The Villain's Story Chapter [143]The Power Of Love.

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Chapter [143]The Power Of Love.

The ma.s.sive dragon in the sky shot out a breath of pure darkness.

The Breath of Death.

A beam of pure black went towards the location the ice Phoenix fell.

And from the cloud of dust ...

Emerged a crescent slash of pure white mana.

The first movement of the seven-star spear art, Chaotic Spear.

Abyssal Rend, utilized to its half potential, with the mana of Chaos.

The breath of the dragon of Death and the Crescent slash of Abyssal Rend at 50% power clashed.

A screeching sound was produced by the collision...and yet, the crescent slash cleaved it in half.

It made its way through the beam.

And finally, Alan's figure was a.s.saulted by the halved beam of death.

It reached the chains restricting the dragon.

And then two ma.s.sive pillars of white and Black rose to the sky.

A sight that not only Hana, but many could see.

As their skies became illuminated by the lights of white and black battling each other.

They could see.

And Alan could hear it.


The cracking of the chains.

As his body was a.s.saulted by the remaining beam of death, he could hear it.

The cracking of the chains that were the chimes signal his victory.

He won.

He f.u.c.king won.


Hana finally opened her eyes after being blinded by the light of black and white.

And what she saw was the entire island in front of her gone, reduced to nothing, the sea beneath it filling its void.

Her own island, devasted by the clash itself.

Of two Dragons.

The final clash of the two dragons.

And what appeared above her was a blue portal.

And two young men fell out, wet and covered in wounds.

They were both unconscious.

One was a face she knew all too well, of Kazikato s.h.i.+mos.h.i.+no.

The black hair, the cut on his left eyebrow, and his very figure.

And the other was the young man she met previously.

His forearms were entirely gone, his eyes bleeding, his body bleeding as he struggled to stand, but could only support himself by getting on his knees.

And even then, he coughed up blood.

And with a dying voice, he muttered.


Hana, bewildered at the sight of his wounds...her voice as she lamented at the fact...she had long lost the ability to heal...except for one skill.

She turned her head, not to the dying Alan Peccator, but to the dying Kazikato, whose injuries although appeared weak, were dying as well.

"... I can only heal him."

She said to Alan as she didn't even wait for a response back.

She moved towards Kazikato, as Alan muttered as he got up.

"...who else...did you think I was... referring to.."

", Tell her to supply him with the mana of life now!" voice resounded in Alan's ear, who was losing his vision.

"...Supply him with all the life energy you can...or he'll die."

Hana, who was listening, put Kazikato's head on her lap as her hands started to glow.

Alan's arms and wounds had stopped bleeding, but it would be an understatement to say he was ok.

His entire body was in so much pain he wanted to pa.s.s out.

And as he was about to...from his remaining vision in his right eye...he saw Hana's figure disappear into green light that flowed into the boy whose head was on her lap, entering his temple.

"She's sacrificing her own life force to heal him."

Ara.n.u.s's voice was heard once again, and Alan, who couldn't speak now, heard her dying words as her body began to disappear.

"You are of the same...beings as Kazikato..."

"...your mana, your eyes...and the aura that you and Kazikato had...are the same."

"Please...please give him the family that he always wanted, as beings of the same race."

And that was it.

Alan's shock could not be explained in words.

Hana's figure disappeared, and all that was left in her position was Kazikato.

" she went as far as to sacrifice her own life for him huh."

Ara.n.u.s's mutters were all he heard, and even then he didn't understand.


"You don't know yet, but the power of 'love' is frightening, whether it be parental, familial, or romantic."


What a s.h.i.+tty reason.

Alan thought as he briefly used Mana Master to regain some mana back...and even that hurt him to an insane degree.

His body....was broken.

He coughed up blood, and resisting the urge to faint, with the extremely small amount of mana he regained, he opened a portal beneath both him and Kazikato.

And then, the moment he reached the other side.

It all went black.


In the layer of the Primordial Dragon of Death, Ariel.

Her sleeping figure was woken up when she felt the energy...of her long-dead Daughter.

Of her firstborn child.


She stood up abruptly, causing the entire realm to rumble because of her ma.s.sive figure.

The chains binding her restricted hrs even further, yet she paid them no heed, she resisted with some of her might as she scanned the faint energy signal she just felt.

She spread out her mana throughout the entire universe, searching for that signal again

And then she came upon it.

A small blue planet, the place where she felt the signal.

The energy signal of her Daughter s.h.i.+.

And she saw the boy, who was birthed by her daughters mana.

And her mana entered the boy, and she saw his memories, and the memories, he did not remember, of his mother.

Her dying face as she suffered from the poison of Jormungander.

Her dying face was filled with love as she held her child.

The same face Ariel had when she birthed s.h.i.+.

A tear ran down the ma.s.sive dragon's face.

s.h.i.+...even though she could still survive from the poison if she used her power....had instead gifted it to her child, who had, unfortunately, somehow inherited the same curse as Ariel, just so she could stop it.

And then Ariel Felt it, the energy of the very chains that bound her.

She stood up, anger filled her heart.

Her daughter wish, who gave her own life, just so that her child would not be burdened by the curse.

She roused her mana and prepared to give it her all to remove that curse from her young grandson.

She would be a sorry excuse of a mother, to ignore her daughter's wish

And an even sorrier excuse of a grandmother, if she let her grandson suffer.

Even if the burden of these chains increased on her, she didn't give a d.a.m.n.

She stood higher and higher, as the chains around her restricted her even more.

They tightened more and more.

And then she roared.

A roar that was felt by all the 'powerful beings' around the universe.

An Ancient, A Primordial Dragons Roar.

The roar of a Dragon that had been there since the age of the first Dragon.

Ariel, the Primordial Dragon of Deaths Roar.

Big Mama's Roar.

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The Villain's Story Chapter [143]The Power Of Love. summary

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