The Villain's Story Chapter [202] And It Begins.

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Chapter [202] And It Begins.

The car ride was silent, Benson just kept glancing at Alan a few times who was ma.s.saging his head.

Alan's eyes seemed tired, and his breathing was irregular.

He kept on rubbing his forehead, and finally, Benson asked Alan.

"Are you alright Boss?"

Alan stopped ma.s.saging his head and answered as he relaxed on the seat.

"My head just hurts."

"Do you need medicine?"

Benson asked, worried for Alan however Alan denied it.

"It's ok, I just need some rest."

Benson remained quiet after that, he wanted to inquire more, whether Alan was alright or not. He didn't look alright, and Benson thought it was because of what happened.

Reports did say that Alan was the one injured the most after all, and he also took the longest time to wake up.

Oliver Olsfer and Vanessa Greenfield themselves had to tend to him, that alone spoke of the magnitude of his injuries.

And even now he didn't seem okay, although Benson just chalked that up to the first time surviving a deadly situation.

They reached the Guild Office, the Headquarters of twilight located in Astolk city, and entered.

Alan immediately went over to his Team room, the Predator team room, and lay on the sofa.

He wanted to sleep so badly, his head was in severe pain. But then the rest of Predator entered the room.

Kazikato, Alice, and Maxwell entered.

They remained silent as they looked at Alan lying on the sofa, but Maxwell woke him up.

"Wake up, we need to talk."

Maxwell said, But Alan didn't budge and still had his eyes closed until Maxwell kicked him in the a.s.s.

"Fine! What is it?"

Alan asked, annoyed.

"What do you think? We have work to do?"

"What kind of work?"

"Equipment manufacturing, I ran out of stock because of you being lazy as a supplier."

"I wasn't lazy!"

"Don't care."


...Alan Sighed as he looked at Maxwell, wanting to punch him but thinking against it because he was tired.

"I was kidding, I know what happened, but we need to go back into business quickly."

Maxwell said, but then Alan asked him.

"How many have we even sold anyways?"

"About 19."

Alan stood up as he questioned Maxwell while confused.

"What? But I am sure I made at least 40?"

"Most of them were given to high-ranking members of the guild for their contribution, I know it's s.h.i.+t, I could have made so much money."

Maxwell grumbled before he sat down on the sofa.

"Do you only care about money?"

Alan said, looking at Maxwell with disappointment.

"Yes, and revenge."


Alan sighed at Maxwell's response.

"Here, I made sandwiches."

Alice suddenly said as she handed, Alan, a sandwich, however, something extremely shocking happened.

"Sorry, I'm not that hungry."

Maxwell and Kazikato nearly fell, they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

Alan Peccator rejected food?!


"What the h.e.l.l happened to you guys?"

Alan said as he lay down on th sofa again, closing his eyes.

"...holy s.h.i.+t boss."

Kazikato said.

"You rejected Alice's food."

Kazikato was in utter disbelief, however, he quickly grabbed the Sandwich from Alice's hands and devoured it whole before continuing. Alice, who just had the sandwich stolen, sighed before asking Alan.

"You want anything else? A cup of coffee maybe?"

She asked, trying her best to cheer Alan up through food.

That was her only specialty after all.

"I guess I'll have that at least."

Alan answered, and got up from the sofa.

As everyone wondered what he was about to do, He suddenly went behind Kazikato and put him in an elbow lock.

"I trusted you!"

Kazikato, surprised by the sudden attack, pleaded for mercy.

"Wait! Listen to me, first boss!"

Kazikato struggled as he tried to get out of the lock but Alan was way too strong. He could only struggle meaninglessly as his efforts proved to be futile.

Alice and Maxwell chuckled at this and Watched the brawl going on.

But then suddenly, someone else entered the room.

They all stopped and gazed at the intruder, who was Benson.

"Im sorry to interrupt, but The Board of Elders has called for Predator."

The team stood still at the Revelation and Maxwell questioned Benson.

"What business do they have with us? I already filled the month's quota already."

"It has nothing to do with the Spatial Business, Sir Maxwell, but rather something to do with an important mission that they want to a.s.sign to Predator."

Maxwell, hearing Benson, argued.

"Important mission? It hasn't even been a day since our leader woke up after having suffered serious injuries, and they want to a.s.sign an important mission to us. Do they not care about our Leader's well-being?"

Maxwell said, and Alan looked at him with his mouth wide open.

'As if you cared you money-obsessed jerk!'

Alan thought, cursing Maxwell in his mind.

But even he too thought that it was quite ridiculous. Alan just returned from s.h.i.+eld and Twilight wanted to make him go on a mission?

"Please just come with me, I myself am not authorized to know a lot about the board's decisions."

Benson said, almost seeming apologetic.

"Let's go, they should have a good reason to call all of us."

Alice said, and the team agreed, they should listen to what it was first.


"It's a remote city which does not have the influence of any major guilds, the only guild there is a low ranking guild which only has a B rank guildmaster. The said guild has also been conducting some very suspicious activities, stealing from citizens and claiming it to be protection fees, And has also been rumored to have been involved in human trafficking.

The name of the city is Aror, and we want to establish a guild base in it. You will be provided with whatever you need, and you have approximately three months to accomplish the task. We will give appropriate funds and manpower, And we also want you to increase the Twilight guild's influence in the city, so that Neither Behemoth nor t.i.tan can interfere later on.

Buy multiple dungeons, and also...because the guild involved already has a bad reputation...we allow you to use any means necessary to make the twilight guild prosper."

Richard, the guildmaster of twilight said to Predator teams members, and whilst Kazikato and Alice remained quiet, Maxwell asked.

"Why are we being picked? There are many better teams much better suited for this type of task, Predator's specialties lie in Dungeon diving and Business, not expanding."

Richard, listening to Maxwell, Said whilst he repeatedly turned his eyes to Alan, who had his head down in deep thought.

"We want you to be more resourceful and have experience in multiple fields"

MAxwell, seeing Richard repeatedly turn his eyes to Alan, understood that it was a signal and shut up.

'It's got something to do with the Alan...then in that case.'

Maxwell thought, before saying.

"We only need funds, not manpower, and give me a separate file about the guild that controls the town, talk to our Leader for the rest."

Maxwell said, and looked at Alan who was still deep in thought. Everyone in the room turned to face Alan and waited for his answer.

"We'll do it."

Alan said, and Predator accepted the mission.

But Alan had one thought in his mind. This cannot be a coincidence.

Aror town is...Ara.n.u.s and Elijah's hometown, the birthplace of these two.

And they are sending me there out of all places?

Something is weird.

That town...was not a normal town for many reasons.

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The Villain's Story Chapter [202] And It Begins. summary

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