The Villain's Story Chapter [247] The Golden Brawler.

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Chapter [247] The Golden Brawler.

"In the right corner, we have the one and only, the super boxer... RED FIST!"


The crowd cheered as the scantily dressed woman announced the fighter in the right corner of the ring.

A man with a well-built physique was now showing off with a few jabs to entertain the audience. He wore a red bandana and red wrist wraps.

And there was currently a huge smile on his face.

"And in the left corner, We have a new challenger! A demihuman with the tail of a fox, and ears as well. Do not be fooled by his childlike appearance...maybe his demihuman side may emerge! He's known as...the Golden Brawler!"

But unfortunately, the presence of Edward was not welcomed kindly.

"A kid!?"

"f.u.c.k! I better on the guy because of his name! Why is he a Kid?!"

The crowd booed, dismissing Edward's very existence. Edward looked at the Humans with a desolate gaze.

They thought he would lose, they thought it was foolish for him to fight because he was a kid.

...Arent they foolish?

Arent they despicable?

Are they, not the ones devoid of the term 'humanity' even though they are Humans?

Edward wondered as he stared at the crowd.

"What you looking at us for, Brat?!"

"f.u.c.k Off and go back to sucking your mother's t.i.ts!"

Mother? Was there such an existence in his life?

All he knew, was that it was only Emma and Him.

How Ironic...isn't it?

Edward witnessed the most despicable acts, the most downright inhumane acts committed by these humans, who seemed so proud of their humanity, they boasted of it...yet he had seen more 'Demihumans' who had humanity than these Humans. He lived in this city for a while, These humans are pathetic.

They have no sense of loyalty, no sense of grat.i.tude, they run at the slightest touch. They flee and leave their comrades behind. So he wondered.

What is Humanity?

"Let's get ready folks! BEGIN THE FIGHT!"

What is humanity? What is kindness? What is grat.i.tude? What is Compa.s.sion? Empathy?

He had never seen these humans do those things even though they boasted about them.

So what are these values they pride themselves on?

"I'm gonna crush you, kid!"

"Kill him!"

Is it, not savagery? Is it not Barbaric?

They claim to be modern, to be chivalrous, to be gentlemen, they claim to be kind, they claim to be nice!

But where is all that now? When their beloved city has been ruined? They still commit these heinous acts and act all goodie two shoes.

What f.u.c.king Hypocrisy?

"Get him already! Why are you missing!"

"Stand Still kid!"


Edward, after seeing the savagery of these humans, wondered...Why?

Why do you do all of this? What is the reason for this discrimination?


What have I done wrong?

"AH f.u.c.k! YOU b.i.t.c.h! I'll rip your nails out!"

Was my birth a mistake? Was the birth of me and Emma a mistake? What's wrong, what sin did we commit other than that for survival?

What was the purpose? What was the reason for your hatred? For your savagery towards us?

"Red fist, What are you doing!"

"His claws are fast, his feet are nimble like those of a fox, he claws at his opponent and stares at them with the ferocity of a wild Beast!"

"I'll punch your teeth out!"

In the end, he came to a conclusion.

You all f.u.c.king despicable.

If you refuse to show me compa.s.sion, empathy, kindness, humility, sympathy, and A warm heart...then what rule says I have to as well? I have no reason to...Do I?

But Emma does not deserve this.


If you show me Savagery, If you are barbaric to me.

I will respond the same.

"He claws the eyes of his opponent, and digs them up to his brain!"

I will be the one, I will fulfill the role that the ones called Parent are supposed to.

I will be the provider.



"He rips the throats of his opponents!"

I will be the s.h.i.+eld, that protects my sister from you all.

I will protect her from all of you...from your hate...

From your evil, from your hypocrisy.

I will not...not even over my dead body.

"His opponent has long since died, yet he mutilates his corpse! Are you not entertained?!"

I will s.h.i.+eld her...I will be the one to bear it...

I will not let her see your evil...I will bear it.

I will be the protect her.

You...will not corrupt her as you have done to me.


I will show you savagery, I will show you barbarians a sight you have yet to see. I will show what it is like to be barbaric. What it is like to be savage. Not bound by a fake persona, by a fake term. By a fake code.

I will show you...the ferocity of a beast who has everything to lose...Who has only his sister...his everything. Her innocence, her my everything.



Edward walked alone, somewhat injured in an alley, on his shoulders a bag filled to the brim with money.

His feet were injured, his fingers were bleeding, and his eyes were cold.

Savage world...this is.

Multiple people ambushed him as he returned to his home after he won.

He found it hilarious, they could not take him alone, and they could not defeat a kid one-on-one so they ganged up on him.

A very cowardly, very humanlike tactic. Something...that he knew would happen.

After all....what else could these weaklings do?

How f.u.c.king hilarious...isn't it?

Yet he still did not was as if laughter was foreign to him.

Edward counted the money in the bag, making sure everything was there.

'They value this...paper?'

He thought in his mind, their entire world is based upon this...a foreign and hard-to-understand concept to him because of his lack of education.

Their entire society, their entire system of power and authority....and this piece of paper control odd.

No matter...I don't care...

As long as it provides for is good.

Edward looked at the humans who had ambushed him with a cold gaze.

Or would it be more appropriate to call them corpses now?

How many had attacked him? 10? 12?

He didn't know.

All he knew was that he filled the alley with their blood and flesh.

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The Villain's Story Chapter [247] The Golden Brawler. summary

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