Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 1426 The Concern Of The Saintess

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1426 The Concern Of The Saintess

While Lin Mu was cultivating within the Sleepscape though, there was someone observing him in the real world.

This person was none other than the Saintess herself.

Her illusory body stood in Lin Mu’s room, watching his body. Her green eyes shone lightly, perceiving the hidden fluctuations of immortal Qi on Lin Mu’s body.

‘How is he doing this?’ The Saintess had a big question.

She had come to check since she had suddenly felt Lin Mu’s immortal Qi rise.

Normally, his energy fluctuations were all hidden by his body, but for the Saintess who was a Celestial in reality, it was nothing. Not to mention, her perception was already focused on the room since the Yin yang Twin Serpents were there.

The twins were still in their dormant state and were cultivating, too. The Saintess was concerned about them and wanted to ensure that they didn’t face any issues.

The situation of the Yin Yang Twin Serpents was unique and so was their cultivation method. They didn’t use the normal spirit Qi, but needed Yin and Yang Qi to cultivate. The symbol that the Saintess had created for them was enough to provide them more than enough of it, and had long since been injected into their bodies.

This was something even Lin Mu hadn’t sensed since there was no harm being done to the twins.

But then the Saintess suddenly felt new immortal Qi fluctuations appearing in the room, which weren’t from the snakes. She saw Lin Mu sleeping there, but his immortal Qi was rising for some reason.

‘He’s clearly sleeping and not absorbing any immortal Qi from the air… how is it still increasing for him?’ The Saintess could not figure it out despite her many years of experience.

It only made her more intrigued, and she continued to watch Lin Mu.


The amount of Immortal Qi within Lin Mu’s body started to rise faster and faster, making the Saintess furrow her brows.

‘He’ll end up facing an injury if he keeps raising his immortal Qi at this rate.’ The Saintess thought. “Should I…” she was about to interfere but then noticed something.

“Wait… his immortal Qi is stable even now. There are no disturbances at all. How can it be this stable?” The Saintess realized there were no signs pointing to Lin Mu potentially injuring himself.

It only made the Saintess’s interest in Lin Mu increase.

‘Is this also due to his grace? Being his disciple, Lin Mu should probably have some additional support.’ The Saintess wondered.

She watched him for a few more minutes before disappearing. ‘He should be fine for now…’

But what the Saintess didn’t expect was that Lin Mu simply didn’t wake up even after three days had pa.s.sed. She returned to take a look at him, feeling sure of one thing.

“There’s no doubt… he isn’t sleeping. He’s cultivation somehow.” She said to herself.

To her, there was no way Lin Mu would be exhausted enough to sleep for this long. For an immortal, not sleeping for a few months or even a year was nothing. And even if they were constantly expending their energy by working or battling, they could still last for a long time.

But this still made her a bit concerned.

‘If he cultivates like this, he’ll be vulnerable. How has he lasted this long?’ The Saintess wondered.

For most cultivators, being unprotected like this could be a dangerous thing. Even for cultivators that belonged to sects, they would be protected by several arrays and even have people looking after them.

But Lin Mu seemed to be a bit too carefree to her.

panda (nov)el ‘Is it his own decision, or does this confidence stem from his master?’ The Saintess was in doubt.

Regardless of her thoughts though, she knew there wasn’t much that she could do. She let Lin Mu continue his cultivation and waited for him to be done.

To her, who had lived for long, a few days or weeks were nothing. With how long she had lived, they seemed like mere blinks of an eye. Besides, it wasn’t like she was in a rush, either.

Having found the Yin Yang Twin Serpents, the Saintess was rather relieved now.

Lin Mu was unaware of what was happening in the real world and was fully focused on cultivating.


“That was the thirtieth box…” Lin Mu closed a box and shoved it to the side.

Five days had pa.s.sed since he had entered the Sleepscape and he had consumed a lot of Immortal Pool pills.

Thirty boxes of the pills were something that would be worth a small fortune, and yet Lin Mu had eaten them like they were rice. Still, the gains he had from it were very good too.

Taking a look at his Dantian, Lin Mu saw the immortal Qi ocean that was now present in it. His Immortal Qi storage had now reached the same level as what his spirit Qi storage was like before.

Of course, this was just a quant.i.tative comparison and not a qualitative one. After all, even a fraction of this immortal Qi would haven been better than all the spirit Qi he had before.

But this wasn’t all either, as within the ocean of immortal Qi, one could also see three smaller colored pools of immortal Qi. These were the fire, earth and metal elemental immortal Qi. Lin Mu had converted a part of his normal attribute-less immortal Qi into the elemental form.

Now thirty percent of his immortal Qi stores were elemental, with each of the three elements taking up 10%.

Lin Mu reckoned this was a good ratio as he could always convert more immortal Qi if the consumption rose beyond a certain level.


“That was a good cultivation session…” Lin Mu let out a breath before looking at the dome some distance away.

The dark green energy within it had decreased by a lot and only a few wisps of it could now been seen.

‘The seed has absorbed all of it… it’s close to awakening now.’ Lin Mu sensed.

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Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 1426 The Concern Of The Saintess summary

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