Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2309: Return 3

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Chapter 2309: Return 3

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Taking a deep breath, Gu Chaoyan made an effort to compose herself before leaving her room.

She pushed the door open, instantly feeling the influx of spiritual energy. It was an incredibly refres.h.i.+ng and comfortable sensation, a stark contrast to the thin spiritual energy in Southern Mist Country.

Shaking her head slightly, Gu Chaoyan mentally set aside thoughts of Southern Mist for the moment.

At that instant, Di Hongyun and the leader of the Undead Race swarmed around her, surrounding Gu Chaoyan.

“Girl, you’ve had a breakthrough!” The leader of the Undead Race sensed Gu Chaoyan’s aura and expressed joy.

While the leader of the Undead Race spoke first, Di Hongyun remained silent, his gaze fixed on Gu Chaoyan.

Gu Chaoyan nodded. “Yes, I successfully achieved a breakthrough. I am now a Paragon.”

The leader of the Undead Race gasped in astonishment.

The cultivation level of a Paragon Martial Saint.

It seemed that Gu Chaoyan didn’t break through unless she reached the highest level. Once she did, it was enough to astound anyone.

Initially, the leader of the Undead Race had believed Gu Chaoyan had only attained the Paragon realm. He hadn’t antic.i.p.ated that she would directly reach the level of a Paragon.

Henceforth, the leader of the Undead Race refrained from entertaining further thoughts on the matter.

“How many days have pa.s.sed?” Gu Chaoyan inquired.

She had spent half a month in Nanlan.

Although the mission had proceeded smoothly, and her breakthrough had been a resounding success, she couldn’t help but worry that the Shenyou Dynasty’s affairs might be delayed by the mission, potentially impacting the larger plan.

The leader of the Undead Race paused for a moment before answering, “Three days have pa.s.sed.”

“Over the past three days, we followed your instructions and waited outside without entering or disturbing you. I initially thought we would need to wait a few more days, but I didn’t expect you to achieve the Paragon Martial Saint Realm in such a short time. It’s truly astonis.h.i.+ng.”

“That Yan Zhengchu visited several times during this period, but I turned him away. We couldn’t allow him to disrupt your progress,” the leader of the Undead Race said, appearing quite pleased with himself. He believed that every action he took was deserving of praise.

Gu Chaoyan was still in a state of mild disbelief and didn’t pay attention to his expression at all.

Only three days had elapsed?

Yet, half a month had pa.s.sed during the mission.

Did this mean that time in the chaotic s.p.a.cetime wasn’t synchronized with time in this world?

In other words, the Southern Mist within the chaotic s.p.a.cetime might not correspond to the same time as their current reality? Gu Chaoyan was suddenly filled with confusion.

After a long pause…

She calmly stated, “Go fetch Yan Zhengchu. We should discuss matters concerning the Shenyou Dynasty.”

The head of the Undead Race pursed his lips.

He had explained so much, but it appeared that this girl hadn’t paid any attention to him. It seemed there would be no reward for his efforts.

Reluctantly, he scurried off to find Yan Zhengchu.

Seizing the opportunity, Gu Chaoyan inspected Di Hongyun’s cultivation. She felt pleased to see that he had made some progress.

“If you continue to cultivate like this, your progress will be swift,” Gu Chaoyan remarked.


Gu Chaoyan then recollected that there were two other matters to address.

“Where are Little Dragon and White Deer?”

“They’re right over there,” Di Hongyun indicated a corner of the inner room.

Little Dragon and White Deer were nestled together, appearing as though they were asleep. It was a tranquil sight..

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Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2309: Return 3 summary

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