A Love For Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Farewell Is the Best Choice

It was the letter which I had finished by exerting every effort. I thought that I would never see him. However, I was softhearted when he reverted to the bloodline of his ancestors.

That day was the time he reverted to the bloodline of his ancestors. I saw the sky become darker and darker. It was an omen that he would die!

I had intended just to forget it. I didn't want to be involved in his affair anymore, for I was exhausted!

However, I still worried about him.

Ronghua opened her eyes. Somehow, she shed tears.

“What's wrong with me?” Ronghua didn't understand. “Who is her? She seems to have something to do with the King of Death, Weilian. If I find her, I'll figure it out. Maybe I'll know why I have no recollection of the Realm of Demons.”

“I couldn't remember what had happened during my stay in the Realm of Demons. I could only feel the pain in my heart. What's more, I didn't remember anything after I came back from the world-changing platform. What did I do?”

Suddenly there came a rat-tat on the door. The servant was outside.

“Your friend seems to have some trouble. Could you help him?”

My friend? Xia Pumo!

As soon as Ronghua hurried to his room, she heard a fierce sound as if a large piece of meat fell on the ground. What were they doing?

Ronghua guessed that Xia Pumo had woken up, and Murong Zhe came out from his body. Were they doing something hidden?

Ronghua thought it was interesting, although she wasn't good at eavesdropping others' words.

Ronghua said to the servant, “You can withdraw now. I'll handle it!”

As soon as the servant went away, Ronghua eavesdropped their words outside the door.

“What are you doing?” It seemed to be Murong Zhe's voice.

But Xia Pumo didn't say a word. Murong Zhe continued, “What's going on? Aren't you happy? I'm here!” Ronghua thought, “How could Xia Pumo be unhappy? He must be terribly delighted. Otherwise, he won't do this after he wakes up. I wonder whether there is only Murong Zhe in his heart or not.”

“Mo!” Ronghua asked uncertainly. Sure enough, it was quiet at once, but then a ma.s.sive sound came out.

“Hurry up. Ronghua is here!” Xia Pumo said in a hurry, out of breath.

Oh, he didn't call her Miss Ronghua. What were they doing?

Murong Zhe breathed hard, “What's the big hurry! I'll be right.”

Ronghua realized that she couldn't serve as a bad guy who spoiled their enjoyment. She'd better come back after they finished their affair!

Then, Ronghua asked uncertainly again, “I have something to do. I might as well leave first. I'll come back after you both finish your affair!”

As expected, Murong Zhe said, out of breath, “Just go! No one wants you to stay here!”

Ronghua unwillingly turned away. But she thought it wasn't safe and decent, so she went back and added a spell boundary to their door. Now no one could hear what they were doing!

She ordered the servant not to disturb them before they came out.

The servant nodded, for he dared not provoke them!

Ronghua opened a portal, hoping to travel to the Nanning Continent. She neatened her clothes and was about to walk into the portal. Suddenly, someone called her, “Wait a moment, please!”

Ronghua turned back. She saw a woman in light yellow clothes walking towards her.

This woman said respectfully, “May I ask you where you are going? Could you give me a ride?” Then she looked at Ronghua.

Ronghua replied without any expression, “Is there anything to do with you wherever I go?”

She thought, “We're strangers, aren't we? Do all humans behave like that now? Do you think I'll help you just because you talk to me?”

The woman smiled, “Don't get me wrong. I just want to ask you where you are going and whether you could give me a ride or not. I don't have enough spiritual stone, so I can't go home. If you could help me, I would ask my family to give you some spiritual stones, just as grat.i.tude for your help. Please trust me.”

Ronghua looked at her and smiled, “How long have you kept watch on us?”

This woman trembled suddenly, for she didn't expect that Ronghua had detected her deeds. She looked up at Ronghua, smiling. But Ronghua had found her astonished expression.

“What do you mean?”

Ronghua sneered at her, “That day, you must have seen how I treated people telling lies!”

This woman smiled, “I've seen it, so what? I've been accustomed to the fight occurring on the continent every day. Just turn a blind eye to it. It's nothing serious.” It seemed that she didn't care about it.

