A Love For Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 An Incredible Counterattack

“It depends. The young master Feng Nan is here, too!”

“Hum! I know Feng Nan. He went to the Realm of Demons to gather herbs some time ago and was severely injured. Milord Feng saved him with almost all his money.”

“Oh! Then why does he come here regardless of his condition?”

Ronghua didn't know that the young duke and Feng Nan had been hating each other since childhood. This contest would be exhilarating.

Ronghua opened her golden eyes to diagnose the young duke. His power was reliable, but he lacked composure. Such a person wouldn't work for her, but she felt his power was a little familiar!

Of course, someone knew the young duke's purpose. His younger brother also attended this game. But perhaps the young duke would compete by himself! Everyone expected the compet.i.tion. Many people wanted to know the real power of the young duke.

The young duke heard that Feng Nan of the imperial clan of Sword would attend the contest, so he decided to compete with him.

It was well known that Feng Nan had once defeated the young duke, so the young duke hated him. The young duke even claimed, “If I don't kill Feng Nan, I won't be a human anymore.” His words were so firm that those people on site were frightened.

The first round began. Unexpectedly, Yang Meng of the imperial clan of Boxing would fight with Feng Nan of the imperial clan of Sword. The imperial clan of Sword appeared again!

Someone knew that Feng Nan was injured. If it was in the past, it didn't matter. But now it seemed not so good.

“Does he take advantage of Feng Nan's misfortune to do him harm?” Someone was championing the cause of justice.

On the stage, the young duke sneered and made a beam of green light, just like a streak of lightning rus.h.i.+ng up to Feng Nan.

Feng Nan snorted and resisted part of the wind of boxing with his sword, and then he turned back quickly to elude.

Yang Meng didn't hit Feng Nan, just sneering, “Feng Nan, don't elude if you're capable!”

The power in Yang Meng's body burst immediately. His body was radiating s.h.i.+ny golden light, like a golden armor enveloping his body. People were astounded. Some understood that the young duke couldn't wait to make a great move, for he was going to kill Feng Nan!

The wind of boxing was quickly approaching Feng Nan. An old man on the seat of honor shouted, “Yang Meng! If you dare kill my grandson, I will let you pay with your life!” The old man's eyes were already red, the veins on his hands stood out suddenly and violently, but someone stopped him, “Milord Feng, it's just a contest. The young duke won't hurt your grandson.” The second old master said smoothly, “Besides, there are always some accidents in the contest! How could nothing happen? It's not in your backyard garden.”

“f.u.c.k you!” Milord Feng was so mad that he couldn't say a word.

Others saw a beam of green light rus.h.i.+ng up to Feng Nan. But what Feng Nan saw was that a dozen of boxing shadows intertwining together rammed to him. He jumped over them immediately.

The golden boxing shadows formed so many beams of blazing golden light as if golden snakes were dancing, which surrounded the arena. Yang Meng sneered, “Feng Nan, why are you hiding?” Then Yang Meng created a ma.s.sive range of power, which pushed the surrounding people to retreat. Ronghua made the spell secretly to resist the power, and she shot a tiny bit of light to the arena.

All people felt a little scared after this terrible movement, and even those cultivators, with high cultivation, were no exception.

“The young duke is going to win.” Someone sighed, “It's a pity that Feng Nan, such a genius, will lose.” Ronghua heard their words, and she smiled, “How could he lose?”

To everyone's surprise, after the fog lifted, Feng Nan rushed out, with a loud sound in the arena. A great power came out from Feng Nan's sword.

Yang Meng prepared for the attack when he felt that Feng Nan was different.

The two beams of golden and green light emitted, like two blazing suns. It was so bright. Yang Meng was fighting with Feng Nan, which emitted enormous energy, like the flood rus.h.i.+ng downwards fiercely. People were coerced to retreat, and many of them fell to the ground. Everything was chaotic.

The two people who made the chaos were standing on the two ends. The energy surged, and the strong wind blew Feng Nan's long hair, but his body was fixed to the ground, like an iron stake.

It seemed that he was surrounded by G.o.d or demon power, with the deterrence of an emperor.

People couldn't distinguish that it was reality or hallucination. “Is this Feng Nan?” Even Milord Feng didn't believe it.

The energy dissipated. The wind stopped. Yang Meng, in front of Feng Nan, coughed. Now he was dispirited, with a swollen right palm. He guided the power to other places with his mighty fists at a critical moment. Otherwise, his right hand would be disabled. Yang Meng couldn't believe that Feng Nan was so strong. Perhaps he had pretended to be weak.

Looking at Feng Nan, Yang Meng was astonished. “Wasn't he injured?”

Yang Meng stood up slowly, and he felt embarra.s.sed. It disgraced himself because he lost out to an injured person. The veins on Yang Meng's face stood out suddenly and violently. He would beat Feng Nan if he weren't injured.

