Custom Made Demon King Chapter 668 Observer

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Chapter 668 Observer


Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When Roy thought of the War of the Ancients, the scene he observed suddenly began to change.

Countless scenes began to distort and fade away, as though the world was flas.h.i.+ng by. When the scene in his eyes became clear again, he saw a huge planet.

Roy recognized at a glance that this was Azeroth. Unlike the Azeroth that he had seen before the time jump, at this moment, a pillar of light was rising into the sky from the Well of Eternity.

Just as Roy was wondering if he was hallucinating and saw the scene of Azeroth when Julia and Benia had advanced, the scene in his eyes suddenly changed again. His perspective zoomed out a little, and he saw countless ferocious stars.h.i.+ps floating in s.p.a.ce outside Azeroth. He had seen the appearance of these stars.h.i.+ps countless times. They were s.h.i.+ps of the Burning Legion.

Roy immediately realized that he wasn’t hallucinating, but he really ‘saw’ the scene in the distant starry sky and saw the Burning Legion attempting to invade Azeroth.

The next moment, the scene in front of him changed again. This time, he saw some scenes on the ground of Azeroth. He saw many night elves living around the Well of Eternity and the exquisite palaces they had built.

The appearance of these night elves confirmed to Roy that he had indeed crossed more than 10,000 years. The trolls who had been carefully spying near the Well of Eternity had evolved into night elves under the influence of the magic power of the Well of Eternity.

In the scene, Roy saw the lives of the night elves. He saw them fis.h.i.+ng and hunting, saw them guiding their children to learn magic and combat skills, and saw their prayer rituals to Elune.

Then the scene changed again like it was fast-forwarding. Roy saw a golden-eyed night elf. It was Queen Azshara of the night elves. She was wearing luxurious clothes, and behind her were a large number of Highborne. These Highborne had built a special building at the edge of the Well of Eternity’s lake and constructed a portal on top of the building. After they triggered the immense energy of the Well of Eternity, this portal opened, and countless Burning Legion demons poured out of it.

Next were b.l.o.o.d.y war scenes. The demons of the Burning Legion slaughtered the living beings of Azeroth wantonly, and the flames of war spread throughout the Kalimdor continent. After some time, an incomparably bright flash of light suddenly erupted on Azeroth.

Then the sky collapsed, the earth quaked, and the mountains shook…

After Roy saw this, the scene in front of him stopped abruptly and returned to the starry sky.

At the same time, Julia’s voice sounded in Roy’s mind. “Darling, what’s wrong? You seem to be… in a daze?”

Roy sighed, returned to his senses, and shook his head. “I’m fine. I just… saw some scenes of the future…”

Yes, Roy had already made a judgment. What he saw just now should be some future scenes that would soon happen on Azeroth.

This made him feel a little strange because he didn’t have the ability to control time, but he suddenly had the ability of a prophet. This was naturally strange. Moreover, he carefully recalled the scenes he had just seen and found that these future scenes seemed to be different from what ordinary prophets saw.

What he had seen were very coherent scenes, not a specific image like prophets. It was just like the difference between photos and videos.

He felt that the scenes just now were like… he was overlooking the River of Time!

With this doubt in mind, Roy tried to connect to the planet Argus. The next second, the scene in front of him turned into a scene on Argus. He saw demons coming and going on Argus, boarding stars.h.i.+ps, pa.s.sing through a giant portal, and disappearing from Argus.

Even when an Abyss lord accidentally mentioned, “I wonder where Lost Osiris went. Why isn’t he back yet…”

Roy seemed to have telepathy, and his perspective s.h.i.+fted to this Abyss lord.

Sure enough, this is… an observer-like ability! Roy thought. It seems like I can observe some familiar places from across the universe, and I can even see the process of these places evolving in the River of Time!

Such an ability could no longer be described as a mere prophecy. Although Lilith’s feather that Roy carried had the power of time, it was to protect them from getting lost in the s.p.a.cetime flux. Her feather couldn’t give such power to him.

Therefore, this ability should have appeared after Roy advanced to the Deadly Sin level.

At the demon king level, with 666 times the basic strength, individuals could advance to the Deadly Sin level. On the surface, this was only an acc.u.mulation of energy, but in fact, it was a typical process of quant.i.tative to qualitative change. In the natural world of the material world, even the electrons...o...b..ting the nucleus of an atom could make leaps in their orbits after obtaining high energy. In the same way, the Deadly Sin level could be regarded as a convergence of ultra-high energy. The moment the energy convergence was completed, an individual would naturally undergo a ‘leap’.

This ability to overlook the universe and observe the flow of the River of Time made Roy subconsciously think of a term: high-dimensional life! He didn’t know if his guess was right, but it seemed that this term was quite appropriate to describe what had happened to him. Although he was certain that his body was still in the current material world and the current dimension, the perspective of observing the universe just now was indeed some kind of ‘higher-dimensional perspective’…

Moreover, when the Abyss lord mentioned his name, he could immediately see the scene of the other party, as though a G.o.d had heard the call of his believer…

At first, Roy was only excited about obtaining unparalleled power. Then after discovering that he had this higher-dimensional perspective, he realized that the Deadly Sin level was really not that simple. If the demon king level was to obtain a divine spark and touch the threshold of a G.o.d, then after stepping into the Deadly Sin level, there was a channel to a true G.o.d…

I wonder if Lilith or Sargeras have such a power… Roy thought. Perhaps each Deadly Sin-level existence will have some differences. But in any case, every Deadly Sin-level existence’s perspective of the world will be transcendent… This is a necessary path to achieving omniscience and omnipotence!

