Haste and Waste; Or, the Young Pilot of Lake Champlain Part 23

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The bateau ran up to the steamer, and Ben made her fast at the forward gangway. Mr. Sherwood still cheered, and the ladies continued to wave their handkerchiefs.

"Won't you come on board?" said Lawry to the party.

"I shall, for one," replied Mr. Sherwood.

"I'm afraid of her," added Miss f.a.n.n.y.

"There is nothing to fear, ladies. She is safe, and we are running her very slowly," continued the young pilot.

"Lawry knows where the rocks are," said Mrs. Wilford, "and I'll warrant you there is no danger."

With some misgivings, the ladies, who had suffered by the catastrophe when the _Woodville_ was wrecked, permitted themselves to be handed to the deck of the steamer.

"I congratulate you on your success, Lawry," said Mr. Sherwood, as he stepped on board after the ladies. "You have worked bravely, and succeeded n.o.bly;" and he grasped the hand of the pilot.

"Thank you, sir. I knew I could raise her, if I had fair play. I don't know but you are sick of your bargain, sir, in giving her to me."

"By no means, Captain Lawry," replied the rich man, laughing. "If the ladies succeed in overcoming their terror of steamboats, I suppose I can charter the boat for our party when we wish to use her."

"She's at your service always, sir," replied Lawry.

"Oh, I shall take her on the same terms that others do. When I use her, I shall pay you."

"That wouldn't be fair, sir. I couldn't take any money from you for the use of her," added Lawry, blus.h.i.+ng.

"We will not talk about that now. When she is in condition for use, we will consider these questions. How did you find her this morning?"

asked Mr. Sherwood, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

"We found the water all pumped out of her; and we didn't know what to make of it," answered Lawry.

All the visitors burst out laughing, and heartily enjoyed the astonishment and confusion of the young pilot.

"I don't understand it," exclaimed Lawry.

"The fairies, knowing what a good boy you are, Lawry, must have pumped her out for you," said Miss f.a.n.n.y.

"Perhaps they did."

Mr. Sherwood then explained what he had done the preceding night, and the reason why he had done it. Ben Wilford, after fastening the ferry-boat at the stern of the steamer, had come on deck, and listened to the explanation. He saw in what manner his malice had been defeated, and he looked very much dissatisfied with himself and everybody on board.

"You were very kind, Mr. Sherwood, to take so much trouble upon yourself," said Lawry.

"It was no trouble at all; it was a great pleasure to me. But I don't understand how the steamer happened to be on the other side of the lake."

"I supposed the persons who bailed her out set her adrift. The casks were all knocked out from under the guards, and they are scattered all along the sh.o.r.e."

"Before my men left her last night, I went all over the boat to satisfy myself that everything was right. I examined the cables very carefully, and I am sure they were well stoppered at twelve o'clock, when we went on sh.o.r.e."

"I fastened the cable myself, and I don't think she could have broken loose herself."

Ben Wilford listened in sullen silence to this conversation, and his mother could hardly keep from crying as she thought of the guilt of her oldest son. She was not willing to tell Lawry what his brother had done, fearful that his indignation would produce a quarrel where brotherly love should prevail. She believed that Ben had attempted, while under the influence of liquor, to sink the _Woodville_, and that he would not do such a thing in his sober senses.

Neither Lawry nor Mr. Sherwood could explain in what manner the steamer had broken from her moorings and the oil-casks been removed from their fastenings; so they were obliged to drop the matter, congratulating themselves upon the present safety of the boat.

"We will go ash.o.r.e with you, Captain Lawry, when you are ready,"

said Mr. Sherwood, after the question had been disposed of in this unsatisfactory manner.

"Captain Lawry!" sneered Ben.

"Certainly; he is the captain of the steamer--isn't he?" laughed Mr.


"It sounds big for a boy," growled Ben.

"He will make a good captain."

Ben turned and walked away, disgusted with the idea.

"I'm ready, sir," said Lawry.

"Where are you bound next, Captain Lawry?" asked Mr. Sherwood.

"I'm going to fish up the anchors we lost, and then to pick up the oil-casks," replied Lawry.

"Where do you intend to keep your steamer?"

"I hadn't thought of that, sir."

"You will need a wharf."

"We need one; but I think we shall have to get along without one."

"Where would be a good place to have one?"

"The deepest water is just below the ferry-landing. We could get depth enough for this boat by running a pier out about forty feet.

Ethan and I can build some kind of a wharf, when we have time."

Mr. Sherwood said no more about the matter, and Ben landed the visitors in the ferry-boat. The _Woodville_ then ran down to the Goblins, and towed the raft out to the spot where the anchors lay. A boat grapnel was dragged over the spot, the cables hooked, and the anchors hauled up with the derrick on the raft, from which they were transferred to the steamer.

Having obtained these necessary appendages of the steamer, they returned to the landing for the ferry-boat, in which they intended to load the oil-casks, and convey them to Pointville. Ben was at the landing when she arrived, and without any invitation, stepped on board the ferry-boat, and thence to the steamer.

"Don't you want some help, Lawry?" asked Ben.

"Yes; we should be glad of all the help we can get," replied Lawry pleasantly.

"Well, I'll help you."

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Haste and Waste; Or, the Young Pilot of Lake Champlain Part 23 summary

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