The Villain's Story Chapter [138]The Child Of Death[5]

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Chapter [138]The Child Of Death[5]

A/N: Thank you all for a million views!

Ara.n.u.s was in disbelief.

This energy....belonged to a fellow dragon.

And a dragon of death.

He calmed down his mind and focused even more on this energy.

' is a dragon of death.'. can't be 'her'.

She would destroy this world with just her presence.

And neither her deceased daughter.

...but this energy of death is so similar to 'hers'.

It is so similar to the energy of the only Dragon of death left....yet it seemed different.

Ara.n.u.s, after checking the energy, finally concluded that it didn't belong to the energy of the one dragon of death he remembered.

'...if it's not that grandma's energy, then what is it?'

If it's not the energy of the dragon who is the mother of the Supreme Dragons of Ice, Death, Darkness, and Shadow.

Then what the f.u.c.k is It?!

"So, is it a dragon?"

Ara.n.u.s heard Alans voice as his gaze never left the direction of the energy.


Ara.n.u.s gave Alan his answer and continued to think aloud, well only Alan could hear what he was saying so it didn't matter.

"...if it's not hers, then is it an artifact with her the energy is too strong for that...and it also cant be s.h.i.+'s energy...she died before I even awakened....then what is it?"

Did a new dragon of death Appear?

But then...where was this dragon when he was rampaging through the universe?

Had another human been born beside me and the celestial child with the apt.i.tude and blessing of a dragon?

No, s.h.i.+, who was dead can't have given the blessing.

And that gigantic stuck-up old dragon would never do that.

I need to go closer to find out.

I cannot exert my powers in this form.

"So...mind explaining this to me?"

He heard Alan's voice and turned around to face him.

"An unstable dragon of Death is present on Earth. And I don't know its ident.i.ty."

"A dragon of Death? How strong is it right now?"

"I don't know...but it's shocking."

"Of course it is, a f.u.c.king dragon of death is on Earth, it bou-".

"Not that."

Ara.n.u.s interrupted Alan and explained to him the reason for his shock.

"There have been only two dragons of death throughout the history of Dragon, The Primordial Dragon of Death, Ariel, and her daughter, Supreme Dragon of Death s.h.i.+."

"There have been no dragons born with the element of death except those two."

"...And right now, although similar, it doesn't belong to either of them."

Alan remained quiet and asked a question after some time while Ara.n.u.s was mumbling to himself.

"Well, it could have died before you began you-"

Alan paused midway through his question, as he dawned upon a terrifying fact.

Either a Dragon of all, who could feed upon mana to sustain itself, could live indefinitely died from natural causes...or someone...

Killed a dragon.

But who?

The only ones capable of such feats would destroy Earth the moment they appeared with their power levels.

That couldn't have

Did a human kill a dragon?

Even though killing a dragon was a near-impossible task...what if it was like Alan?

Who was alone and his guardian dragons were absent to protect him...and he was also young and weak.

The possibility of that...was small but not zero.

The only thing left to consider was, if a human had killed it, then why was there no mention of a dragon slayer in the memories I have?

I need to find out.

"We need to find out about this dragon, if we are lucky and can reason with it then-"

"Say no more."

Ara.n.u.s was cut off by Alan, who was going to inform his a.s.sistant, Benson.

It seems someone is curious.

Ara.n.u.s thought In his mind as he saw the child go in a hurry.

This can prove to be very dangerous.

But also very very fruitful.

Ara.n.u.s at that moment then remembered something humans used to say.

High risk, high return.


The Dragonoid covered in a bony armor stood up.

In this desolate land, it stood up, standing at a height of three meters.

It had long and scaly arms, and even longer legs, covered in its frightening armor.

Its eyes s.h.i.+ned a black light as it began to feel the energy it had felt earlier move closer to it.

It wasn't steady, it wasn't traveling here either quickly or slowly.

It traveled large amounts of distances instantly as if it was teleporting.

The Dragonoid stared at the energy coming closer, and the chains around its body began to tighten as it was being restrained every second.

It prepared its mana, and as the chains began to restrict it, even more, they controlled it, like a puppeteer controlling a puppet.

They made him...roar.

A roar so terrifying and filled with such power engulfed the island as the surroundings lost their color.

It was a roar to meet the one coming towards it.

And unfortunately, Kazikato had no choice but to follow the G.o.dforsaken chains did.



Hana heard the roar of Kazikato as the area began to shake.


The waters began to rise and fall, waves formed and the earth rumbled.

Hana stared at the Island opposite hers and tried to rouse her mana.

But she failed.

She coughed up blood and fell to her knees.

So weak, she had grown so weak.

Will she have to use it?

Will she have to use the skill that would kill her?

Just to save Kazikato from his suffering.

But it would without a doubt kill him as well.

She didn't want that...but if things continued to go an like this, who knows what she will have to do.

I'm so weak...that I couldn't protect the one wanted.

Her mana, her life force she sacrificed it all, yet was still unable to save Him.

And it was then that she felt mana, not hers or Kazikato's.

A different man, belonging to an attribute she never knew of, even as her days as an Awakened.

And this man, a young man, materialized in front of her seemingly out of nowhere.

His tall figure, his pure snow white hair, and most importantly....his diamond blue eyes... eyes that possessed a uniqueness that she saw in Kazikatos eyes.

Appeared before her, and immediately she felt an aura of safety and protection envelope her.

As her emerald eyes and the young man's blue diamond eyes made contact, they looked at each other for a while, seemingly evaluating each other.

And it was then that she felt it.

Mana is so pure that no impurity could be found within.

A man she had previously felt as she tried to save Kazikato.

The mana belonged to a race much loved by Mana itself, so much so that mana was a fundamental part of their existence.

The mana...

Of a Dragon.

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The Villain's Story Chapter [138]The Child Of Death[5] summary

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