Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2361 Black Fin Island Members Attack!

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Chapter 2361  Black Fin Island Members Attack!

Ten individuals had currently attacked Lin Mu, Ziran, Monk Hushu and Little Shrubby. But among them two were immediately killed by Lin Mu's magma while the others continued to attack.

Four individuals targeted Monk Hushu and Ziran, while the rest targeted Little Shrubby, intending to take out the biggest target first.

The spear wielding man thrust with his weapon, as a grey energy was released from it.

"That foul energy!" Monk Hushu sensed it immediately and sent forth a palm imprint. ~CLANG~


The palm imprint successfully blocked the attack, but the foul energy managed to corrupt the imprint too.

"Bramble Thorn Whip!" Ziran chanted as he waved his hand, the vines on his arm transforming into a ten meter long th.o.r.n.y whip that struck back at the Axe user who was also using the grey energy.


Much to Ziran's surprise though, his whip was cut by the Axe forcing him to use another move.

"It's the Withering Dao!" he said out loud, noticing how the grey energy continued to corrupt the vine.

He disabled his skill, instead choosing to increase the distance between the enemy and himself first. Ziran flew back, while a flower grew on his palm. The flower fully covered his palm, and was a bit larger than it, looking rather beautiful.

It had eight white petals, but at the center of it was a thick tube. The tube opened up as a stream of yellow powder was shout out of it!

'Numbing Sense Pollen!' Ziran chanted in his mind, hoping that the skill would work.

The pollen was blasted at the black robed enemy and soon covered him entirely. The Axe wielding man slowed down and stopped in his tracks after a couple of seconds, allowing Ziran to take a chance to attack.

Without a word, Ziran charged back this time a six feet long thorn growing from his palm.


The thorn impaled the Axe wielding black robed man, before Ziran used his free left hand and grabbed the enemy's neck.


The flower on his left palm transformed into thin green vines that wrapped around the Axe wielding man's neck within a second and started constricting.

The vines looked weak, but they were stronger than steel cables!


A couple seconds later, the black robed man's head was severed by the squeezing vines, allowing Ziran to a.s.sist Monk Hushu.


But just as he turned, he saw the monk smas.h.i.+ng his foe into a meat paste. A large palm imprint had slammed him into the ground, leaving little to think especially when looking at the monk's stoic face.

"Amithbha… Patience has its limits." Ziran looked wordlessly before a roar was heard.


Little Shrubby's breathed out more flames, burning another black robed man into ashes within seconds, while the second was ignited.

"AHH!" The burning man cried in pain and tried to use his technique, but was too slow in front of Little Shrubby who split him into three segments with a single swipe of his claws!


The three segments fell to the ground, before being reduced to ash soon.

~s.h.i.+NG~ s.h.i.+NG~

Lin Mu also took care of his side of the foes with ease, as all attacks missed him with Flicker and Blink at his disposal. He had already recognized who they were and thus he didn't hold back, using his spatial skills without a hesitation to get the advantage. There was no way some Black Fin island members would be able to handle him after that.


The heads were severed, and soon all ten attackers were dead.

But this didn't mean the danger was over yet.


Lin Mu scanned the area with his immortal sense, ensuring that nothing more was hiding underground.

"No more here." Little Shrubby said, having smelled the air.

"The others!" Ziran spoke up, realizing that it might not be just them that were attack.

Hearing that, Lin Mu immediately took out the jade slip and communicated with others.

The first person to reply was Crown Prince Feng Shun.

'We've been attacked, but we're handling it.' The next to respond was Lady Kang, but she only sent a single word.

'Fighting.' Seeing the response from the two groups, Lin Mu was a bit relieved, but that relief soon disappeared when he realized that there was no response from Daoist Chu yet.

"We need to go to Daoist Chu right away!" Lin Mu urged and jumped onto Little Shrubby's back.

"He's alone so he might not be able to take it as well." Ziran said as he and Monk Hushu got onto the beast's back too.

"Amithabha, these foul people need to be sent to the underworld to be purified of their sins." Monk Hushu said, no mercy in his voice.


Little Shrubby turned into a red blur and rushed to the Second Offering Hall.

There, Daoist Chu was engrossed in a battle in which he was outnumbered.

"Dammit! Where did all of these come from?" Daoist Chu cursed as he threw out talisman after talisman.

His body was covered in tens of talismans too, as multiple layers of barrier were protecting him. Though if one compared the number of barriers with the talismans, they would realize that they didn't match. It was clear that several of these had been destroyed earlier.

'Thankfully I had readied the talismans from the start, or those maggots would've definitely infected me.' Daoist Chu thought.

Similar to Lin Mu, he had been attacked by four maggots that used the Withering Dao's energy too. But Daoist Chu had managed to kill them all, just in time before the ambush from the Black Fin Island members. ~CLANG~CLAGN~CLANG~

Three swords struck the barrier, while Daoist Chu fended off two incoming fist attacks.

"DIE!" Daoist Chu said as he threw out a rather large talisman. "DETONATE!"


A large explosion happened, as Daoist Chu was sent flying. But the same couldn't be said for the Black Fin Island members, as half of them were turned into chunks of flesh and splotches of blood.

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Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2361 Black Fin Island Members Attack! summary

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