My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires Chapter 1028: Mold the world to my will. 2

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Chapter 1028: Mold the world to my will. 2

"Interesting... Continue."

Lizbet swallowed hard once more and continued, "Offering tangible incentives, such as Blessings, Divine Protection, or material prosperity, can motivate other Beings to join us more easily."

Victor raised an eyebrow. "Hmm, but am I not already offering that to you?"

Lizbet trembled. "Yes, b-but, w-we-..." She bit her tongue.

As she was about to speak again and voice her thoughts, she heard Victor's voice come out in an amused tone as if he were watching an adorable creature.

"Don't be afraid. I don't punish my lovely faithful for expressing their opinion, especially when I'm asking for it."

"I am not a petty G.o.d."

'Most of the time,' Victor thought internally. He liked to consider himself a person of common sense. Why would he punish someone when they had done nothing wrong to him? Why would he leave the comfort of his home and sphere of influence to kill some innocent Being?

An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. Blood for blood. That saying was the best way to describe Victor.

As long as no one touched his reverse scale, which was his Family, he was harmless.

[Cough, speak those words to the G.o.ds of both Pantheons you are planning to take control of.] Roxanne pointed out.

[It's all for the greater good, Roxanne, they will understand.] Victor replied with a wise and powerful voice.

Roxanne squirmed, [Don't be influenced by the Hokage and that old wizard, Victor! Be strong!] Roxanne joked.

[Impossible, my dear. The influences of the elders are very strong on this Young Master.]

[Gahh, he's talking like a Young Master now! G.o.d help us!]

[Are you talking about me?] Victor smiled.

[Not you! The Heavenly Father!] Roxanne retorted.

[In defense of Darling, it's them who can't keep their hands off our Pantheon. Look at the Angels. At no point have they antagonized us or tried to send spies to us. They are very comfortable in their personal Heaven, and they manage their organization well. Just because they are like that, Darling wouldn't do anything to them.] Amara spoke.

Roxanne shook her head when she saw Amara break her and Victor's banter, then she said:

[... Unlike some stupid Beings, The Heavenly Father has a good sense of Victor's personality, and because of that, conflicts don't happen between us.]

[He is one of the oldest and wisest G.o.ds for a reason.] Victor replied.

[Odin was like that too.] Amara pointed out.

[But greed, paranoia, and his mistakes ultimately bit him in the end.] Victor replied. [I think the biggest advantage of The Heavenly Father is that he is the only Primordial G.o.d of his Pantheon, so he has no compet.i.tion for his position.]

[With the threat of Demons being practically nonexistent, he has no reason to antagonize anyone.]

[He's like a retired old farmer who just wants to enjoy his farm and be with his children.] Amara said.

[That's an extremely accurate description.] Roxanne said.

While this conversation was happening between Victor, Amara, and Roxanne, Lizbet looked in shock at her G.o.d. Although she was much calmer emotionally, she was still disturbed. She was prejudiced within herself and thought that if she committed any kind of offense or said something wrong, her G.o.d would punish them. After all, that was what happened in most other Pantheons since the G.o.ds had enormous and very fragile egos.

For a moment, she forgot that the one in front of her was the G.o.d Emperor, the most benevolent G.o.d, the strongest G.o.d, and the wisest G.o.d.

In no description made in the books, or by the people close to the G.o.d, was he called a G.o.d with a short temper. Unlike the other Pagan G.o.ds, the G.o.d Emperor listened to Mortals!

'...I am a fool...' Lizbet felt the urge to slap herself now as she visibly sighed and spoke much more calmly than before.

"Forgive my depreciative behavior, G.o.d Emperor."

"As long as you understand, you are forgiven," Victor nodded. "Now, continue. I am truly curious about your thoughts now."

Lizbet nodded and spoke fearlessly, "Despite the rewards that the Emperor gives to his faithful being incredible and something that cannot be easily granted, to attract new faithful, especially those under the influence of other Pantheons, offering perks like monetary gains or some kind of small Power would be ideal."

"Of course, the situation would vary from person to person. Some may need monetary gains, others may need healing or help with a problem. The reward will be adjusted according to the individual involved."

Lizbet sighed, "...Unfortunately, most Beings are too greedy and impatient, and most don't want to wait long to gain something."

Victor nodded twice. "I understand..." He put his hand on his chin and pretended to think about something. Seconds later, he began to speak.

"I thought of doing this initially, but do you know why I didn't?"

"...I don't, G.o.d Emperor."

