The Girl Who Unknowingly Became Harem Queen! 1 Dammit I Transmigrated

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One moment a high school girl could be seen chasing after an adorable white rabbit on school grounds, only to fall down a large rabbit hole, which caused the girl to scream as everything around her turned into a sparkle galaxy void as if she was soaring through s.p.a.ce. "Wait a minute...! What on Earth is going on?!" screamed the girl, who was suddenly engulfed in a bright, blinding light before everything went dark.

In the darkness of her subconscious, the girl heard voices calling out to her, voices that for some reason sounded familiar. Heavy eyelids opened themselves only to see a cute handsome boy, between the ages of nine and ten, standing next to her bed, holding her hand. It was at that moment that the girl on the bed thought, 'Who's this cute boy? ...And why does he seem so familiar to me?'

"I can't believe that cruel tyrant would actually push you into the lake! If you weren't saved in time, you could've drowned!" ranted the boy, who was obviously upset about something. Deciding to sit herself up, the girl did just that, only to feel that there was something different about her body. Looking down at her hands she noticed that they were smaller, not only that, but her body also felt as if it had shrunk.

Suddenly the girl sensed there was something wrong with this situation and instantly threw the covers off her body as she ran to the nearest full-length mirror in the room. Her actions shocked those in the room, who worriedly raced to her side. "Imoto, what's wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?" fretfully asked the boy, though the girl paid him no mind, too stunned to even notice his concern.

In the reflection of the pearl mirror were a pair of large emerald eyes and cinnamon brown hair running down her shoulders as the girl herself looked to be between the ages of five and six. 'Oh my G.o.d...' There was a blanched expression on the little girl's face as she raised her hands to touch her cheek. 'I actually transmigrated into another world! So cliché!' The little girl pa.s.sed out, causing all those in the room to panic.


"...aria... Maria... Maria!" Once again, large emerald eyes opened themselves, which brought relief to those in the room. Rus.h.i.+ng to the bed where the girl lied was the same boy from last time. He had dark blonde hair and emerald eyes like her own. She couldn't help but stare at the boy when suddenly memories began filling her head, memories that most likely belonged to the original host of this body.

The memory that stuck out the most was that of a girl attending a party, who later began pestering a little boy who the original host seemed to be infatuated with. When the cute little boy, who was the same age as herself, got fed up with her, he pushed her into the lake nearby. The poor girl would have drowned if she wasn't saved in time.

'That jerk!' frowned the little girl on the bed. Seeing such a frown on his cute little sister's face, the boy once again reached for his sister's hands.

"Don't worry, Maria, your onii-chan will make that crown prince pay for hurting you!" vowed the brave boy, who was clearly upset that someone dared harm his precious imoto. Hearing such brave words, Maria suddenly felt grateful that this host had such a caring onii-chan.

"Thank-you, onii-chan, but there is no need to take revenge for me. It's best that we just forget about this situation. Besides, I was the one at fault." The girl on the bed smiled, unaware of how her reply shocked those in the room.

'Besides, it was the original host's fault for pestering him. G.o.d, this spoiled little girl reminds me of that annoying ojou-sama character from that reverse harem light novel I didn't get to finish reading.' Maira couldn't help but think back to one of the characters of the reverse harem light novel she was in the middle of reading before she got transported into this world.

The name of the light novel was called A Fairy Tale Romance, set in a fantasy magical world, where those who have magic were sent to a well-renowned and prestigious school that taught students how to hone their magic and become better magicians. The story started off with the heroine, the daughter of a baron and his late first wife, entering the middle school division of Diamond Academy. In the beginning, she was registered as a One tier Magician, who specialized in water magic, but after entering the high school division, she became a Four tier Magician.

Of course, the story wouldn't be a reverse harem without hot guys. Upon entering the school, the heroine somehow encountered the male lead, who quickly became infatuated with her, along with three other guys. All of who were powerful magicians belonging to rich n.o.ble families and were very handsome. All throughout the story, they were deeply loyal to the heroine, even when she married the male lead, who was the crown prince.

