The Villain's Story Chapter [109]Recovery.[2]

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Chapter [109]Recovery.[2]

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"s.h.i.+elds Negligence impacts students safety."

"Can s.h.i.+eld be trusted with our future prodigies?"

"s.h.i.+eld, Is it truly the best-awakened inst.i.tution? Better than Eden?"

"Eden speaks against s.h.i.+eld."





Elena let out a sigh as she turned the television off.

The hologram in front of her disappeared and she closed her eyes and leaned back on her chair.

It was then she heard a ring.


She opened her eyes and then pressed a b.u.t.ton on the table in front of her and heard a voice immediately after.

[Vice, Officials from Behemoth and t.i.tan want to meet with you.]

"Deny them, tell them I'm far too busy with other things."

[...but miss.]

"*Sigh* fine, tell them ill mee-"


It was then that she heard another ting interrupt her coming from her watch.

She tapped it and a holographic message appeared in front of her.

[Vanessa:The boy woke up.]

Her expression immediately changed after she saw the message, and she spoke once again.

"Tell them I'm busy right now, I need to complete Headmaster Olivers Task."

[But miss I don't thin- ]

She cut off the transmission and stood up from her chair, before making her way to the door.


I heard the door open again.

'Who is it this time?'

Could you people not let me get some sleep?

I didn't want to do it, but I still had to open my eyes to see who it was.

And from my position, I saw a female figure wearing a full white coat with pure white hair that had cyan ends walking towards me.

There's only one person with that look that I know of.


I said while I closed my eyes.

"Yes, h.e.l.lo to you too."

She said and sat down on a chair beside the bed.

"Congratulations, You took down a beast on a whole other level from you, and I especially loved the part where you threw it up in the air."


I did what?

Oh yeah, I still don't know what happened during that fight.

The camera attached to our suits should have recorded everything.

"Especially that 'Yeehaw', although I'm quite sad the camera experienced some difficulties due to the pitiful state of your suit the voice recording cut off after that. Still, it was quite impressive that you defeated a monster quite above your level, even though it was injured."



Did I say that?

I need to review the footage.

But d.a.m.n, why do feel shy and embarra.s.sed upon hearing the 'YEEHAW' part.

Can't believe I of all people did that.

"Anyways, I'm here to give you something from the Headmaster."

She said as she reached into her breast pocket and pulled out a bracelet.

"This is a key to a special room a.s.signed to you and three others to continue your training with the Sword Saint. It's located in sector B, The bracelet will guide you towards it."

'Wait, three others?'

I thought after hearing her words.

Three others AND me?

I only know of me and Alex, who the h.e.l.l are the other two?

"Do you know how shocked I was when I heard that you were the student of the missing sword saint? I was even sad that the kept this a secret from me, his dear disciple, well although I am glad I'm the only one he spoke to about it. I even wanted to be your teacher too."

She said while putting on a sorrowful look on her face.

oh well, it probably was like that, I couldn't see her expression with my eyes closed after all.

But I do wonder, who are the other two?

Should I ask her right now, or should I wait and go see them for myself?

would it be suspicious if I don't know their ident.i.ties even though I'm also a student of the sword saint?

And judging from her words, it looks like she also found out this not too long ago.

So it's better to keep my mouth shut huh?

Oh well, I'll probably find out who they are when I go to the room anyways.

"I wanted to become your trainer, but unfortunately that spot has been taken by someone I can't compare to."

Hold on...trainer?

I can make some use of this.

"... that is incorrect miss."

I said to her and she asked me.

"Oh, how so?"

"The sword saint prefers to be hidden, and also specializes in swords, not spears, he also doesn't have any common affinities with me, all he does is beat me up, and teach me how to fight. You, on the other hand, have a common affinity with me, which is nice, you would be a better teacher."

I said to her, the benefits of her being my trainer were tremendous, even if it was only in name.

Arken Preferred to be hidden, while I could use her status to my advantage.

Plus, she has a mastery of the ice element, and an entire plethora of Ice Skills and techniques I can learn.

Why would I reject it?

And if I'm her official student, and Arkens unofficial student, Not only am I learning how to fight, but I'm also learning how to use the Ice Element more pro efficiently.

And, Although the [Supreme Ice Dragons Breath] is an amazing mana breathing technique... it's simply too fast.

Although It is extremely painful, I can deal with the pain, but if I have an extremely fast growth rate, the fake rumors about me receiving help from the demons will increase.

Honestly, I don't mind those rumors, Problem is my Guild is facing a hard time because of it.

So, I can use [Supreme Ice Dragons Breath] but because of the rate of progress being too fast, I'll be put under even more suspicion. So it's better to hold off until I get an item that hides my rank.

And I can't just reveal the fact that I have a seven-star mana technique.

The moment I do that is the moment I sign my death certificate.

so, If I get Her mana technique along with the position of being her student.

It's all win-win for me.

So I need to convince her to becomher techniques

So I can use hertechniques and her position as a s.h.i.+eld.

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The Villain's Story Chapter [109]Recovery.[2] summary

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