Ronghua was staring at them. She didn't expect that Feng Nan was so powerful, and he belonged to the monster race. It was rare, but miraculous!

The monster race had preserved the power of its bloodline well. Monsters marrying their spouse of other races would commit a crime. It was becoming more and more exciting!

Yang Meng was in a great rage, “Feng Nan, why did you pretend to be injured?”

But Feng Nan didn't answer and even didn't look at him. Yang Meng wants to beat Feng Nan, but he dared not approach Feng Nan, so he could only be in a sulk. How could he be defeated in the first round?

But Feng Nan fell after the judge announced the result.

“Feng Nan!” Milord Feng rushed up to him hurriedly. All kinds of feelings welled up in his heart when he saw Feng Nan's pale face. However, Yang Meng laughed loudly.

“Hhha! It turns out that Feng Nan has taken the elixir, so that's why he is powerful!”

People came to their senses after they heard Yang Meng's words. It turned out that the young master Feng Nan took the elixir, no wonder he was dominant. People wouldn't be interested in this contest anymore. But none of them remembered that Feng Nan had been injured.

But Milord Feng didn't think so. “Nonsense! You frame my grandson up because you can't defeat him. My grandson has been injured. You are not eligible, so you blame others.”

Yang Meng got annoyed, “People will judge whether he has taken the elixir or not!”

“It's said that a nine-level monster had injured Feng Nan. Why can he recover so soon?”

“Did he pretend to be injured?”

“Is it useful to pretend?”

“Of course. it's said that Feng Nan likes Huxuan Princess.”

“Oh.” Huxuan Princess was a proud symbol of the empire.

Milord Feng couldn't wait to kick complacent Yang Meng down after hearing their words.

Ronghua knew what Milord Feng was thinking, so she thought, “You dare not do it. Maybe I can help you.”

She made a spell secretly. Then Yang Meng was pushed down by the unknown wind when he was laughing. He was almost choked to death by his saliva. It was so late that he couldn't use his spiritual power. Finally, he fell severely.

He stood up and then cursed, “Who dare attack me? Such a b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you must want to die! Come out! I promise I won't beat you to death!”

Ronghua raised her eyebrows, “You dare curse me!”

Ronghua was dissatisfied. Although she seemed to be calm, she made a spell secretly by hand. Then people heard Yang Meng's grievous cry. “Ah!”

The young duke's hands and feet were folded unnaturally. All people were astonished and couldn't react.

Ronghua intended to kill him. However, it occurred to her that it wouldn't be interesting if he died too early, so she stopped. But Yang Meng had gone faint.

Others realized it and came to help him.

“Someone is harming the young duke. Find him!”

“Doctor! Where is the doctor?”

Ronghua left. It was unnecessary to wait here because she had chosen one person. As for what would happen in the future, it just depended on him, who could make it or not.

She had realized that many people had been looking for her since she attacked the young duke. Where did their courage come?

Ronghua walked with a light step, smiling and looking around. Soon someone approached her.

Two tall and strong men were staring at Ronghua. She smiled.

“What's wrong?”

Both men looked fierce. One said coldly, “My young master wants to see you, please!”

Ronghua asked, “Who is your young master? Why do I have to go?” The two men looked at each other and immediately understood.

“If you refuse, we will take some forcible measures.”

“Ha!” Ronghua laughed her head off. She thought, “Didn't they see the poor young duke?”

The two strong men took out their knives. Their cutting edges were aggressive, breaking the quietness as if a monster revived from the chaos in an overbearing manner. It appeared that they were professional killers!

One man was about to chop Ronghua. Ronghua thought, “It's amazing!”

They did have much tacit understanding. But Ronghua's spiritual weapon was more powerful. It was unlucky for them to meet Ronghua.

Ronghua turned back, opened the fan, and beat them with a counter move, which lengthened the distance between them and her.

The two men's attacks became more violent.

They made the seal with both hands and then released it. All spells were floating around them, and then they were fused, emitting bright light!

Ronghua realized that they were spell keepers! No wonder they dared stop her.

Their spells would fall on Ronghua. Finally, they harshly hit Ronghua's spiritual weapon, which made a terrifying sound.


Suddenly, there was a power separating the two men from each other. They immediately knelt after seeing the man, “Master.”

Ronghua looked at the man, “Who are you? You dispatched them to kill me, but you help me. What a contradiction!”

Ronghua wasn't so kind. The man in white waved his fan while smiling at her.

“You are so capable that you can fight with two superiors of my Ghost Camp.”

Ronghua thought it was ridiculous, “Hhha! Superiors?” Ronghua wondered whether he was praising or belittling them.

“You have seen how we fight. I didn't use any spiritual power. Your superiors used the power of the spells, but they were almost killed. What do you think?”

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A Love For Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me Chapter 29 summary

You're reading A Love For Three Lives:Monster King Don't Forget Me. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Tang Hua Mo Ge, 唐婳墨歌. Already has 613 views.

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