The God Creator System 18 Compression Unlocked!

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Lucio's senses started to return, he was back at the void where he became a G.o.d, there was a huge ball of light in a distance and floating stones scattered around the s.p.a.ce.

"Alright I'm back, time to start creating things" Lucio walks towards the ball of light and placed his hands on it.

"Create Light" He muttered, instead of shouting Let there be light everytime he just shortened it, Everytime he needs to create something all he need to do was say 'Create Object' but he can also change it freely

[[Essence 402/1550]] - 400

Instead creating a light the size of his palm he poured almost all of his remaining essence essence on it creating a bigger light.

[[Essence 2/1550]]

The essence from his body started to gather around the Huge Ball of light, making it larger, at this point it was Thrice of his size, the stones that was scattered around it is almost hitting the light, the sight he was seeing reminds him of the planetary systems, A star surrounded by bunch of planets.

"....Will those stones melt if the light I'm creating starts to emit stronger heat?" Lucio asked the system out of curiousity, the stones that he created was in there for a while but there was no reaction from them, they don't move because there was no force that interacts with them.

[[The light that the user has created cannot emit heat at the moment.]]

"Does it need to be bigger or something?"

[[If the user is seeking to create heat, the user can make the light denser by compressing it]]

"Hmmmm..." Lucio's thoughts starts to wander as he think about how to compress the light, while thinking he closed his eyes and focused all of his senses at thinking.

[[Meditation has been activated]]

[[Essence 3/1550] + 1

+ 1

+ 1

+ 1.....

13 minutes pa.s.sed by quickly and Lucio's essence was at 800 already.

After a while of meditation he realized that he can just order the system to do it for him, He opened his palm and spreads his arms away from the light.

"Compress!" Lucio slowly brings his hands together with the ball of light on its center, to his suprise the huge ball of light started to get smaller and brighter as his hands get closer,it looked like he was holding the ball of light and squeezing them together.

[[Essence 804/1550]] -100

[[Compression has been discovered, The user can now freely compress his creation with the price of using his essence, The user can also use it at the creations of the other G.o.ds but the usage requirements will be doubled depending on the restrictions placed by the G.o.d.]]

Lucios essence started to decrease as he compress the ball of light.

"I see!" Lucio was excited at his new discovery, He continued to compress the light.

[[Esssence 704/1550] -100



Soon he ran out of essence and the light he was compressing was almost at his size, It was brighter than before but it got smaller.

"Time to meditate." Lucio closed his eyes and started counting.




This time he waited until he completely recovered all of his essence which took him 1550 seconds to completely recover his essence.

"Alright time to completely compress this light!"

"Compress!" He did it the compressing gesture quickly since he doesn't need to worry about his essence running out that fast anymore.





[[Essence 50/1550]]

The light was now at the size of his palm, it was really bright at this point that its color changed, it looks like warm white now, he looked at the scattered stones which was considerably far from the compressed light, he pointed his palm towards a nearby stone and willed it to come closer, the stone shaked then starts to fly towards him, he guided it closer to the compressed light.

"Nothing is happening?" Lucio thought that it was enough to cause changes to the stone but nothing happened..

"Maybe.." He guided the stone away from the light and to his surprise, the stone started to get deformed, one of its side was deformed while the other one was not, the light wasn't powerful and big enough to produce energy thats enough to melt it completely.

"That makes sense." Lucio forgot that the light he made is probably doesn't emit that much heat to melt the stone quickly and there wasn't any gravity or force to pull the stone down

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The God Creator System 18 Compression Unlocked! summary

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