Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1644 Spotted

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Chapter 1644 Spotted

The people of the Ancient Battlefield called this event 'The Descent'. When it came time for this to occur, those with dreams of returning to the Mortal Plane began to fortify their own strengths. The best way to do that was to subdue the strength of others under your umbrella.

With The Descent approaching, a war wasn't impossible. But for all 18 of their named tribes to lose contact with them… Wouldn't that mean they had already lost?

Communication on the Ancient Battlefield was too difficult. Beasts very much ruled these lands. Their only real method of contact were foot messengers that usually also brought tributes to their tribe every month.

These leaders realized that this system wasn't very good, especially in this sort of situation. But, there was a reason they never tried to improve it: doing so would make it more likely for their subordinate tribes to rise up against them. After all, the c.u.mulative population of their subordinates surpa.s.sed them. Matters were made even worse when it was considered that most of their population was made of women.

"We should prepare for war." Another leader spoke up. "It's not necessary to panic. The disadvantages we face within this d.a.m.ned forest are the same disadvantages our opponents face. It's impossible to move a large-scale army here. If anyone tried, they'd become meals for the beasts before they could even reach their goal."

The other 11 nodded in agreement. This allowed them to place the stone weighing on their chests down. Even if this was a mutiny, they still held the upper hand.

"Should we inform the other upper tribes of our Region?"

The Chief snarled, causing the other 11 elders to fall into silence. They knew well why their Chief reacted this way. He had lost more concubines than he cared to count to those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. Their mere mention p.i.s.sed him off.

Suddenly, loud sounds of booming and screaming caused the twelve to freeze.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

The tribe's best scout scurried up the tree, leaping into the meeting of 12 without regard.

"T-t-thousands of enemies spotted!"

The elders of this inferior upper tribe weren't wrong. Moving a large army within this Region was incredibly difficult. If it was up to Dyon, he would have attacked them days ago before they had the chance to notice that their tributes were missing, but he took a cautious approach and bided his time.

With the help of his divine sense, Dyon could clearly see trouble before it came and dealt with it quickly. For that, he had the bronzed and cobras by his side, so although beasts became slightly more powerful as he moved toward the upper tribes, it wasn't much of a problem.

The real issue was moving a large army within a dense forest. Coordination became a nightmare. However, just as the twelve had said, any disadvantages Dyon faced, they faced as well. And… Unlike Dyon, they didn't have a divine sense capable of stretching 10 000 km.

The army of 5 000 swept forward, surrounding the settlement of almost a thousand people like a horde of lurking predators.

Dyon was forced to split his troops into squads of 3 instead of the optimal 5, using his troops with higher mobility to sweep through the front and raise the alarms as his heavy infantry approached from the back.

Taking the initiative was incredibly important. If this battle turned into a skirmish, Dyon's advantage of coordination and numbers would vanish. It was simply too difficult to fine tune the positions of several thousand with so many solid, immovable trees in the way.

This wasn't Dyon only disadvantage either. Much of the settlement was built high up in the trees. Though the named and numbered tribes didn't have anything you could truly call a weapon, the upper tribes took a large leap forward. Dyon's senses had already trained on multiple archers.

However, he was prepared.

Dyon sent the bronzed forward, making use of their gliding abilities to throw the settlement into chaos. The archers were his top priority. In fact, whenever he was in a situation where he had to pick between the archer or their weapon, Dyon destroyed their weapon without hesitation.

As expected, taking advantage of his superior numbers was difficult. And, it only became more so after the 11 elder and the chieftain joined the battle. They became a backbone that was difficult to snap, and since they stood together instead of being as arrogant as Dyon would have hoped, the bronzed couldn't take them out.

Still, Dyon's equipment advantage began to s.h.i.+ne through. Dwarf's Diamond truly lived up to its name.

Dyon retrieved his high mobility units, covering their retreat with his own squadron of archers. Their duty had been accomplished, as of now, there was no point in risking their lives any further.

Unfortunately, Dyon didn't have the benefit of sparing everyone as he had done up to now. He had to make his advantage clear if he wanted this battle to end even though it pained him to see the possible additional warriors to his army fall.

"It's that cloaked b.a.s.t.a.r.d over there! He's coordinating everything!" The chieftain snarled, swinging a large wooden club forward to knock several warriors back.

Seeing Dyon arrogantly sitting on Queen's back, his face covered by a black cloak, made the already bad mood of the chief flare up.

As though to respond to his rage, a red formation suddenly appeared before the chief, shocking him to no end.

'[Accelerate]. [Carnage].'

Dyon obviously had no intention of killing the chief with this attack. Despite it being the best Dyon could muster in his current handicapped state, the chief had a body comparable a step above a pseudo dao expert, but not quite within the realms of a dao expert. Unless Dyon brought out [Raze], which he was unable to do unless he had access to his full soul strength, putting a dent in him was a fool's errand.

However… If it was a perfectly timed strike directly toward this mighty chief's attacking wrist, it was a different story entirely.

A b.l.o.o.d.y red spear slammed into the chieftain's wrist, but what was even more overbearing was the mental attack that followed suit.

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Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God Chapter 1644 Spotted summary

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