Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 864 Coincidental Meeting

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Chapter 864 Coincidental Meeting

Date- 3 April 2321

Time- 09:05

Location- Sky Blossom City, Prestige Cafe

"Your highness," Rami greeted Anna and then added, "Master Wyatt, I did not expect to meet you here, what a coincidence."

After having our date, Anna and I were about to walk out of the Prestige Cafe but ran into an acquaintance of mine, Rami Kage, at the entrance. For some reason, I did not feel that him running into us was a coincidence. Coincident or not, he was smart not to disturb our breakfast and wait till we were about to leave. If not he would have left a bad impression on Anna. Which he would come to regret.

"Mr. Rami, I was planning to visit you next," I greeted Rami back but Anna just nodded, considering her status she was already giving Rami a lot of face by acknowledging his greeting.

"..." With the southern emperor next to the young card creationist Rami didn't dare to appear too friendly or even speak casually with him. He did plan this coincidental meeting but he did not expect the young card creationist to entertain him. He expected the card apprentice to leave, giving him a nod, the present scenario was not in the script he thought of. With the intimidating presence of her highness, Rami did not even dare to breathe loudly.

"It seems you have work to do, I will leave you to it then," said Anna and then gave me a small kiss on my cheek adding, "I enjoyed the date, we should do this more often."

Not waiting for me to answer her, she turned to look at Rami and complimented him before vanis.h.i.+ng into the air, "Good meeting you Mr.Rami, keep up the good work."

"..." Rami kept a calm expression on the surface but in his mind, he kept chanting, 'Her highness knows my name, she knows my name…'

"Mr. Rami, how about we find somewhere comfortable to continue our discussion?" I said looking at Rami who seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

"Ah, yes. Let me be the host." Rami awakened from his thoughts and insisted.

"Sure," I followed Rami back into the Prestige Cafe.

"Master Wyatt, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Rami asked the young card creationist. He felt that his decision to follow this young card creationist was right, especially when he heard the southern emperor call him by his name. As a small official in the southern region, nothing could bring him great honor than the fact that the southern emperor knew his name. At that moment he had decided to follow the young card creationist no questions asked.

"I am planning to visit Sun Blossom city today, can you make the required arrangement," I informed Rami about my plans.

"Sure master Wyatt, just name the time I will get it done," Rami did not ask why but readily agreed to the card creationist's demand like a loyal servant.

"Good," I noticed how Rami was asking zero questions and couldn't help but nod in appreciation, if he continued as such then this relations.h.i.+p could go a long way. And then I added, "While I am there I plan to meet the person in charge of the city array. Make that happen."

"No problem master Wyatt," Rami nodded in agreement.

"If everything goes as planned I plan to attack the circle tonight, you remember the arrangements we discussed previously right?" I asked Rami since he played an important part in my plan to erase the Circle Sun Blossom City branch from the face of this world.

"Yes, boss. Don't you worry, I will make sure that your people enter the city without any hindrance, and families and authorities of the city don't come to the aid of the circle." Rami clearly remembers the role he was a.s.signed by the young card creationist, though he wasn't on the front lines his part was important, he planned to do it right to gain some points with the young card creationist.

"Good, I plan to be in the sun blossom city by noon, is that possible," I asked Rami.

"Sure boss, the transportation is ready. Let me handle the required doc.u.ments and then we can leave right away." Rami answered and ordered his aide to do the things accordingly.

[Calling Diana…]

"h.e.l.lo Boss, How may I be of your help?" Diana answered the call.

"Get the container s.h.i.+ps and your men ready, tonight we turn the circle sun blossom city branch to dust," I informed Diana about my plans for tonight.

"Finally, don't worry boss. I have been preparing for this day for so long. Leave it to me." Daina replied enthusiastically.

"Good, make sure the soldiers from all three organizations behave and don't get into trouble. Especially the adventurers from the TSR guild, it just went through a huge merger. Guild master Van hadn't gotten enough time to discipline all of them so it is going to be challenging." It hasn't been long since the TSR guild was established, and most of its members were newly hired. It hasn't been long enough for new members to develop a sense of belonging to the guild let alone loyalty.

"Don't worry boss, I was worried about this too. So I did my own background check on them and they all seem to be fine. I was planning to share this with guild master Van today anyway." Diana never planned to share this with Van, she had other plans in mind long ago but now she revealed her card to her boss because she did not feel the need to put her previous plan into motion.

"I see, I take it you got everything handled over here. Then meet you in the sun blossom city." I did not bother with Diana's little thoughts as I was going to leave the entire blossom district under her supervision anyway. It's good to see that she is already taking charge.

"Yes boss, leave it to me. I will inform the others about your plan." Diana said enthusiastically.


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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 864 Coincidental Meeting summary

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