My Wife Is A Transmigrated Master Cultivator Chapter 1908: Master Is an Unkillable Cockroach

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Chapter 1908 - 1908: Master Is an Unkillable c.o.c.kroach

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Fortunately, she was well-prepared before entering the mystic realm. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been able to escape so easily.

Lu Zijia finally waited for Du Yu to calm down before she started to observe the huge and empty cave in front of her carefully. A beam of light shone down from the middle above, almost illuminating the entire cave.

The entire cave looked very ordinary and there was nothing special about it.

Apart from…

Apart from the pool that was reflective under the sunlight, that wasn’t too big and could only accommodate about 40 to 50 people.

“Is the water in this pool too dirty?”

Looking at the pitch-black water in the pool, Du Yu couldn’t help asking curiously.

Lu Zijia shook her head. “It’s not water. It’s the saliva of the Sharp Fanged Army Ant. Perhaps because they swallowed too many creatures, this pool of saliva is poisonous.”

“Devour… Devour?”

Du Yu looked terrified and subconsciously stepped back.

“The saliva of an adult Sharp Fanged Army Ant is extremely sticky. It’s not easy to come out after falling down. Coupled with the fact that it’s poisonous, the chances of survival after falling down are very low,” Lu Zijia explained patiently.

Hearing that, Du Yu immediately gulped.

Even though she knew that the saliva of an adult Sharp Fanged Army Ant was very sticky, that was all she knew. She had never known that the saliva of an adult Sharp Fanged Army Ant was so terrifying!

At this moment, Du Yu couldn’t help but have gooseb.u.mps all over her body. “Then… Then let’s leave this place quickly. Otherwise, when Helian Qiguang and the others catch up, we’ll… we’ll be finished.” Du Yu was so nervous that she stuttered.

Lu Zijia kept glancing at the edge of the pool. Hearing that, she said without looking back, “There’s no hurry. Since you’re here, let’s explore carefully. Maybe there’s really some treasure?

Du Yu: But apart from a pool of terrifying saliva, there was nothing else here. Where did the treasure come from?

When Du Yu was about to persuade her, Lu Zijia suddenly walked out of the pool, scaring Du Yu so much that she quickly went forward to pull her back. “Senior Lu, what are you doing? Let’s talk nicely. Don’t take things too hard!”

Lu Zijia, who didn’t understand why:

“Pfft, haha…

The golden paG.o.da couldn’t help but laugh. It even pointed at Du Yu and said,

“Don’t tell me you think our master is going to jump in?”

Du Yu’s face flushed and she glanced at Lu Zijia carefully. “Isn’t that so?”

Lu Zijia was speechless. Did she look like the kind of person who would take things too hard and seek death? She had a Dao companion and her five little companions. Life was so beautiful. She wasn’t crazy!

“Caw, caw, caw, you’re so stupid. How could our master take things too hard?

Our master is an unkillable c.o.c.kroach. She’s very strong!”

Lu Zijia: ‘ ‘ d.a.m.n, what did it mean by she was an unkillable c.o.c.kroach? Was there such a way to describe its master? It was simply asking for a beating!

Sensing its master’s cold gaze, the Ice Flame of the Nether World immediately stopped talking and didn’t dare to laugh anymore. However, the entire ball of blue flames was still rising and falling. It was akin to humans holding back their laughter.

“Uh, hehe, well, Senior Lu, it’s very dangerous here. What do you want to do? Why don’t you let me help you?” Knowing that he was thinking wrongly, Du Yu couldn’t help saying awkwardly.

In case Du Yu misunderstood her again, Lu Zijia explained as she walked to one of the stone pillars surrounding the pool, “There’s an array formation hidden in this pool..”

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My Wife Is A Transmigrated Master Cultivator Chapter 1908: Master Is an Unkillable Cockroach summary

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