Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss Chapter 5084: Are you blind?

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Chapter 5084: Are you blind?


Translator: 549690339

“This …” Ling Chuxi was a little hesitant. She had directly brought the spiritual pills to the thousand pill Pavilion with the intention of venting her anger and slapping the manservant’s face. However, since there was someone else who knew what was good for her, there was no need for her to have any unclear relations with the thousand pill Pavilion. In any case, the current att.i.tude of Teng Mingyuan and Pavilion master Qiao was equivalent to slapping the manservant’s face.

However, Pavilion master Qiao’s att.i.tude was extremely humble, so she couldn’t reject her outright.

Ling Chuxi looked at Pavilion master Qiao, then at elder Teng, and hesitated.

“Pavilion master Qiao, what you’re doing is wrong, right? Just now, it was your people from the all pills Pavilion who spoke rudely and almost attacked young master Ling. If I didn’t stop them in time, I’m afraid they would have already shed all pretenses of cordiality. Not only are you thanking me, but you also want to s.n.a.t.c.h it from me. ” Elder Teng said unhappily.

“Elder Teng, I’ve long heard of the great name of the venerated ancient clan, the Teng clan. It’s my great fortune to meet you today. Just now, it was all thanks to you that I, an ignorant worker, didn’t offend the honored guest. However, to tell you the truth, this clear dew mysterious pill is very useful to me. I hope that elder Teng can be magnanimous and give it to me. ” Pavilion master Qiao cupped her hands and said.

After listening to these words, Ling Chuxi was very impressed with Pavilion master Qiao. No wonder he could manage the all pills Pavilion to become the number one alchemy Pavilion in Dao An city. His way of doing things was indeed much better than his subordinates. In terms of age alone, he might be much older than elder Teng, but he considered himself to be a subordinate and his words were even more refined and polite, giving elder Teng enough face.

“Pavilion master Qiao, it’s not that I don’t want to let you have it, but this spirit pill is also very useful to me, so I ask Pavilion master Qiao to be magnanimous. If you’re willing to let me have this elixir, then in the future, all the elixir that my Teng family needs will be purchased from your ten thousand elixir Pavilion. What do you think?” Seeing Pavilion master Qiao treat him so courteously, elder Teng was really embarra.s.sed to s.n.a.t.c.h it from him. However, he was determined to get this Jade clear mystery pill, so he politely said.

“Lord Pavilion master, isn’t this spirit pill the luck Dao pill that they bought from our all pill Pavilion yesterday? did you all make a mistake? Why don’t we just give it to elder Teng? we can earn a lot of money if we can get the order from the Teng family. ” When the attendant heard elder Teng’s words, he was immediately moved and asked Pavilion master Qiao.

“You know nothing! Are your dog eyes blind? this is a top-grade Jade clarity profound pill, how can that kind of luck Dao pill compare to it?” Pavilion master Qiao saw that elder Teng was still unwilling to give in even after he had said all the good things he could. He had even used the Teng family’s panaceas business as a condition. If Pavilion master Qiao continued to insist, it would seem as if he didn’t know how to appreciate favors. Pavilion master Qiao was secretly depressed. If it weren’t for this manservant’s sn.o.bbish att.i.tude, there wouldn’t have been such trouble. When he heard this, he couldn’t help but feel angry, and he slapped Pavilion master Qiao’s face.

The servant did not have any cultivation to begin with, so he spun a few rounds on the spot after being slapped. A few teeth with blood spurted out with a plop, and half of his face was swollen. However, he didn’t dare to speak. He only lowered his head and looked at her with a venomous gaze. If it wasn’t for Ling Chuxi and her group, how could he have been beaten up?

“Pavilion master Qiao, how about this? there’s no need for us to hurt our relations.h.i.+p over a spirit pill. Let’s all bid fairly, and the one with the highest price will get it. What do you think?” Seeing Pavilion master Qiao so angry, elder Teng guessed that he really had an urgent need for the clear dew mysterious pill, but he was not willing to let go, so he gave a rather fair suggestion.

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Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss Chapter 5084: Are you blind? summary

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