Haste and Waste; Or, the Young Pilot of Lake Champlain Part 24

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"We have a good deal of hard work to do to-day," added the pilot. "I would like to get the boat on the ways at Port Henry to-night."

"That can be done easy enough."

Ben Wilford seemed now to have adopted a conciliatory policy, but it was evidently done for a purpose. When the _Woodville_ reached the Goblins, he worked with good will in loading the ferry-boat, which was towed over to Pointville, and her cargo discharged. The casks, which had drifted over to the eastern sh.o.r.e of the lake, were then picked up, and landed at the same place. The man who had carted them down to the sh.o.r.e was engaged to convey them back to the barn of the oil speculator. It was noon by the time this work was all accomplished; and the _Woodville_ again crossed the lake, and came to anchor in the deep water above the ferry-landing, as close to the sh.o.r.e as it was prudent for her to lie. Ethan banked his fires, and the boys went on sh.o.r.e to dinner, one at a time; for after the experience of the preceding night they would not leave the steamer alone for a single moment.

After dinner, Mr. Sherwood, who appeared to be as much interested in the little steamer as though she had not changed her owners.h.i.+p, came on board again, accompanied by the ladies. It had before been decided that the carpets should be taken up, the muslin curtains removed, and such portions of the furniture and utensils as had been injured by the water should be conveyed on sh.o.r.e to be cleaned, and put in proper order for use. In this labor Mr. Sherwood's party and Mrs.

Wilford a.s.sisted, and by the middle of the afternoon everything had been removed. Ben Wilford aided very zealously, and his mother hopefully concluded that he was sorry for what he intended to do, and wished to remove any suspicion of evil intentions on his part.

The _Woodville_ was now going down to Port Henry, where the repairs on her hull were to be made, and the pilot and engineer were to remain on board. Ben promised faithfully to run the ferry during Lawry's absence; and, cheered by the party on the sh.o.r.e, the _Woodville_ departed for her destination. She ran at half speed, but reached the port before sunset. The next morning she went on the ways, and her repairs commenced. During that time Ethan was constantly employed on the engine, and when the steamer was restored to her native element there was not a suspicion of rust on the machinery.

Lawry was also as busy as a bee all the time, scrubbing the floors, cleaning the paint, and polis.h.i.+ng the bra.s.s-work. When the boat was ready to return to Port Rock, she was in condition to receive her furniture. She was launched early in the morning, and Ethan proceeded at once to get up steam. Both of the boys were in the highest state of expectancy and delight; and when Lawry struck the bell to start her, he was hardly less excited than when he had done so for the first time after the water had been pumped out of her. All the bunting was displayed at the bow and stern, and the _Woodville_ now plowed the lake at full speed. Her happy owner realized that she was good for ten miles an hour, which, for so diminutive a craft, was more than he had a right to expect.

"h.e.l.lo!" shouted Lawry to himself, as the steamer approached the ferry-landing; "what's that?"

In the deep water which the young pilot had indicated as the best place for a wharf, a pier was in process of erection. A score of bridge-builders were sawing, hammering, and chopping, and Mr.

Sherwood stood in their midst, watching their operations. The structure was not complete, but the mooring posts were set up, so that the _Woodville_ could be made fast to them. Mr. Sherwood and the workmen gave three cheers as the steamer approached.

"Run her up here, Lawry!" shouted his wealthy friend. "Aye, aye, sir."

"You have taken this job out of my hands, sir," said Lawry, as he glanced at the wharf.

"Yes; I thought I could do it better than you could, as your time will be fully occupied."

"I think I should have found time enough to do what I intended; but of course I couldn't have built any such wharf as this."

"It is none too good."

"But I ought to pay for it out of the money I may earn with the boat."

"Never mind that, Lawry," added Mr. Sherwood.

The young captain explained what had been done during his absence, and informed his interested friend that the steamer was in condition to receive her furniture.

"Shall you have her ready for a trip by to-morrow?" asked Mr.


"Yes, sir."

"Because I have taken the liberty to engage her, in your name, for several parties."

"You are very kind, sir," replied Lawry.

"Have you fixed upon any price for her?"

"Ethan and I were talking over the matter. We shall need some help on board, and that will cost money. Coal is pretty high up here on the lake."

"Well, how much did you intend to charge for her by the day, or the hour?"

"We thought about three dollars an hour," replied Lawry, with much diffidence.

"Three dollars an hour! You are too modest by half," laughed Mr.

Sherwood. "Make it five, at least. I told the parties I engaged for you that the price would not be less than fifty dollars a day."

"I'm afraid I shall make money too fast at that rate," added Lawry.

"No, you won't. It will cost a great deal of money to run the boat.

What do you pay your engineer?"

"I don't know, sir; we have made no bargain yet."

"If Ethan does a man's work, you must pay him a man's wages. I suppose he wants to make his fortune."

"What do you think he ought to have?" asked Lawry.

"Three dollars a day," replied Mr. Sherwood promptly. "I dare say Ethan would not charge you half so much; but that is about the wages of a man for running an engine in these times."

"I am satisfied, if that is fair wages; though it is a great deal more than I ever made."

"Engineers get high wages. Then you want a fireman."

"I can get a boy, who will answer very well for a fireman."

"I think not, Lawry. You need a man of experience and judgment. He can save his wages for you in coal. The man whom I employed as a fireman is just the person, and he is at the village now."

"What must I pay him, sir?"

"Two dollars a day. Then your parties will want some dinner on board, and you will need a cook, and two stewards. A woman to do the cooking, and two girls to tend the table, will answer your purpose.

You can obtain the three for about seven dollars a week; but your pa.s.sengers must pay extra for their meals, and you need not charge the expenses of the steward's department to the boat."

"If you expect to succeed, Lawry, you must do your work well. Your boat must be safe and comfortable, and your dinners nice and well served. You will want two deck-hands. Your expenses, including coal, oil for machinery, and hands, will be about twenty dollars a day. If you add repairs, of which steamboats are continually in need, you will run it up to twenty-five dollars a day."

"That will leave me a profit of twenty-five dollars a day," added Lawry, delighted at the thought.

"If you are employed every day, it will; but you cannot expect to do anything with parties for more than two months in the year."

"I can get some towing to do; and I may make something with pa.s.sengers."

"Parties will pay best in July and August, and perhaps part of September; but you must be wide-awake."

"I intend to be."

"I advise you to get up a handbill of your steamer, announcing that she is to be let to parties by the day, at all the large ports on the lake. There are plenty of wealthy people, spending the summer in this vicinity, who would be glad to engage her, even for a week at once."

"Will you write me a handbill, Mr. Sherwood?"

"Yes, and get it printed."

"Thank you, sir."

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Haste and Waste; Or, the Young Pilot of Lake Champlain Part 24 summary

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