Reflections Of A Man Part 10

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Now, take a step back and ask yourself what role, if any, your actions or inactions may have played in causing the above relations.h.i.+p to fail.

Finally, write down how you are going to change those things so that your current or future relations.h.i.+ps have a better chance of succeeding and they dont end with the same results as your past relations.h.i.+ps.







She wants to give in to you; mind, body, and soul. All she needs from you is the a.s.surance that you wont make her regret it in the end.

How Can You Blame Her?

Shes been lied to, cheated on and had her heart broken by a man shed given years of her life to. He stepped on her love, violated her trust and disrespected her. After all that, who can blame her for questioning the intentions of a man she just met?

Too often, we as men complain about how women bring the results of a past broken heart into their new relations.h.i.+ps. My question is, who can blame her?

I believe, as a whole, too many of us look at the problem from the wrong perspective. We spend all our time complaining about the results and ignore the fact that our actions, as men, are largely responsible for creating the results in the first place. Remember, its cause first and then effect, not the other way around. If we want women to change then we have to give them a better past experience to pull from; we have to stop acting like none of this is our fault, accept responsibility for it and change it.

Shes Looking For Your Patience And Understanding She doesnt blame you. Shes looking for you to change her whole experience and give her a reason to love one more time.

Shes a good woman who has had her heart broken over and over by the men shes loved in the past. She has a right to be frustrated and upset. Dont minimize her pain. When you do, she feels even more frustrated that you dont understand all that shes been through and how she feels. Remember, shes not looking for your sympathy, shes looking for your patience and understanding.

She Needs A Man Who Is Not Afraid She needs a man who is not afraid to give himself completely to her without fear of consequence and without pause.

A man not afraid to allow himself to become emotionally vulnerable in order to make that deep connection she so needs.

A love connection so deep that it sits at the very footsteps of her soul.

Now, Im not talking about an ordinary love,

Im talking about that next level type of love;

That type of love that only fairytale books speak of.

Thats what she wantsthats what she needs.

More Than Just Her Man She needs you to be more than just her man.

She needs you to be her best friend and her confidant;

for you to be her voice of reason, when she needs advice,

and her soundboard when she needs to vent.

At the end of the day, she needs you to be the one person

who, no matter how terrible the storm,

she can always count on to protect her from the rain.

She needs all of this to be consistent,

something she can count on to never change.

Thats what she wantsthats what she needs.

Defend Her Honor A woman wants a man that she knows will step up to defend her honor, regardless of the consequences, whether shes there or not to defend herself.

She Needs A Strong Man A strong woman doesnt need a man to take care of her. What she needs is a man secure enough to understand that and not be intimidated by it.

Value Her Opinion She wants a man who respects and values her opinion; a man she feels comfortable enough to be able to disagree with without the fear of it always turning into a full-blown argument.

Talk About Anything And Everything She wants a man she can talk to about anything and everything because she feels just that comfortable with him.

She Wants Your Attention She wants the attention from you, her man, not a stranger; a simple compliment from you, at the right time, could change her whole day.

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Reflections Of A Man Part 10 summary

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