My Werewolf System Chapter 877 Apex Predator

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Chapter 877 Apex Predator

Unlike Gary, the other Werewolves, when evolving into their new cla.s.s, they didn’t have a system that would explain every detail of what they were capable of. A lot of what they had to go through would come through instincts.

When in a tough situation, their minds acted on their own, and their bodies reacted to it. In some cases, it was as if they had always known how to do something and were acting out on that fact.

This was how Marie knew she could grow in size. She knew she had the strength to defend against the attacks that were coming her way. In some cases, there were more difficult powers unlocked by that one wouldn’t know about.

For instance, even Gary’s Dark Warrior cla.s.s, the main advantage of the cla.s.s wasn’t figured out until nightfall came.

Having watched Marie do so well, it was time for Olivia to act as well. Her body was changing, and she was going into her full transformation. For her outward appearance, she looked similar to how she did before.

Covered in black fur with her leg limbs and arm limbs slightly longer than that of the warrior or standard Werewolves, she ran forward ahead, and the rest started to follow.

“Just because they have joined in, doesn’t mean we can just relax, come on let’s get in there!” Numba shouted as he charged forward, smas.h.i.+ng his fist against one of the heads. He had pushed it back, but the head quickly moved and was going towards him again.

The large mouth opened and tried to chomp down on Numba, but before it could, Ian moved in the way and shot out several bristles from his back. It pierced the upper skin in several places of the mouth, and the green blood-like liquid started to ooze out of the Hydra’s mouth.

The two of them moved quickly and could see the chaos going on as the heads were moving about everywhere and the Werewolves were trying to deal with it. They were mostly avoiding head-on confrontations and just jumping up on their heads.

There were just too many for them to deal with. While Ian and Numba thought they had survived death, they could see other heads coming towards them.

Olivia had jumped down in front of them and had grabbed them with one hand; she then jumped up, and they were running along one of the necks of the Hydra. She had let them go to run by themselves, but they could see more trouble as Hydra necks and heads were everywhere, and they knew that Raven wasn’t afraid of damaging his own body.

Holding out her hand, her fingernails exploded off and stabbed right through one of the Hydra head’s, causing it to flinch; she used her other hand and did the same, firing out fingernails to the other side, through the Hydra.

Once her fingernails came off, they were starting to grow back at a rate that could be seen quickly by the human eye.

“Those nails pack quite a punch, and she can just fire them out… she couldn’t do that before, right?” Ian asked.

Watching her, in some ways, it almost looked like her nails were more effective than when he fired out his bristles, but on closer inspection, it didn’t seem to be the case. It was more so she was. .h.i.tting the Hydra’s either through the mouth or right at where its eyes were to cause it to flinch.

Each time she was. .h.i.tting the weak spot perfectly. This was one of the traits of the Apex Predator cla.s.s, naturally knowing the weak points.

However, there were still more heads than she could handle, and she witnessed one coming right at her. She placed both of her long limbs by her side, and rather than shooting out her fingernails, they started to grow longer in size, until they were touching the floor.

When the mouth was close, she sc.r.a.ped her nails across the floor and swung them out. Her nails had extended even further and had completely cut through the Hydra’s skin and head; it had been sliced apart.

The green blood from the Hydra was burning through Olivia’s nails, but what did it matter; she had shot the remainder of the nails on the ground, and new ones were growing in their place.

Olivia had found a way for her to not worry about the blood. Now she knew she could go right for the main body and not have to worry about anything else.

Marie was continuing to attack and crash into the heads, tackling them to the ground. But during her battle, she also noticed something else as well. At one point, she was too slow to reach one of the Werewolves.

They were struggling as they were pus.h.i.+ng back against the teeth of one of the Hydra’s that were trying to eat them up.

When she came over, there was an instinct inside her; she could see green liquid from the Hydra coming out from its teeth, hurting the Werewolf and its b.l.o.o.d.y hands.

At that moment, instead of attacking the Hydra, she had dug her own nails into the back of her fellow Werewolf. In doing so, the Werewolf could feel its own hide thickening and parts of its body healing up.

The Werewolf felt a slight strength increase and was able to push the mouth off from its hands, and Marie bashed it away before it could do more damage.

Temporarily she could buff other Werewolves near her, to have similar traits to her new t.i.tan Vanguard cla.s.s.

Olivia was keeping an eye on everything, and now she didn’t have to worry.

“The other Werewolves, right now all they can do is distract. It’s too hard to ask them to try an attack and it’s useful. Marie’s evolution and strong hide allow her to be protected from this green mess, and now I can attack freely. It looks like he chose the wrong opponents to choose today! Raven, I never did like you much, so it’s time to get rid of you!”


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My Werewolf System Chapter 877 Apex Predator summary

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