Ronghua would never believe her words, for she never told the truth.

“If an ordinary human meets me, he will escape, and he won't approach me unless he has some purposes. I'm puzzling why you, a human, approach me.” Ronghua emphasized the word 'human' on purpose.

“All humans approaching you are supposed to have their purposes?” This woman didn't realize that Ronghua emphasized the word 'human,' so she asked Ronghua, that was to say, she indirectly admitted that she did have a purpose while approaching Ronghua.

Ronghua knew what she was thinking.

Ronghua raised a wry smile, “He still doesn't believe me, does he?”

The woman in yellow knew that she couldn't escape. She raised her head, without any fear, just smiling like a winner.

“The King of Death is satisfied with your behaviors when Your Grace comes out from the Realm of Demons and in the mysterious territory.”

Ronghua was stunned at once. It appeared that Guixia had exposed her whereabouts after she came out, regardless of the consequences. Ronghua regretted that she had been too kind to Guixia.

“I'm glad that he's satisfied. Otherwise, they'll say that I don't have the ability to open the door.” Ronghua pretended to smile. She was very clear that although the King of Death made merry every night during so many years to comfort himself, his power couldn't be underestimated. There wasn't a nine-headed alchemy python who succeeded in reverting to the bloodline of his ancestors since his generation. He was the only one who had achieved. If she fought with him, she would die, for her cultivation was far from enough. Therefore, she intended to negotiate. Nothing was impossible as long as she had enough bargaining chips.

When she proposed a negotiation, all people that knew her thought she was crazy. Hadn't she forgotten the Realm of G.o.ds all these years? Yes, she hadn't. She had never forgotten the Realm of G.o.ds and the last order of G.o.d Empress. She would certainly recreate the Realm of G.o.ds.

“The King of Death said that he was afraid you couldn't deal with everything, so he let me accompany you and help you avoid those potential accidents.” She calmly said, with an artificial smile. Although she looked respectful, her arrogance couldn't hide. “What do you work for the King of Death?”

This woman in yellow was a little surprised. She didn't expect Ronghua to ask her this question, but she did admire the princess. She felt uncertain, “Did Ronghua only notice this matter even though I had said many words?” But she still replied respectfully, “I'm Ling s.h.i.+erniang, one of the guards of the King of Death, trained to look for Lady Lingran.”

“The guards trained to look for Lingran?” Ronghua had heard the name. The guards were founded by the King of Death to look for Lingran. The King of Death would drown himself in alcohol every time he failed to find Lingran. Ling s.h.i.+erniang must have some complaints. She was a guard to look for Lingran but had to do this useless work. She must feel unhappy!

“Your Grace, I ignored your feeling. I'll pay attention to it next time.” Ling s.h.i.+erniang bowed towards Ronghua.

The King of Death selected every guard by himself. He would order them to look for Lingran as long as there was news about her. Every guard was marked with some signs of Lingran, for their sole mission was to look for her. He made such a decision just because Ronghua had shown up her power that day. It was difficult for him to do that!

However, Ronghua didn't want to waste time, so she said, “Do whatever you want. Don't follow me.”

Ling s.h.i.+erniang was a little shocked. She didn't expect that Ronghua was so outspoken, but she didn't mind. She intended to intimidate Ronghua with the name of the King of Death, “The King of Death said that if Your Grace didn't allow me to follow, I would follow Your Grace by myself.”

Ronghua couldn't stand her anymore. Ronghua took out the sword and pointed to her, “You dare threaten me! Well, let me tell you the deal between him and me doesn't stipulate this. Is the King of Death afraid that I'll go back on my words? Please tell him, I won't break my promise, and that's my way. But now, does the King of Death intend to break the deal?”

“My purpose is to follow Your Grace!” Ling s.h.i.+erniang said calmly, staring at Ronghua.

“Swords are heartless. Please put it down, Your Grace!”

Ling s.h.i.+erniang slowly made Ronghua's sword fall. Ronghua didn't stop her, and she knew Ling s.h.i.+erniang would follow her.

