Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2417 Ashy's Abilities

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Chapter 2417  Ashy's Abilities

It didn't take long for Lin Mu to think of a lot of uses for Ashy's new skill. Though he also realized that he needed to know more of the limitations before making proper conclusions.

"Can you go into any shadow?" Lin Mu questioned. "As long as a cultivation base is not a limitation?" "I sure can." Ashy said as she dived into the shadow of the Immortal Apple tree.

"Wait, that doesn't count." Lin Mu stated. "The Immortal Apple tree still has a cultivation base." He added.

"Oh, it doesn't?" Ashy came out and tilted her head. "Yeah… now that I think of it… pretty much everything in this place that can cast a shadow has a cultivation base." Lin Mu realized after thinking of all the plants in the place.

Even the giant crystal that were part of the Mutated Violet Mystic Life Tree were merged with its shadow so they didn't count fully.

"Well, you can test that out rather easily, can't you?" Xukong replied.

"True." Lin Mu said and took out a random rock from his storage and dropped it in front of him. "Try going into it's shadow." He asked.


With a little chirp, Ashy dived right in with no problem at all.

"Hmm… how big does the shadow have to be, or is there no size limit?" Lin Mu asked noticing how all the shadows Ashy had entered had been much bigger than her.

"They have to be as big as as my head to get in." Ashy answered. "I tried entering the shadows of the gra.s.s but I couldn't." She added.

"Hmm… makes sense." Lin Mu could now see more of the skill's capabilities. It also made him understand why her body had shrunk instead of growing in size like it would with most beasts. It was simply adapting to the skill, or perhaps the skill had been made in accordance with the body size.

A smaller body meant that Ashy could enter smaller and smaller shadows, plus the size also made her less noticeable in the darkness. Another thing Lin Mu noticed that Ashy's own presence was actually quite minuscule compared to other beasts at the same cultivation base.

Probing her body, he could feel the rich vitality and Qi within her. But all this was highly confined within her body, with only a small amount being released as part of the natural process. 'If she can contain that as well, she might even make her presence imperceptible.' Lin Mu thought to himself. 'Either she'll have to learn it on her own, or I can use a few methods to do the same.' He thought of several talismans and tools that could carry out that function.

His mind quickly jumped to how this method could be used reliably, at least until she learned how to do it on her own, if that was possible.

'Hmm… Using tools won't be as good since they will be too big for her and will have to be worn on person. Even if we make tools that are small enough for her, they might still end up interfering with her ability to enter the shadows.' Lin Mu thought of a flaw. 'Talismans can work and won't be as big of a hindrance as they can be activated right away, leaving nothing behind.

Though they are also short lasting and if she is to stay in shadows long, the effect would have to be renewed too. That means a spatial storage tool will be needed.' He understood.

A Spatial Storage tool was something that Lin Mu had no lack of, but the ones that could fit Ashy's size were going to be quite hard to figure out. 'Xiao Yang has the gemstone as a storage tool, so I can definitely get a gemstone even smaller than that for Ashy. But placing it will be an issue.' Lin Mu thought about Ashy's body and observed that there weren't actually many places to put the gemstone.

Plus another type of a Spatial Storage tool such as an anklet might make her stand out more, too. 'Perhaps something that can hide under her feathers?' He thought of a potential option.

But before he could go with that, Lin Mu knew he needed to learn more about the ability.

"How about entering other shadows?" he asked next.

"As long as the shadows are touching each other, I can switch between them." She answered.

"Oh?" hearing that, Lin Mu raised his brow as a rather useful idea appeared in his mind. 'That will certainly be useful… very useful.' "You should also see her Dao Embryo. She managed to make a rather niche one." Xukong spoke up.

"What is it? Show me," Lin Mu asked, feeling excited.

"Of course!" Ashy said as she quickly summoned her Dao Embryo.


From her tiny body, a small sphere appeared. It quickly enlarged, and the object within it was revealed. "A candle?" Lin Mu identified it rather easily but found it to be a bit strange. The candle was rather simple, having a dull white waxy body with a flared base around which the wax had gathered.

To him, a light emitting object as the Dao Embryo for a Shadow Element seemed rather ant.i.thetical at first. But when he observed the candle closely, he realized that it was no normal candle.

"It has no wick?" He noticed the biggest difference.

"This is my Wick-less Candle Dao Embryo." Ashy revealed.

Lin Mu tried to remember if he had read about the name anywhere, but came up with nothing. "It really is niche." He muttered.

"That's not all." Xukong replied. "You should see what it can do." He added.

"I can show it now." Ashy spoke up. "Though I can only maintain it for a short while." She said as she gathered energy within her body.


And in the next second, all traces of energy disappeared within the tip of the candle where the wick was supposed to be. But it was just the start, as in the next second, darkness started to spread!

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Walker Of The Worlds Chapter 2417 Ashy's Abilities summary

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