Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1617 Can't Believe

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Chapter 1617 Can't Believe


"I see. You'll be very useful to me. I can't believe I didn't think of such an approach." Dyon smiled. "Little Lyla, in my home world they call what Researcher Ton is researching the 'Big Bang'. It theorizes that every universe, including the one we're standing in now, started from an infinitesimally small point that then began gus.h.i.+ng matter outward. Even right now, this universe and all others are continuously expanding and accelerating without limit.

"Researcher Ton's goal is to map this expansion and use the trajectories of that matter to chart the progression of a universe over time. Theoretically, if he succeeds, with just the age of a universe, you'd be able to predict everything about it. You could predict where abyssal cores and resources would appear, and you'd also immediately know where all of the habitable planets are as well.

"Of course, this is a.s.suming no external factors disrupted said universe's flow. This model would never work for my home universe due to the ent.i.ty's interference. It also wouldn't work in Chaos Universe because of the changes the Mathilde Clan caused to it. But, for most others, it should!"

The more Dyon spoke, the more excited he became. Even if all of the other researchers were useless to him, Researcher Ton was a gold mine as long as he could succeed.

"Wait! What did you say?! Say it again!" Researcher Ton's eyes lit up so fiercely he almost looked like a mad man. "That's it! It's constantly accelerating, it's constantly accelerating, that's what I was missing all this time!"

Watching a grown man practically break down in tears Dyon came to understand something. His mortal world knowledge… It was more valuable than he thought… Even more valuable than Jade let on… Likely because Dyon never found these researchers in the previous timeline.

"You can continue." Dyon said with a sigh. He didn't have time to care for Researcher Ton's emotions.

"This is Researcher Aimoi." Little Lyla's pink eyes glistened as she pointed toward a woman whose hair was a den of split ends.

"She is researching aging. She wants to comprehend why people die of old age. More importantly, she's curious about how cultivation works to stop that aging process. Why is it that she, as a practically artificial dao expert, has the same lifespan as a Ninth Order dao expert genius? If it was really about just the energy alone, there should be disparity between quality of expert and thus a disparity in lifespan.

"She hypothesizes that increased lifespan due to cultivation isn't actually due to the qi at all, but rather an arbitrary increase the Heavens can set as they deem fit. She believes that the reason for this arbitrary cap is linked to the natural death of universes… Her goal is to find a method to increase that limit or understand it."

Dyon's eyes narrowed. Aimoi's words intrigued him, but he had no interest in this research for anything other than learning a secret of the universe.

If it was about increasing the limit, Dyon already knew of someone who could do so freely… Luna. But, from what he understood, Luna gave him 40 000 extra years of life, much of which he had already squandered, by taking it from others. She couldn't naturally increase it as she pleased. Not that she was here anyway… So this didn't make much of a difference.

But there was something else that was curious. If the Heavens set this artificial cap, why allow reincarnation then? What was the point?

"This is Researcher Kline. He is researching the ability beasts have to pa.s.s on their legacies to their children. He believes he's found the root of how this information is pa.s.sed. And, this is Researcher Curie. Her research is tied with Kline's. They both work on this root information transfer system, but their goals are different.

"Kline wishes give humans the ability of beasts. However, instead of pa.s.sing down powerful techniques and abilities, he wants to pa.s.s down knowledge. He imagines a world where children can be born already knowledgeable about humanity's greatest discoveries. In this way, they don't need to waste time relearning things others have already researched and vetted and can instead focus on pus.h.i.+ng us forward.

"Curie, however, has a different approach. She wants to use what she calls the 'Basic Unit of the Human Body' to engineer better humans. She theorizes that it would be possible to engineer the perfect race of beast or man as long as these basic units can be perfectly manipulated."

Dyon's smile only seemed to get wider. "Little Lyla, in my mortal world, they call these 'basic units' are called DNA. It stands for a long name given to the chemical makeup of the basic unit.

"Essentially, when a baby is conceived, they receive half of their mother's basic unit and half of their father's. The reason beasts decline over time is because this continuous halving often disallows perfect copies of legacies to be pa.s.sed down. Unfortunately, simply mating within the strongest circles isn't the solution either because then that guarantees that original flaws within the basic unit will manifest more and more, this is why incest is so taboo."

Dyon didn't seem to realize that the more he spoke, the more Curie and Kline's eyes became just like Ton's who had seemingly lost his mind.

"I can't believe I didn't think of this…" Dyon mumbled. "I've been trying to make normal beasts with DNA stronger even though they don't have the potential to sustain it. But, if I made their 'basic units' stronger instead, I would have long since had the breakthrough I'm looking for!"

In that moment, as Dyon was finding a new path to success, the remaining groups of researchers who had yet to have their minds read by Little Lyla were suddenly looking toward the pink haired beauty with feverish gazes.

It was almost like they were pleading… Pleading Lyla to hurry up and say their research out loud so they could experience the same breakthrough the others were due to Dyon's words. Please… Hurry!

They were almost starving for it, starving for Dyon's world. This world of his… They wanted to go to it.

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Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1617 Can't Believe summary

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