant face. "But they will decrease our alone time and we only have three months"

Rachel shrugged her shoulders and then turned her face to look at his puppy dog eyes. "Then you better get to work."

Exams where finally over, Azdis had finished earlier packing up his stuff and walked off, but not before a kiss goodbye. Cleaning out the items of her locker she saw in the mirror, the male lead Mason staring at her. He never got the chance to talk to her due to Azdis, but, now with him gone he probably wants to talk.

Rachel started to pick-up some mascara, to touch up her make-up as she had a meeting with some board members. She plans to start a company that will help deal with the coming war, restore order and start rebuilding society. Once the war breaks out between the immortals and the supernatural.

It is going to look like the apocalypse, for some time. Because the regular people are going to try to join in, in the war. And helplessly lose, the human population will dwindle.

Of course, this information was written in the report Azdis got from the task-taker a.s.sociation.

Mason walked up to her as she had finished with her mascara and moved on to lipstick. "How have you been?" He asked nervously.

"Pretty Good" She said dropping her lipstick into the box she brought to bring her stuff out of the locker. "Considering that I sent my G.o.d Family to jail and am on a track to starting a new company."


"If you are trying to apologies, don't, it really isn't necessary since its been six months. And I am not a very forgiving person. This is something you know very well" With that she picked up her box and walked to her newly bought car.

"I just want to talk" Mason said as he followed her.

Rachel opened the trunk and put the box inside, without really looking back she almost got into the car. Completely ignoring Mason, he tries to talk to her. He stops her from closing the door and gives her a serious look "Please".

Rachel looked at him and with a clearly annoyed expression "Get in" she motioned him to jump into the pa.s.senger seat. They people around them who watched everything, started to gossip and some got in contact with the G.o.d-sister, telling her that her boyfriend is chasing his ex-girlfriend.

"Livia, I….I don't know how to explain this, but, these past six months. I wasn't really myself" Mason said as his tone became heartfelt and apologetic "I didn't mean any of the things I did to you."

"Is that all?" Rachel asked she smiled seamlessly "Does it matter, weather or not you where aware. The things you did, cannot change, forgiveness cannot be given. You were to cruel."

"But, I…." he tried to explain himself.

Rachel pulled into his apartment complex and parked as she leaned back "Get Out, we were over six months ago, and now I just want to forget." Mason was reluctant and heartbroken at the same time.

"I won't give up; we had come so far. And I had finally met you Afterall this time."

"Mason need I remind you, you are already married to another women-"

"We had also been married"

"Yes, but 'Till death due us part', I haven't made those vows with you. My past self-did, so your claim is irrelevant to me."

"Livia" he gritted his teeth.

"Get Out, I won't say it again." She had not looked at him once during their whole conversation, and after a moment he reluctantly got out of the car. She started and drove away

"Really" Was the first thing Azdis said as he looked at the company name that was plastered in huge letters on the large building. It had been three months since they last seen each other, they had only one day left and Azdis was tired from working so hard to have some time before the deadline.

He had to single-handedly stop the war and was now preparing to get the supernatural and immortals to be at peace with each other. Rachel couldn't help but laugh as she watched his reaction, "It was my first time building a whole company and really couldn't think of a name, so I came up with this one.

Azdis-Tech Corp.

He stared for about five more minutes before he decided he wanted to cuddle and didn't want to waste this day he could use to make love. "Alright, let's go upstairs. I have a penthouse on the highest floor and a very big bed." Rachel looked at the face full of impatient

He smiled as he followed her up, he took a glance at all the supernatural and Immortals, that where in pleasant conversation all over the company. He was actually really happy with his work and now he's going to get a gift he hadn't had in a while.

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Mana: Before The Rise 74 Dawn Of The Immortals 3 summary

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