The Villain's Story Chapter [175]On The Way, To Death.

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Chapter [175]On The Way, To Death.


I trusted my spear in the same manner continuously.

I was getting better, closer to grasping 'it.'

My form and my technique were getting better.


Suddenly, I fell to the ground and I lost my footing.


Apparently, even in the future, s.h.i.+ps still rock.

Especially on this behemoth Cruise s.h.i.+p that the top 50 s.h.i.+eld students were traveling on.

And the deck didn't provide any stability at all for me.

Am I just too used to the ground?

"That's the 5th time you fell."

I heard Sabrina's voice behind me, and I refused to look at her.

"You were counting?"

"Yes, im bored."

Currently, im the only student on this cruise that still has proper clothes on.

I don't want everyone to see the art museum that is my body.

Everyone else? In swimsuits.

And G.o.d forbid something will rise if I look at someone with A rank charm nearly naked.

And what would be rising wouldn't be the s.h.i.+eld Hero.

"You are a training maniac."


I picked up my spear and continued thrusting.

"You should have fun you know."


"Want a Drink?"


This woman is intentionally trying to draw my attention.

And I don't know why.



I took a deep breath and then continued to train again.

"You sure don't rest."


"Aren't you hot...oh yeah right, ice awakened are resistant to heat."


Do you know what's even more annoying than her currently?

It's the fact that she is sitting down and sunbathing while saying all of this.

She isn't even looking at me.

The fact that this woman is intentionally annoying me, is out of character for her and is seemingly enjoying it.

Very much.

Just let me train in peace!

"Hey, this is serious this time, but don't you think you should give your body some time to rest?"

Her sudden question paused my training, and I smirked back and said to her.

"Why? Worried?"

But the G.o.ds have given that woman much more cunning than me.

It's nearly impossible to make her fl.u.s.tered.

"Yes, what use is a tired bodyguard?"


And I finally gave up and looked in her general direction.

I regretted my decision soon enough.

Seeing her in a black swimsuit was pleasant for the eyes, no it was angelic.

But d.a.m.n it I can't control the rising hero.


And the laugh from her thankfully awakened me and the dragon went to sleep.


I sighed in relief and then continued to train in peace.

It seems she had accomplished whatever demonic objective she had, so now I was left alone to train.

But unfortunately, my luck is zero, literally.

The other protagonists had approached wherever we were.

'...why doesn't this s.h.i.+p have a personal training room?'

I lamented in my mind.

"Well, look at the weirdo who forgot his swimsuit."

Serena commented, and I rebuked whilst looking straight at her.

The only one I don't have resistance to is Sabrina, this b.i.t.c.h is a pig when compared to her.

"Look who forgot her dignity."

"Why do you two always have to fight whenever you meet?"

Elijah b.u.t.ted in, dressed in nothing but shorts and having his upper body and legs exposed.

d.a.m.n, nice muscles.

In contrast to him, Henry looked quite bland, he didn't have abs but his body wasn't anything to laugh at.

"It's a phenomenon of Nature, These two fighting."

He said, and I wholeheartedly agreed.

I and Serena are like Fire and Water.

Or rather Ice and Magma.

Elijah approached me and looked at me weirdly.

"But still, full clothing in this heat?

Are you okay? Or rather are you embarra.s.sed because of me?"

In the end, his tone changed, into a joking one.




I silently lifted my hoodie to reveal my abdomen, and showed him my 8-pack, which shut him up instantly as he looked at his 6-pack abs.

I am fit, I just don't want people to think im a gangster because of the marks on my body.

My reputation is already s.h.i.+t, why make it even s.h.i.+ttier?

"Oh come on, let's have some fun!"

Elaine said and dragged Serena toward where Sabrina was, and they started to do their own thing.

Meanwhile, I was left with the two idiots.

I need an excuse to leave.

'...they don't even know that we're heading towards death.'

Although I don't think we should worry that much, only a few Barons appeared originally with other lower-ranking demons in the attack.

It was a cla.s.sic cliche, in which the enemies aren't too overpowered for the protagonists to deal with.

They were manageable...only for the protagonists.

The rest of the students suffered tremendously.

Even Elijah, who was going up against the Head Demon, had to activate Decimation at 100% to kill him.

'I wonder if Kazikato made it to j.a.pan.'

I did send him off earlier to tour his home country, but I am worried that he'll get lost.

I did send Benson with him, but hey, who knows what Kazikato can do?

He could have fallen asleep on the road for all I could know.

He really could.

Elijah and Henry had gone away and were swimming in the pool, whilst I was the only one left, to train.

I quite liked this.

'Sabrina, Alex, and Lucas should be my priorities. I don't care about the rest of the students.'

Frankly, I don't give a d.a.m.n if the rest of the students die

The only priorities are Sabrina, who I am the bodyguard.

Alex and Lucas...and maybe Olivia, are alps safety targets.

I'm planning on getting them all in Predator, and I want them on my team, which is why I want them to stay alive.

I want all three of them on my team.

Lucas and Olivia, who had partic.i.p.ated in this event doesn't die the previous times, so I can be less worried about them.

The main problem is Alex, who didn't partic.i.p.ate in this event at all.

His life is the one that worries me the most.

Lucas and Olivia should survive, and Sabrina should definitely survive.

These 4 all need to survive.

And I will ensure their safety.

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The Villain's Story Chapter [175]On The Way, To Death. summary

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