Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2380: Mission 60

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Chapter 2380: Mission 60


Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

This plan had the potential to address several pressing issues within their clan.

As the rainy season progressed, days marked by rain were manageable. They only needed to take shelter and dry their clothes following the downpour. However, the impending winter brought the challenge of cold and snow. Without a proper shelter from the elements, many clansmen would face the risk of freezing to death.

If this endeavor succeeded, it could potentially ensure their clan’s survival through the harsh winter.

Gary’s enthusiasm continued to s.h.i.+ne.

He didn’t pose the question of what would happen if this plan failed. The Tribe Chief had devised an ingenious method, one that no one had considered previously. It was a venture worth pursuing. Without trying, there would be no success. By trying and succeeding, they stood to gain.

“Alright, we will proceed with that,” Gary agreed.

Gu Chaoyan breathed a sigh of relief.

With Gary’s approval, they could launch the project in earnest starting the next day.

The clan had numerous capable laborers who could contribute their efforts. It was feasible to have some structures erected in a single day. Once the situation was apparent to all, it was likely that everyone would become proactive.

With these intentions in mind, Gary stood and accompanied Gu Chaoyan to address the clan.

Inside the clan, people were busy drying their clothes.

Upon Gary’s arrival, numerous individuals paused their activities and turned their attention to him.

“The Tribe Chief has suggested that we utilize the bamboo to construct houses. If successful, we will have a place to s.h.i.+eld ourselves from the cold during the winter. Everyone, take today to rest, and we’ll commence tomorrow morning,” Gary arranged.

Upon learning that it was the Tribe Chief’s idea and that it involved an unknown endeavor, the clan members averted their gaze and displayed no intention of partic.i.p.ating.

While they trusted Gary, their trust in the Tribe Chief remained tenuous.

They had no desire to embark on this venture. All they sought was a tranquil existence, devoid of any unforeseen incidents.

“If we can construct bamboo houses, we can prevent the elderly and children from freezing to death during the winter,” Gary stressed earnestly.

Yet, the people remained unresponsive. Their disinclination to partic.i.p.ate was palpable, rooted in their deep-seated prejudices against the Tribe Chief.

Understanding their sentiment, Gary chose not to compel them. Instead, he called out, “Oliver, Warren, please come here for a moment.”

The two of them pondered for a moment and then rose. They had applied the herbs provided by the Tribe Chief to their wounds, which had substantially alleviated their pain and ceased the bleeding. To some extent, this experience had cultivated trust in the Tribe Chief.

Initially, they had been disinclined to engage in the project. However, because Gary had summoned them once more, they agreed to give it a try, recognizing that it was for the greater good of the clan.

Still, as they prepared to depart, they eyed Gary with suspicion. “Why has the Tribe Chief suddenly changed for the better? Is she genuinely considering the clan’s welfare?”

“Perhaps the matter with the Moco Clan has spurred her to reflect on her actions. Regardless, it’s a favorable development. The Tribe Chief wasn’t foolish to begin with; otherwise, she wouldn’t have been chosen as our leader. As long as she has had a change of heart and is committed to working for the clan, that’s positive. Let’s offer her our support. Perhaps our clan can eventually lead a better life,” Gary expressed with a degree of optimism.

After all…

If they persisted in their previous ways, their race might be teetering on the brink of extinction.

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Ms. Doctor Divine Chapter 2380: Mission 60 summary

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