The Villain's Story Chapter {70}Sword Saint[4]

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Chapter {70}Sword Saint[4]

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A blue portal opened up in a luxurious room.

Alan Peccator stepped out of the portal and entered his room in s.h.i.+eld.

After He stepped out of the portal, He immediately went over to the humongous couch and slouched down on it.

The Blue Portal disappeared And Alan Rubbed his tired eyes.

He was about to fall asleep when he abruptly checked his phone to see the time.

[12:34 AM]

'...half an hour past midnight huh.'

I thought It would be incorrect to say I was not tired at all.

I was exhausted. Yet I still got up.

Even if I was exhausted I wasn't missing the chance to potentially meet the sword saint.

I would feel like s.h.i.+t if the one day I decided to take a break was the same day when the Sword Saint appeared.

So, Dragging my tired body, I opened up a portal to the training center and stepped inside.

The moment I stepped outside of my portal and into the training center, I felt tremendous pressure upon me.


With a nonsensical grunt, My knees buckled under this enormous pressure and I struggled to even lift my head.

With great effort, I managed to raise my head and see who the f.u.c.k was releasing this amount of pressure.

And my guess proved to be correct, The one releasing this amount of pressure was an old man that was just standing still while two swords hacked at him.

The eyes of this old man for a split second glance at me before returning To look at Alex, the one swinging those two swords.

What do I feel from that glance?

Fear.Pure and utter fear that I had never felt. I felt like an ant in front of a Behemoth.




In a panic, I equipped my [Armor of Bewitchment] and [Spear of Frost] from my inventory to give myself a slight feeling of security against this monster but it was all for naught.

For the fear I felt had not been removed even the tiniest bit.

The Sword Saint didn't even have the slightest bit of attention on me...yet I could feel him watching my every move


This feeling subsided after a few minutes when Alex got tired and collapsed to the ground on his a.r.s.e.

The moment the feeling disappeared. The moment the Overwhelming pressure disappeared.

I took a javelin throwing stance and threw my spear directly at the Sword Saints Head.

Was it out of instinct? Or was it out of fear? Or was it the fact that since my first was a bound weapon I could call it to myself at any point in time?

I did not know, But I sure as h.e.l.l knew one thing.

It was to never get close to that old monster.


[Alexanders POV]

"My, Now that would have hurt me if I hadn't been careful you know."

The Sword saint, who had caught the spear the first rank threw with just his two fingers spoke while standing in front of me.

I closely scrutinized the beautifully built snow-white spear that was caught between two fingers of the Sword Saint.


The spear started to vibrate and suddenly, as if being pulled by an invisible force, Freed itself from the Sword Saints Finger grip and flew at an incredible speed back to The First rank.

"Oho, So that was why you were stupid enough to throw your weapon at me. It was a rare bound weapon."

The curious and excited voice of the Sword Saint resounded out.

'A bound weapon?!'

I said out loud in my mind with shock.

A f.u.c.king bound weapon? Weren't those things so incredibly rare that not even five hundred of them were in humanity's possession?

How the f.u.c.k was the first rank in possession of a treasure easily worth hundreds of millions?!

Bound weapons weren't something that common.

Like the name itself suggested, The weapon was bound to one user until their death. And could only be given to others only if the owner trusted the other individual truly and allowed them to touch their bound weapon.

They couldn't be traded for this purpose as well, Because they would truly serve only one master.

But that didn't mean they were disadvantageous, Bound weapons possessed strength far surpa.s.sing what their rank states.

Their Durability, Abilities, and specs were much better than other normal weapons of the same rank.

If a bound weapon was stated to be C rank, Then it would probably exert strength on the level of a rank or two above it.

This was why they were rare.

If you managed to get your hands on an S-Rank bound weapon, It was you getting yourself an SS rank weapon instead.

This was why they were coveted so much by the major powers of the world.

And they also could only be bound to the person they accepted as their master.

As if they had an Ego within themselves. They would only submit to the one person that they deemed worthy.

Although lower ranked Bound weapons Egos couldn't speak or express itself much, the difference was like Heaven and Earth at the higher ranks.

They could speak directly into the minds of the user, And could also fight themselves to an extent!

So, why and how the f.u.c.k was the first rank in possession of one?

Did His guild give it to him? Or did he acquire it by his strength and become its owner???

But before I could come to a conclusion, the voice of the sword saint rang out once more.

"Come, I'll limit myself to your rank oh dear spatial awakened."

And yet, the first rank did not move, he just closely scrutinized the Sword Saint with piercing eyes.

As if he trying to find an opening to attack.

Yet no matter how much he did, his eyes still wavered with uncertainty. As if he truly could not find an opening to attack.

"Sigh...younguns these days have no guts."

And with that, The sword Saint Disappeared from in front of me and appeared right in front of The Rank first.

Yet, The First rank repeated whatever the sword saint accomplished and appeared far away from him.

If the sword Saint left a blur when he moved from his position, the first rank's entire body disappeared before appearing in another position altogether.

'what kind of skill is that?'

I thought before hearing the Sword Saint bellow with an excited and elated voice.

"Haha! Show me more! Show me the wonders about spatial magic being utilized by a human mind!"

And with that, The sword saints figure became a blur that chased the constantly disappearing and Reappearing body of the First Rank, who I thought was running away from the Sword Saint with panic visible on his face during the few moments I saw his face when he magically appeared in a specific location again.

But...could I blame him for trying to dodge or evade the Sword Saint?

f.u.c.k no! I would probably do the same thing if I hadn't been controlled by that weird pressure.

But I still wondered.

'Is this a spar or a game of cat and mouse?!'

But this seemingly endless chase ended after a while.

Because, when The first rank had done that weird trick again, the sword saint was right in front of him, as if he had figured out how the trick worked.

And what followed after was the sound of a nose being crushed as the Sword Saint landed a devastating blow on the First rank face.

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The Villain's Story Chapter {70}Sword Saint[4] summary

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