The combination of incomparably powerful strength and a transcendent perspective gave Roy a sudden… indifferent mentality! Although he knew that he was at the time node of the War of the Ancients, he had actually lost interest in what was happening on Azeroth. He couldn’t understand Sargeras’s obsession with Azeroth. No matter how special this planet was, it was still a group of mortal creatures that had yet to walk out of their motherland. Sargeras clearly had the power to destroy stars with a wave of his hand, but he insisted on entangling with these mortal creatures and was repeatedly slapped in the face in the end. What was he thinking?

Roy shook his head, expelling these strange thoughts from his mind. He already realized that there was something wrong with his thinking. He knew that he had this indifferent att.i.tude toward mortal creatures because they were not on the same level. Differences would create distance, and distance would create estrangement, so this was actually very normal. But Roy knew that this mentality was actually unacceptable. Mortals also had their own greatness. Didn’t Sargeras trip up because of mortals?

I should go take a look… Roy thought for a while and made a decision. In fact, deep down, he yearned to be able to communicate with people at the same level. Being able to observe the universe from a higher-dimensional perspective gave him quite a shock. The moment he saw the universe, he subconsciously felt a sense of admiration in his heart. He wanted to know how this universe came about, where it would go, and were there still unknown mysteries in the starry skies?

This was a desire for truth and knowledge. Sometimes, the more you knew, the more doubts and desires you would have…

Although he wanted to communicate with people at the same level, Roy knew that Sargeras was not a good person to communicate with, but it didn’t matter. If he didn’t remember wrongly, apart from Sargeras, there was another existence that he could communicate with.

Elune… What kind of existence are you? Do you still exist in this material universe? Do you have a vision that can observe the universe like me? What was the purpose of the sigh you left in my mind?

While thinking, Roy stretched out his finger and drew a circle in the void. The next second, a spatial gate opened. He called out to Julia and Benia and brought them through the spatial gate.

When they reappeared, they had arrived in the star system where Azeroth was. A small portal could now cross the endless universe, showing how much Roy’s strength had increased.

After stepping out of the spatial gate, Roy immediately suppressed his strength and aura, making his aura appear no different from when he was a demon king. It was only slightly stronger than before. Julia and Benia naturally understood his meaning, so they suppressed their auras too.

After the spatial gate closed, Roy, Benia, and Julia flew toward the stars.h.i.+ps of the Burning Legion.

Although the Pantheon of Order had modified Azeroth, the world-soul t.i.tans of the Pantheon had already been killed by Sargeras’s surprise attack. Even the souls that escaped afterward had been captured by Sargeras. The souls of the t.i.tans were now imprisoned in the Burning Throne of Antorus on the planet Argus, and Sargeras had ordered the Coven of s.h.i.+varra to torture and interrogate them. Therefore, Sargeras wasn’t worried at all that his plan to attack Azeroth would attract the attention of the Pantheon. He was utterly unscrupulous now.

The Burning Legion had established a base in the periphery of Azeroth to a.s.semble. At the time Roy, Benia, and Julia arrived, Sargeras had already bewitched Queen Azshara of the Highborne. Azshara had followed Sargeras’s instructions and built a portal on the planet. She planned to use the immense magic power of the Well of Eternity to open a portal that could allow Sargeras to bypa.s.s the planet’s s.h.i.+eld defense mechanism.

What Roy saw was the pillar of light in the sky above the planet, which was the scene of the power of the Well of Eternity being activated.

Of course, it was precisely because of the earth-shaking phenomenon of the Well of Eternity that the other races living on Azeroth sensed danger, especially the Aspects and demiG.o.ds. They had already discovered what Azsara and the Highborne wanted to do.

At this moment, the Burning Legion had already a.s.sembled and was just waiting for this portal to open. The commander of the Legion army was Archimonde. When he sensed that someone was approaching the Legion base, he immediately discovered it. But when he saw Roy, his eyes almost popped out!

To Roy, his conflict with Archimonde and Kil’jaeden had just pa.s.sed not long ago. When he disappeared from Argus, Archimonde and Kil’jaeden had still been gnas.h.i.+ng their teeth and wanting to take revenge. But this wasn’t the case for Archimonde. In his long memories, Roy and his two adjutants had disappeared for more than 12,000 years! So it was no wonder that he was so shocked when he saw Roy suddenly appear.

“You… you…” When Roy flew in front of Archimonde and landed, Archimonde pointed at him in disbelief. “Osiris… you’re really still alive?!”

“Of course!” Roy sneered. “What’s the matter? Did you think you couldn’t take revenge?”

What Roy didn’t expect was that after being silent for a while, Archimonde said, “There’s no need. It’s been so long that I’ve almost forgotten about what happened… Anyway, during your absence, not many demons remember your name. There’s no point in arguing with you about this!”

Roy didn’t say anything. He had long understood this.

“Where have you been all these years?” Archimonde asked Roy. “Lord Sargeras said that you might have gone to the Void, but how could you have stayed in the Void for so long? Is the flow of time in the Void different from in the material world?”

When Roy heard this, he knew that Sargeras had fooled Archimonde. Both Sargeras and Kil’jaeden had vaguely guessed that Roy might be involved in time jumps. Only Archimonde really believed Sargeras’s words.

But Roy wasn’t interested in explaining to him and asked directly, “Where is… Lord Sargeras?”

“He’s not in the base. He’s been acting mysterious recently…” Archimonde said. “But he said that he would appear when the portal to Azeroth opened.”

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Custom Made Demon King Chapter 668 Observer summary

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