From what she could remember, even after the heroine married the crown prince, the story still wasn't quite finished yet. Maria was brought out of her thoughts when she felt a hand touch her forehead. Looking to who that hand belonged to, she saw a very pretty maid with short black hair and cat ears that stood on top of her head.

"It seems ojou-sama no longer has a fever," stated the black haired neko maid.

"But just to be on the safe side, ojou-sama should try some of the medicine that the house doctor prescribed for her." Standing on the opposite side of her bed, holding two blue tablets in the palm of her hand, was another very pretty maid, yet this one had long white hair with matching cat ears on top of her head. Looking at the two maids, Maria was once again reminded of that same ojou-sama character from A Fairy Tale Romance.

In the novel, besides the main female villain, there were more female villainous characters who tried to compete with the heroin to win the male lead's love. Though one villain was more of a comic relief character than an actual villain. Always at her side were two neko-girl maids, who always comforted her when one of her plans either backfired or caused the crown prince to become angry with her.

After taking the pills, Maria searched the room and realized how big it was, filled with rich and expensive furniture. Even the four poster European bed she was lying on was huge. To put it in exact words, it was a room fit for a princess. The type of room that belonged to a rich ojou-sama who hailed from the upper-cla.s.s of society.

'Seems I transmigrated into a rich girl,' Maria told herself when once again the door to her room was slammed opened as bursting into the room was a gorgeous busty beauty, who dashed over onto the bed and engulfed her small body in a tight warm hug.

"My darling little Maria! Are you okay? Don't worry, okasama will watch over you and make sure you get better!" tearfully proclaimed the gorgeous woman, who had long wavy cinnamon brown-hair that went past her waist and bright emerald eyes.

In the midst of her mind, Maria couldn't help but think. 'Wow, okasama's got some big oppai!'

"Don't worry, my darling little Maria. Mommy and Daddy will get you justice! Tonight that crown prince went too far. How dare he do that to my daughter! You could've lost your life!" fussed her angry mother, whose emerald eyes screamed vengeance. Smiling softly, Maria placed her hands on top of her mother's and said,

"Okasama, please calm down. It was me who was at fault. I kept pestering the crown prince even though he doesn't like me. So it makes sense that he would get mad. Both of us are at fault, so let's just drop this matter. I do not wish to bring harm to anyone." Once again, those in the room found themselves stunned, seeing how usually their little ojou-sama would be bawling tears or throwing a tantrum.

Meanwhile in the mind of Maria, 'The dude already hates me, don't make it worse by trying to get revenge. I want to live peacefully in this world before I can find out how to get back home. Please, okasama and onii-chan, don't make it hard on me.'

Both mother and son couldn't help but stare at the young girl on the bed, before sharing a look with each other, reaching some sort of understanding as they looked towards her again. "Okay, if you don't want this matter brought up again then we won't bring it up. You must not want to make things hard on yourself before entering the Elementary School division at Diamond Academy. With the crown prince's att.i.tude and reputation, he would no doubt try and bully you if we pressed harder on this matter. Don't worry, my little Maria, Mommy will go talk to Daddy." Her mother shot her a rea.s.suring smile before leaving the room.

'W-Wait a minute, did she just say Diamond Academy? No way, I must be hearing things,' Maria tried to rea.s.sure herself, only to have her brother speak up and crush all her hopes.

"Don't worry, my cute imoto, your onii-chan will definitely protect you! I won't let anyone at Diamond Academy bully you!" His smile was blinding and could probably charm many n.o.ble girls and women, despite his young age. Though Maria paid no mind, seeing how she was in the middle of a mental breakdown.

'Diamond Academy! The same name of the academy in A Fairy Tale Romance...!' Ignoring the maids and her brother who were in the room, Maria buried her face in her hands. 'c.r.a.p. I got transmigrated into A Fairy Tale Romance... as the comic relief female villain. Life, you are too cruel!' mentally wept Maria.

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The Girl Who Unknowingly Became Harem Queen! 1 Dammit I Transmigrated summary

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