"I don't want the greedy I want truly faithful followers like you and Rena."

"...Oh." Lizbet and Rena couldn't help but smile at Victor's comment.

Victor smiled faintly and continued, "You see, Lizbet, the greedy hold no value to me. They are just worthless pieces of walking meat. Do you know why?"

Lizbet and Rena were surprised by how Victor described other Mortals.

"We don't, Emperor," Rena said.

Victor stood up from his chair, showing his 2-meter height as he walked to the right side of the table, standing there perfectly erect while looking at the two faithful.

"Those pieces of meat can be easily replaced in this way." Victor made a gesture with his right hand and whispered several words in the Draconic Language.

Bending Reality to his Will and utilizing his Divinity, the bodies of a man and a woman appeared. The man had black hair, white skin, and black eyes. The woman had snow-white hair, chocolate-colored skin, and white eyes. They were opposites of each other and were not very beautiful by Supernatural standards, and they looked very normal.

"Creating Mortals is as easy as waving my hand to me." Victor pulled a Soul from his Sea of Souls in his body, altered the structure of this Soul to that of a common Mortal, and changed the Soul Records.

He had become so proficient in this ability that he could easily do such complex work. He couldn't create Souls yet, as that was a complex Domain that only the Primordials had Mastery over, but he could use an existing Soul to do a similar work of Creation.

Victor touched his finger to the foreheads of the man and the woman, and in the next moment, these Beings came to life.

Both opened their eyes and panicked.

"Huh?" The woman exclaimed.

"What's happening?" The man spoke while looking around, and seeing the tall man beside him, he instinctively felt fear, but something inside him understood that the man was his Creator.

"...Creator..." When he spoke these words, his eyes became lifeless.

Seeing this, the woman tried not to look in that direction and to leave this place, but Victor's voice stopped her movements.

"Remain silent."

"Yes," they both spoke at the same time.

Throughout all this, Lizbet and Rena merely watched with shocked eyes. They had just witnessed a pair of Mortals being created! They had witnessed Divine Works! This was an opportunity they would never have had in their lives!

"As you can see, Lizbet, creating Life for me is easy. I could create millions of Beings and make them completely loyal to me, but... What's the point of that?"

The two exchanged confused looks since, from their perspective, wouldn't it be easier to create these Beings to have more manpower?

"You may not understand, but a Being's Soul s.h.i.+nes more intensely when it faces danger or when it exercises its Will. Moments like personal achievements or emotional conquests also make the Soul s.h.i.+ne and grow. This is something that cannot be replicated with mere puppets."

"Even if I were to create these Beings only to wors.h.i.+p me, would they truly desire that in their own Soul? The answer to that question is no."

"Free Will is necessary for the Soul to grow because only through the exception of the individual's Will can the Soul embark on its journey. But Free Will without control only leads us to a civilization you have seen in the past."

Victor snapped his fingers, and the two Beings disappeared from existence as if they had never existed in the first place.

"What I want is quality. What I want are Beings who truly believe in my teachings. My Wives and my Disciple understand this, and therefore, they are not readily trying to bring these new Followers into the Inner Circle of faithful."

Kaguya's eyes widened. 'No, no, no. This is the first time I'm hearing this! What is he talking about?' Victor's words were completely contradictory! This was not in the established script! She quickly contacted Violet and discussed this matter with her.


[Yes?] Violet's hologram appeared in front of her.

[Listen to this!] Kaguya immediately sent the recording her suit captured of what happened to Violet. She didn't want to explain since it was better for Violet to see for herself.

Meanwhile, she continued to look at Victor.

"With that in mind, tell me, what should I do to achieve my goals?" He asked.

Lizbet and Rena fell silent as their brains had never been as active as they were today. They were exerting themselves to use their full mental capacity to answer the Emperor's question.

"...We continue with what we are doing, but we will not focus on getting anyone to join our Religion. The teachings of The Blood G.o.d's Bible says that we should respect Free Will. The G.o.d Emperor reinforced this thought, therefore... We will use this opportunity created to establish foundations."

"Sacred places, where there will be public access, we will leave our Acolytes in these sacred places and gradually bring people together through learning the values of the G.o.d Emperor," Rena said.

Continuing Rena's words, Lizbet said, "We will send our Emissaries to convey our teachings and values to the citizens, not intrusively, but through community involvement, and we will eventually secure everyone under our influence."

Victor's smile grew slightly.

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My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires Chapter 1028: Mold the world to my will. 2 summary

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