“It's up to you.” Ronghua left without looking back. She was uncomfortable, for her effort was in vain just now. She wondered how much the King of Death knew about her. If he knew too much, she would implement some plans in advance.

Ronghua opened the portal while thinking about what to do next. She paused, “You're so capable that you can find me even without the conveying formation. My conveying formation is a little small, which can only accommodate one person. You'd better figure it out by yourself! I'm waiting for you on the Nanning Continent.”

Ling s.h.i.+erniang just watched Ronghua disappear, and she found Ronghua's words both amusing and annoying. She thought, “Princess Ronghua is pretty funny. Why is she so afraid that I'll follow her?”

However, she didn't expect this situation, so she needed to ask the King of Death what to do next. In case she made a mistake, the King of Death would be unhappy. She wouldn't let herself come to no good end, just like those people in the River Palace.

She took out the communication mirror to contact the King of Death. After a long time, it got through. However, someone spoke before she could say a word, “s.h.i.+er, the King of Death is drunk. You'd better say it after he wakes up.”

Ling s.h.i.+erniang couldn't believe why there were so many coincidences. Ronghua had left, but she was still waiting for the order of the King of Death, about whether she should catch up with Ronghua or not. She was impatient, so she said, “You tell the King of Death that Ronghua is escaping. The King of Death needs to plan.”

After coming out from the conveying formation, Ronghua was walking on the street of this continent. When seeing these strange but familiar scenes, she recalled that the Realm of G.o.ds was so beautiful and peaceful in the past. She found that many people were gathering somewhere. After walking over, she saw these people watching the bulletin on the wall. Ronghua didn't want to squeeze in the crowd, for this place had already been jampacked. Therefore, she asked one person, “What happened?”

That person seemed to look down upon Ronghua. But he replied to her.

“You come from the outside? Don't you know it?”

Ronghua, “…”

She thought, “I wouldn't ask you if I knew it.”

But Ronghua replied politely, “No, I don't know. Could you tell me?”

Although he was impatient, he told her, because Ronghua was a beautiful girl.

“The annual Familial Youth Compet.i.tion is going to be held. The name of the winner will be written on the genius list.”

“The genius list?” Ronghua didn't know it.

That man rolled his eyes, “You don't even know the genius list?”

Ronghua, “…”

“If a man's name is on the list, it will be a great honor! Not only his status but also the status of his family will be improved, so it's glory!” He despised Ronghua, for he didn't expect that someone didn't know the genius list.

Ronghua understood what he meant, but she wouldn't argue with him. This boring rank would depend on the contest. Qingyi had said that she had another ident.i.ty there. She needed to attend a compet.i.tion, which required the rank. Was this contest the one Qingyi would partic.i.p.ate in?

Ronghua still went to the arena. There were so many people, including the disciples of all the imperial clans who were close to the stage. The civilians stood on the periphery. The royal n.o.bilities sat on the seats for guests of honor. Ronghua considered that she might take advantage of these people. She was powerful, but it would be a little inconvenient for her to do something special. If someone helped her, it would be much easier. Therefore, Ronghua sat down somewhere to watch the contest.

Ronghua was listening to others who were talking about the compet.i.tion.

“Young superiors of all the major schools come to attend the familial contest. Recently, powerful people of many imperial clans are strolling in the city. They want to detect the ability of their opponents.”

“Right. How could these young superiors let themselves fall behind others?”

“It's said that the person who wins the first prize can choose a treasure in the royal treasure house.”


“Of course.”

Suddenly, someone in the crowd recognized the man with a fierce and tough appearance, who should be a powerful guy.

“This is the young duke. The one next to him may be his younger brother.” People moved forwards at once. After all, the young duke had made a hit in the warmup match for stronger compet.i.tors. The masters from the four major schools had failed. Therefore, people also focused on the people around the young duke.

“The young duke needs an elixir for his younger brother. It seems that he will be h.e.l.l-bent on winning the contest!”

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A Love For Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me Chapter 28 summary

You're reading A Love For Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Tang Hua Mo Ge, 唐婳墨歌. Already has 478 views.

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